Sunday, February 6, 2011

बारिश और खूबसूरत चाची

वक़्त इंसान से कुछ भी करवा सकता है ! इस बात का अंदाजा मुझे अभी कुछ दिनों पहले ही हुआ है !

मैं तेईस वर्षीय युवक हूँ !! अविवाहित हूँ तो शायद इसीलिए दिमाग में हमेशा एक ही चीज़ रहती है- सेक्स !!

मैं सतरह साल का था जब मेरे सबसे छोटे चाचा की शादी हुई ! मुझे शायद इस शादी से कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता अगर मेरी चाची इतनी ख़ूबसूरत और गठीली न होती ! उनके आते ही सारे परिवार में उनकी खूबसूरती के चर्चे तेजी से फैलने लगे थे !! मुझे आज भी याद है कि कैसे मैं उन्हें देखकर उनके बारे में सोचता रहता था- किस तरह मैं उनका चुम्बन करूँगा, वो बिना कपड़ों के कैसी लगेंगी, अगर मैं उनकी नंगी कमर पर हाथ रखूँगा तो वो क्या करेंगी.. वगैरा वगैरा ... इन्हीं सब ख्यालात के साथ मैं हमेशा चाची क बारे में सोचता रहता था।

इन सभी बातों को अब काफी अरसा बीत चुका है और इस दौरान चाची की ज़िन्दगी में कुछ ऐसा हो गया जो नहीं होना चाहिए था !! इतनी ख़ूबसूरत बीवी मिलने के बावजूद चाचा किसी और के चक्कर में लग गए और चाची और अपनी छोटी बेटी को छोड़कर चले गए !! यह बात कुछ महीने पहले की ही है !!

यह सब होने के बाद चाची और उनकी बेटी की ज़िम्मेदारी मेरे पापा ने उठाई और उन्हें अपने साथ रहने के लिए कहा !! चाची जी को हमारे घर का ऊपर वाला कमरा दे दिया गया !! इस दौरान कभी मेरे दिमाग में ऐसा कोई ख्याल नहीं आया कि मैं चाची के साथ ऐसा कुछ करूँ !!

लेकिन अभी कुछ दिनों पहले ही दिल्ली में बहुत तेज़ बारिश हुई !! पापा बिज़नेस के काम से बाहर गए हुए थे और माँ भी नानी के घर पर थी !! चाची की बेटी भी स्कूल में थी !! ऐसे में मैं घर पर अकेला था, न जाने क्यूँ मेरा दिल हुआ कि आज बारिश में नहाया जाए !!! मैं नहाने के छत पर पहुंचा तो देखा चाची भी बारिश के मज़े ले रही थी !! न जाने क्यूँ मेरी नज़र उनके पेट पर गई, जोकि कपड़े गीले होने बाद साफ़ नज़र आ रहा था !! शायद मेरे ख़यालात थोड़े बदल से रहे थे !!

मुझे देखते ही चाची ने अपने आपको थोडा संभाला और कहा- काफी दिनों बाद इतनी अच्छी बारिश हुई है !!

मैंने पूछा- आपको शायद बहुत अच्छा लगता है बारिश में नहाना !!

तो उन्होंने कहा- हाँ नहाना भी, बारिश में नाचना भी..

इस बात पर मैंने हंसते हुए बारिश का कुछ पानी उनके मुँह पर फैंका तो उन्होंने भी बदला लेने के लिए ऐसा ही किया.. देखते ही देखते हम दोनों एक दूसरे के साथ बारिश में ही खेलने लगे। फिर ना जाने कैसे अचानक चाची का पाँव फिसला और वो सीधी मेरे ऊपर आकर गिरी !! उन्हें गिरने से बचाने के लिए मैंने अपने दोनों हाथों से उन्हें पकड़ना चाहा तो मेरे हाथ उनकी कमर पर रुके लेकिन हम दोनों ही नीचे गिर पड़े !!

चाची मेरे ऊपर थी और मेरे हाथ उनकी कमर पर, वो लम्हा मेरी ज़िन्दगी का सबसे मुश्किल लम्हा था !! पता नहीं क्यूँ मेरे हाथों ने कमर पर से हटने की बजाय अपनी पकड़ और मज़बूत कर ली !! हम दोनों की आँखें एक दूसरे की आँखों में ही देख रहे थे और मुझे उन आँखों में कोई रुकावट नज़र नहीं आ रही थी !! शायद इसीलिए मैंने उनकी नंगी गर्दन पर चूम लिया !!

वो थोड़ा घबराई और उठने की कोशिश करने लगी, मगर मेरी पकड़ काफी मजबूत थी, मैंने एक करवट ली और अब मैं उनके ऊपर था। यह सब कुछ खुली छत पर तेज़ बारिश में हो रहा था !!

बारिश का पानी हम दोनों के बदन को गीला कर चुका था.. लेकिन तब भी मैं उनके बदन की गर्मी को महसूस कर सकता था !! मेरी आँखें उनकी आँखों में ही देख रही थी, मेरे हाथ उनके दोनों हाथों को संभाले हुए थे, मेरे पैर उनके पैरों में लिपटे हुए थे !! हम दोनों के बदन एक दूसरे से सटे हुए थे !!

मैंने उन्हें और चूमना शुरू किया, उनकी गर्दन पर, उनके होठों पर !! अब उनका ऐतराज़ करना भी बंद हो चुका था, लेकिन वो खामोश ही थी !!

मेरे हाथों ने उनके बदन पर चलना शुरू किया, मेरा एक हाथ उनके पेट पर था और दूसरा उनकी गर्दन पर !! तभी मैंने अपने हाथ से उनकी सलवार के कमरबंद को ढीला कर दिया और उनकी सलवार को बदन से अलग कर दिया !!

उनकी केले जैसी चिकनी जांघ देखकर मैं पागल सा होने लगा था, मैंने उन्हें चूमना शुरू कर दिया और तभी मैंने चाची की पहली कराह सुनी- आआआआअह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह !!

वो अपने हाथ से मेरे सिर को पीछे धकेलने लगी.. मैंने दोनों जाँघों को हाथ में पकड़ कर कमर पर चूमना शुरू किया और धीरे धीरे उनकी कमीज़ को भी उतार दिया !!!

अब एक ऐसा नज़ारा मेरे सामने था जिसके लिए मैंने हजारों मन्नत की थी.. चाची का गोरा चिकना गठीला बदन मेरी आँखों के सामने था और वो भी उस हालत में जिसमें मैं सिर्फ सोच सकता था.. उन्होंने अपनी आँखों को बंद कर लिया !!

उन्होंने काली ब्रा और पैंटी पहनी हुई थी.. जोकि उनके गोरे बदन के ऊपर और भी खूबसूरत लग रही थी।

मैंने उनकी छाती पर हाथ फेरना शुरू किया और उनकी कड़क चूचियों को दबाने लगा.. अब शायद उन्हें आजाद करने का समय आ गया था। मैंने उनकी ब्रा का हुक खोल कर उन्हें भी आजाद कर दिया..

उनकी चूचियों को देखकर मैं मदहोश सा हो रहा था.. मैंने उन्हें चूसना शुरू किया तो चाची सिसक उठी.. उनकी सिसकियाँ अब तेज़ होती जा रही थी !! उनकी आआआआआआआआआह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह आआआअह्ह्ह्ह्ह् सुनकर मुझे एक अलग सी ताक़त मिल रही थी !!

मेरे हाथ उनके पूरे बदन पर चल रहे थे.. और तभी मैंने हाथ उनकी पैंटी के अन्दर घुसा दिया और वो जैसे पागल सी हो गई..

मेरी एक ऊँगली ने उनकी पैंटी के अन्दर हरकत शुरू कर दी थी.. उनके दोनों हाथ मेरी कमर को खरोंच रहे थे..

अब तक उन्होंने भी मुझे कपड़ों से अलग कर दिया था और मेरे बदन पर सिर्फ मेरा अंडरवियर ही बचा था !!

तभी उन्होंने अपने नाज़ुक हाथों से मेरे लण्ड को पकडा और उसे सहलाने लगी.. मैं पागल हो रहा था..

यह सभी कुछ हम बारिश में गीली छत पर ही कर रहे थे और मुझे लगा काम को आखिरी अंजाम देने के लिए हमे बेड पर जाना ही पड़ेगा..

मैंने चाची को उसी हालत में उठाया और अंदर उनके कमरे के बेड पर लिटा दिया.. वो बुरी तरह सिसक रही थी.. लेटते ही मैंने उन्हें बुरी तरह चाटना शुरू किया और एक झटके में उनकी पैंटी उतार दी.. मैंने उन्हें जोर से जकड़ लिया ..

उनकी चूचियों को मसलते हुए मैंने अपना लण्ड उनकी दरार में घुसा दिया.. वो थोड़ा सा चिल्लाई, मगर फिर अपने आपको सँभालते हुए उनके हाथों ने मेरे चूतडों को दबाना शुरू किया !!!

उनकी इस हरक़त से मुझे काफी जोश मिला और मैंने झटके लगाने और तेज़ कर दिए.. झटके लगाते लगाते वो मुझे काट रही थी, मुझे जकड़ रही थी.. सिसकियाँ ले रही थी.. मैंने भी बुरी तरह से उनकी चूचियों को मसलना शुरू कर दिया..

वो बिलकुल पागल हो चुकी थी.. बार बार अपनी गांड उचका रही थी..

मैं खड़ा हो गया और उन्हें गोदी में लेकर चोदने लगा.. वो भी उछल उछल कर मेरा पूरा साथ दे रही थी.. और लगभग पाँच मिनट बाद मेरा ज्वालामुखी फूटा और उनकी दरार ने भी पानी छोड़ दिया.. हम लोग नन्गे बदन काफी देर तक एक दूसरे के ऊपर पड़े रहे.. और चूमते रहे..

यह सिलसला आज भी जारी है..

बारिश और खूबसूरत चाची

वक़्त इंसान से कुछ भी करवा सकता है ! इस बात का अंदाजा मुझे अभी कुछ दिनों पहले ही हुआ है !

मैं तेईस वर्षीय युवक हूँ !! अविवाहित हूँ तो शायद इसीलिए दिमाग में हमेशा एक ही चीज़ रहती है- सेक्स !!

मैं सतरह साल का था जब मेरे सबसे छोटे चाचा की शादी हुई ! मुझे शायद इस शादी से कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता अगर मेरी चाची इतनी ख़ूबसूरत और गठीली न होती ! उनके आते ही सारे परिवार में उनकी खूबसूरती के चर्चे तेजी से फैलने लगे थे !! मुझे आज भी याद है कि कैसे मैं उन्हें देखकर उनके बारे में सोचता रहता था- किस तरह मैं उनका चुम्बन करूँगा, वो बिना कपड़ों के कैसी लगेंगी, अगर मैं उनकी नंगी कमर पर हाथ रखूँगा तो वो क्या करेंगी.. वगैरा वगैरा ... इन्हीं सब ख्यालात के साथ मैं हमेशा चाची क बारे में सोचता रहता था।

इन सभी बातों को अब काफी अरसा बीत चुका है और इस दौरान चाची की ज़िन्दगी में कुछ ऐसा हो गया जो नहीं होना चाहिए था !! इतनी ख़ूबसूरत बीवी मिलने के बावजूद चाचा किसी और के चक्कर में लग गए और चाची और अपनी छोटी बेटी को छोड़कर चले गए !! यह बात कुछ महीने पहले की ही है !!

यह सब होने के बाद चाची और उनकी बेटी की ज़िम्मेदारी मेरे पापा ने उठाई और उन्हें अपने साथ रहने के लिए कहा !! चाची जी को हमारे घर का ऊपर वाला कमरा दे दिया गया !! इस दौरान कभी मेरे दिमाग में ऐसा कोई ख्याल नहीं आया कि मैं चाची के साथ ऐसा कुछ करूँ !!

लेकिन अभी कुछ दिनों पहले ही दिल्ली में बहुत तेज़ बारिश हुई !! पापा बिज़नेस के काम से बाहर गए हुए थे और माँ भी नानी के घर पर थी !! चाची की बेटी भी स्कूल में थी !! ऐसे में मैं घर पर अकेला था, न जाने क्यूँ मेरा दिल हुआ कि आज बारिश में नहाया जाए !!! मैं नहाने के छत पर पहुंचा तो देखा चाची भी बारिश के मज़े ले रही थी !! न जाने क्यूँ मेरी नज़र उनके पेट पर गई, जोकि कपड़े गीले होने बाद साफ़ नज़र आ रहा था !! शायद मेरे ख़यालात थोड़े बदल से रहे थे !!

मुझे देखते ही चाची ने अपने आपको थोडा संभाला और कहा- काफी दिनों बाद इतनी अच्छी बारिश हुई है !!

मैंने पूछा- आपको शायद बहुत अच्छा लगता है बारिश में नहाना !!

तो उन्होंने कहा- हाँ नहाना भी, बारिश में नाचना भी..

इस बात पर मैंने हंसते हुए बारिश का कुछ पानी उनके मुँह पर फैंका तो उन्होंने भी बदला लेने के लिए ऐसा ही किया.. देखते ही देखते हम दोनों एक दूसरे के साथ बारिश में ही खेलने लगे। फिर ना जाने कैसे अचानक चाची का पाँव फिसला और वो सीधी मेरे ऊपर आकर गिरी !! उन्हें गिरने से बचाने के लिए मैंने अपने दोनों हाथों से उन्हें पकड़ना चाहा तो मेरे हाथ उनकी कमर पर रुके लेकिन हम दोनों ही नीचे गिर पड़े !!

चाची मेरे ऊपर थी और मेरे हाथ उनकी कमर पर, वो लम्हा मेरी ज़िन्दगी का सबसे मुश्किल लम्हा था !! पता नहीं क्यूँ मेरे हाथों ने कमर पर से हटने की बजाय अपनी पकड़ और मज़बूत कर ली !! हम दोनों की आँखें एक दूसरे की आँखों में ही देख रहे थे और मुझे उन आँखों में कोई रुकावट नज़र नहीं आ रही थी !! शायद इसीलिए मैंने उनकी नंगी गर्दन पर चूम लिया !!

वो थोड़ा घबराई और उठने की कोशिश करने लगी, मगर मेरी पकड़ काफी मजबूत थी, मैंने एक करवट ली और अब मैं उनके ऊपर था। यह सब कुछ खुली छत पर तेज़ बारिश में हो रहा था !!

बारिश का पानी हम दोनों के बदन को गीला कर चुका था.. लेकिन तब भी मैं उनके बदन की गर्मी को महसूस कर सकता था !! मेरी आँखें उनकी आँखों में ही देख रही थी, मेरे हाथ उनके दोनों हाथों को संभाले हुए थे, मेरे पैर उनके पैरों में लिपटे हुए थे !! हम दोनों के बदन एक दूसरे से सटे हुए थे !!

मैंने उन्हें और चूमना शुरू किया, उनकी गर्दन पर, उनके होठों पर !! अब उनका ऐतराज़ करना भी बंद हो चुका था, लेकिन वो खामोश ही थी !!

मेरे हाथों ने उनके बदन पर चलना शुरू किया, मेरा एक हाथ उनके पेट पर था और दूसरा उनकी गर्दन पर !! तभी मैंने अपने हाथ से उनकी सलवार के कमरबंद को ढीला कर दिया और उनकी सलवार को बदन से अलग कर दिया !!

उनकी केले जैसी चिकनी जांघ देखकर मैं पागल सा होने लगा था, मैंने उन्हें चूमना शुरू कर दिया और तभी मैंने चाची की पहली कराह सुनी- आआआआअह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह !!

वो अपने हाथ से मेरे सिर को पीछे धकेलने लगी.. मैंने दोनों जाँघों को हाथ में पकड़ कर कमर पर चूमना शुरू किया और धीरे धीरे उनकी कमीज़ को भी उतार दिया !!!

अब एक ऐसा नज़ारा मेरे सामने था जिसके लिए मैंने हजारों मन्नत की थी.. चाची का गोरा चिकना गठीला बदन मेरी आँखों के सामने था और वो भी उस हालत में जिसमें मैं सिर्फ सोच सकता था.. उन्होंने अपनी आँखों को बंद कर लिया !!

उन्होंने काली ब्रा और पैंटी पहनी हुई थी.. जोकि उनके गोरे बदन के ऊपर और भी खूबसूरत लग रही थी।

मैंने उनकी छाती पर हाथ फेरना शुरू किया और उनकी कड़क चूचियों को दबाने लगा.. अब शायद उन्हें आजाद करने का समय आ गया था। मैंने उनकी ब्रा का हुक खोल कर उन्हें भी आजाद कर दिया..

उनकी चूचियों को देखकर मैं मदहोश सा हो रहा था.. मैंने उन्हें चूसना शुरू किया तो चाची सिसक उठी.. उनकी सिसकियाँ अब तेज़ होती जा रही थी !! उनकी आआआआआआआआआह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह्ह आआआअह्ह्ह्ह्ह् सुनकर मुझे एक अलग सी ताक़त मिल रही थी !!

मेरे हाथ उनके पूरे बदन पर चल रहे थे.. और तभी मैंने हाथ उनकी पैंटी के अन्दर घुसा दिया और वो जैसे पागल सी हो गई..

मेरी एक ऊँगली ने उनकी पैंटी के अन्दर हरकत शुरू कर दी थी.. उनके दोनों हाथ मेरी कमर को खरोंच रहे थे..

अब तक उन्होंने भी मुझे कपड़ों से अलग कर दिया था और मेरे बदन पर सिर्फ मेरा अंडरवियर ही बचा था !!

तभी उन्होंने अपने नाज़ुक हाथों से मेरे लण्ड को पकडा और उसे सहलाने लगी.. मैं पागल हो रहा था..

यह सभी कुछ हम बारिश में गीली छत पर ही कर रहे थे और मुझे लगा काम को आखिरी अंजाम देने के लिए हमे बेड पर जाना ही पड़ेगा..

मैंने चाची को उसी हालत में उठाया और अंदर उनके कमरे के बेड पर लिटा दिया.. वो बुरी तरह सिसक रही थी.. लेटते ही मैंने उन्हें बुरी तरह चाटना शुरू किया और एक झटके में उनकी पैंटी उतार दी.. मैंने उन्हें जोर से जकड़ लिया ..

उनकी चूचियों को मसलते हुए मैंने अपना लण्ड उनकी दरार में घुसा दिया.. वो थोड़ा सा चिल्लाई, मगर फिर अपने आपको सँभालते हुए उनके हाथों ने मेरे चूतडों को दबाना शुरू किया !!!

उनकी इस हरक़त से मुझे काफी जोश मिला और मैंने झटके लगाने और तेज़ कर दिए.. झटके लगाते लगाते वो मुझे काट रही थी, मुझे जकड़ रही थी.. सिसकियाँ ले रही थी.. मैंने भी बुरी तरह से उनकी चूचियों को मसलना शुरू कर दिया..

वो बिलकुल पागल हो चुकी थी.. बार बार अपनी गांड उचका रही थी..

मैं खड़ा हो गया और उन्हें गोदी में लेकर चोदने लगा.. वो भी उछल उछल कर मेरा पूरा साथ दे रही थी.. और लगभग पाँच मिनट बाद मेरा ज्वालामुखी फूटा और उनकी दरार ने भी पानी छोड़ दिया.. हम लोग नन्गे बदन काफी देर तक एक दूसरे के ऊपर पड़े रहे.. और चूमते रहे..

यह सिलसला आज भी जारी है..

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Kaali Choot ka Maza

hamare ghar main chacha chachi aur chacha ki ladki yani meri bahan sonam rahte hain ma aur pitaji to hamare nana ke gaon yani make maike rahte hain kyunki mako koi bhai nahi hain isliye waha ka sara karobar pitaji hi sabhalte hain to ab main apne baare main batata hu ab main mera naam abhay hain mujhe ghar me abhi kahte hain meri sonam didi ab mere pass nahi lekin wo bahut acchi ek dum koi brazil ki ladki ki tarah kaali hain .wo ekdum kaali hain lekin uska badan ekdum bhara hua gadraya hua hain woh muhse 1 sal badi hain main use didi kahke pukarta hu woh B.A. kar rahi hani aur main 12th main hu to hum sab bahut khush rahte the didi aur main to sath main padhai karte the maine kabhi bhi didi ko gandi najar se nahi dekha . Lekin woh kabhi kabhi apne kale badan ke liye mujhe kahti ki tu kitna gora hain abhi lekin mera dekh kal blackbord tab main kahta ki didi rang se kuch pharak nahi padta apki skin kitni soft hain woh bhi to dekhiye aurmeri kitni hard hain aisa kahkar main didi ke hantho ke upar haath pher deta . Wo bhi hans ne lagti aise hi din ja rahe the tab diwali ki chuttiya thi hum dono ghar par hi hote the .aur didi thodi mayus dikhti thi mujhe yeh laga ki didi pareshan hain to main pucha ki didi kya baat hain aaj kal aap bahut hi mayus rahati hain to unhone kaha kuch nahi re.

Aur wo idhr udhr ki baate karne lagi hum dono ek hi kamre main sote the raat ko hum so masti kar so gaye karib 1ghante baad mujhe lag ki didi ro rahi hain to main sarak kar didi ke paas gaya aur uthkar kah kya hua didi batao didi boli kuch nahi tu soja tab main e kaha agar ab nahi bataya to chachi ko bataunga ki tum ro rahi ho ya phir chacha ko bat deta hu tab didi ne kah aplz abhi aisa mat karo. To phir batao tum kyun ro rahi ho tab didi ne kaha ki main kaali kaluti dikhti hu to koi meri taraf dekhta hi nahi. To main jhat se kaha main dekhta hu na roj to didi ne kaha tere dekhne se kya hoga ? Aur jara muskurai main bhi muskuraya tabhi didi ne mere mathe pe kiss kiya aur kaha chal so ja jaldi main kaha phir nahi royegi na nahi to main chachi ko bulaunga aur tabhi usne kaha nahi mere raja nahi rooongi aur mujhse lipat kar so ayi main bhi so gaya subah uthakr nahane chala gaya nahate nahate achanak mera land khada ho gaya aur usi woqt didi ki baat yaad aayi ki tere dekhne se kya hoga aaj tak main sirf ladkiyo ke boobs ki tarf dekhata tha aur niharta tha lekin aaj mujhe apni didi ke boobs najar aane lage na jane wo kya ehsaas tha tabhi mere man me aaya ki is land ke liye didi ki aas lagi hain ki koi use bhi chode tabhi mere man me ye gande khayal aaye ki kyun na main hi didi ki ichha puri kar du aur ye soch kar main muth marne laga thodi der me fresh hokar nashta karne chala aaya man me soch hi liya tha ki didi koraaji kar ke chodna hain aur nashte ki table par maine Chachi ko awaj di chchine kaha kya hain beta tabhi didi jo mere pas wali chair par baithi thi chaunk kar meri taraf dekha aur haath jodkar plz kaha tabhi chachi roti lekar table par aa gayi aur pucha kya hain bata maine kuch kahne ke liye hoth hilaye tabhi didi ne jor se pair pe laat maari tabi maine jhat se bola ki raat ko hain na didi ki surat dekhne layak ho gayi raat ko hain na didi bahut laate maarti hain sote huye ghadi ki tarah ghumti hain bistar par tabhi didi ka chehara khil gaya aur chachi ne kaha use bachpan se hi aadat hain gahdi ki tarah ghumne ki aur hansne lagi aur main.

Bhi hansne laga tabhi didine uthkar mera gala daboch liya aur kah abhi ke bacche laate to tu hi maarta hain mujhe smajaha tabhi chachi ne kaha pahle nashta to karne de use phir aaramse gala dabana ab chutiya hain na masti ke liye aur rasoighar me chali gai tabhi main kaha to didi phir royegi to sach me bata dunga haa. Aur tabhi didi ne mere mathe par kiss kiya aur thanks kaha lekin is baar mujhe unka mathe pe kiss kuch pyara laga laga ki aise hi woh mathe se shuru hokar niche munh tak kiss kare tabhi main kaha didi aap bahut pyari aur komal hain aap rote huye bilkul acchi nahi lagti. Aur uthkar dekha ki chachi andar hain tabhi jaht se didi ke gaal pe kiss kiya ye mera jindagi ka pahla kiss hoga jo didi ke gaal pe kiya tabhi kamasayi aur kaha ye kyu kiya tumne haan maine bhi kah diya harroj mera matha chumti hain main kabhi pucha ki kyu kiya ? Aur woh hansne lagi ole mele raja aur khana khakar haum din bhar masti karte rahe masti karte huye 2-3 baar maine didi ke boobs ko tuoch bhi kiya tab masti me use kuch ahsas nahi hua ya phir usne jtaya nahi raat ka khana khaya aur thoda Tv dekhkar sone aagaye didi paani pine chali gayi tabhi main jahtpat apni andar pant nikal kar bistar ke niche rakh di aur sirf pyjama pahan liya. Didi paani ki botal saath lekar aayi aurbistar me let gayi aur tabhi maine kaha didi aaj nahi rona tabhi woh mujhe marne lagi main bhi apne hath se uske hantho ko rokne laga isi bich mera ek haath didi ke ek boobs par takra gaya uski ankh jar jhunki tabhi maine nadan bacche ki tarah pucha are didi aapki chest to ekdum naram hain meri dekho kaisi sakht hain tabhi didi ne shramate huye kaha oye buddhu tu ladka hain aur main lakdi i mean ladki isiliye shayad woh bhi chahti thi ki main aurkuch puchu tab maine uska haath pakad apni chest pe ragad diya dekho meri chest aur aisa kahte huye usi ke hath se uske ek boob ko ragada aur kaha deko tumhari.

Main to apne hath se ragadna chahta tah lekin phir usko shaq hota ki mainjan bujh kar aisa kar raha hu .tabhi didi ke ghutne ko mera tana hua land tuoch karne laga usne pahle apne pair piche liye lekin thodi der me phir wo pairo se land ko tauoch karne lagi shayad ab wo garama rahi thi tabhi maine batao na didi ye itni mulayam kyu hain aisa kahte huye maine apna hath uske ek boob par rakh diya aur kah are ye to thoda kadak ho gaya aur main use dabane laga niche tabhi uske pair mere land ko tuoch karne lage aur usne mera haath pakad aur kaha chal so ja ab aur meritaraf pith kar so gayi maine pichese kisak kar use dabocha aur so gaya mera land ka supada didike dono hips ke bich ghusa usne kuch nahi kaha thodi hi der me mere land se chcipchipa taral nikala aur patle pyajame se hoke didi ke gaun ke andar didi ko bhi mahsoos hua gila pan to usne uthkar kaha abhi ke bacche bistar me hi peshab kiya kya aur main sone ka natak kar ne lag janna tha ki didi kya karti hai tabhi didi ne mujhe awaj di abhi abhii.... Maine ankh nahi kholi ekdum shant sone ka natak kar raha tha tabhi didi ne apni ek ungli se toha virya liya aur sughkar muhme daal diya aur madhosh hokar chusne lagi ungli ko phir usne 2 ungliyose ragad kar mera land ke upar pyjamese nikal sara virya liya aur munhme 2no ungliyo chusne lagi aur achanak mere munh ke pass apna munh liya aur mere hontho ke upar apne hoth lakar ruk gayi aur hoto ko kiss karne ki bajay mathe parchuma kar palt kar phir so gayi is baar apni gaand ko land par daba kar so gayi subah jab main nind se utha aur dekha ki meri undar pan gayab thi bistar ke niche se gayab thi tabh raat ke baare socha aur bahut darne laga ki shayad didi bahut maaregi lekin socha jane do jo hoga dekha jayega kyunki wo kisiko batayegi nahi kyonki usko bhi land ki pyas hain uski bhi chut land ke liye bekarar hain tabhi main awaj di didi ..didi aur thodi der main didi aayi aur chillak r boli kya hain kaam bhi nahi karane

Main kaha ki meri wo .meri usne kaha kya teri wo bahar sukh rahi hain tabhi maine kaha main nahaunga kaise tab wo uski aankhe chamak uthi aur didi ne kaha ki payjame me hi naha lo kyunki raat ko peshaab kar diya hain tune usme .tabhi maine apna pyjame ke upar ke dag chupaye aur tabhi woh mujhe kahane lagi gandi ab jakar naha lo jaldi nahi to bahut maroongi kyunki ma ne kaha hain agar pareshaan kare to maar use kya chachi ne kaha aur main chachi.2. Kahte huye bahar aaya tab didi ne kaha ki wo 2no tumhare mami dadi ke paas gaye hain kal aayenge kheti me kuch kaam hain shyaad 3-4 di n bhi lage ab tu nahi bachega aur mian jhat se bathroom gaya aur nahane laga naha dhokar kapde pahan kar aaya nashta kiya tabhi didi ne kaha itna bada hokar bhi bistar me peshab karate ho to maine kaha ki nahi to shayad ab didi ko bahut maja aa raha tha ye sab karke kyunki woh kaali hone ki wajah uska abhi tak koi boyfriend nahi tha jisase woh apni chudai kara sake use mujhme hi apna sab dikhne laga tha .raat ka khana khakar 2no tv dekh rahe the maine uthte huye kaha ki ab main kya isi tight pant main so jaao pyjama to sbhitak gila hain to didi ne kaha to towel lagake so jao maine kaha thik hain aur maine andar jakar pant utari aur towel lapet liya aur underpant bhi utar didi andar aayi to maine upar chadar odh rakhi thi aur aakar woh bhi apni chadar odh let gayi maine didi ki taraf sarak kar thoda uthke didi ke gaal par kiss kiya tab didi boli ye kis khushi me maine kaha aap bahut achi hain mera kitna khayal rakhti hain isliye tab didi ne meri taraf palat kar kaha abhi main kaisi dikhti hu ekdum kali dikhti hu na maine kaha nahi didi dekho maine pahle bhi bataya hain ki aap bahut sundar dikhti hain apaka sharir ekdum phool ki tarah komal hain agar gori hoti to kisi film ki heroin hoti to didi ne kaha chal jhuta kahi ka tabhi maine maule ka phayada uthakr chadar ko ek taraf khinch kar didi ke hant ko sahalaya aur kaha dekhiye ekdum se mulayam hain aisa kahte huye.

Hanth kamar se thighs tak leke gaya tabhi pata chala ki didi ne gaun ke andar kuch nahi pahana shyad didi bhi maja lena chahati hain .. Tabhi didi boli sach me main komal hu tabhi maine kaha ki kya main aapse jlut bolunga aur phir ek kiss kiya gaal par tab wo boli ab kya main bola goodnight aur main aankhe band ki tab didi palat gayi aur meri taraf pith kar so gayi maine aage sarakar didi ko piche se pakad liya mera land towel me khula aur tana hua tha tab maine halkese apni chadar side main ki mera land towel me se bahar nikal chuka tha aur phir aahista se didi ki chadar ko upar uthaya thoda aage sarka tab didi ne kaha bahut hilta hai tu thik se soja tab maine apna land didi ki gand ke bich rakha ab bichme sirf gaun tha ab maine didi ke gaun ko aahista se upar kiya tab mere land ko pahli baar gaand ka touch hua mera land phudak raha tha mano wo gaan ya chut me ghunsne ke liye bekarar tha shayad mere land ka phudakna didi ko nahsoos ho gaya tabhi wo jara hili aur apni gand ko land ke uapar dhkel kar kaha abhi tu thik se soja nahi to bahut maroongi kitna hil raha hain haa. Maine thoda jor lagya mere land ka supada didi ki 2no hips ke bich gaya aur phudakne laga gand aur chut bahut hi dur the ab kya karoo jaldbaaji karna acha nahi didi naraj bhi ho saktai hain lekin mereland ke garmise woh bhi garam ho gayi thi woh apni kamar hilakar land ko andar lena chah rahi thi khud hil rahi thi aur mujhe kah rahi thi abhi hila mat main chupchap tha tabhi maine apne ek haath se land ko pakada tabhi hath ko didi ki bhari huyi gand ko hath laga mast pholi huyi gand tabhi manme khaya la aaya ki didi ki chut bhi mast hogi kale balome kaali chut mujhse ab raha nahi ja raha tha maine thoda hilte huye land ko andar dhakela ab land shayad didike gaamd ke ched ke pass mera supada aaya tha maine socha chalo ab kuch to karte hain.

Kyunki didi bhi to garam ho gayi thi aur gand ke ched takland pahunch gaya phir bhi kuch nahi kaha shyad wo bhi tayyar hain to maine apna haath land ko touch karte huye andar dala aur didi ke gand ke ched ko chu liya aur tabhi didi ke gardan par piche se ek kiss kiya aur hath ko aage le gaya to hath chipchipa ho gaya shayad didi 1-2 bar jhar chuki thi maine hanth bahar nikal sungha to behoshi chane lagi maine hath par lage didike ras lo chatne laga aur phir hath andar dala aur phir chatne laga ab main kuch karana chahta tha to main didi ko aahista se pith par lita diya litate wokt gaunko didi ki chati tak utha diya aur didi ke chehre ko dekha to usne chadar se apna munh dhak liya tha mere samne ab didi ka gadraya hua kala badan tha jo bahut hi khubsurat aur sexy tha mano koi brazil ki bhari huyi ladki ho maine apna tshirt utar phek diya towel to kabka nikal chuka tha meri didi mujhse chudne ke liye tayyar thi use apna boyfriend mil gaya maine ahista se didi ki dono tange khol di tabhi naight balb ki roshni me didi ki chut dikhayi di bhure balo me kaali chut uski darar mano koi juangl barish se bhig gay ho waise lag raha tha maine waha jar sungha aur dono hanthose didi ki najuk chut ko phailakar usme jib dal di tabhi didi ne mere bal pakad liye aur mujhe chut par dabane lagi main mast hokar chut chatne laga didi tilmila rahi thi apne aap ko rok nahi pa rahi thi aur chadar ko munh se hatakr jor se aassiii.aaabhhiiiaaauch mar gayi hhaaahauauch aur jor laga kar maujhe andar daba diya tabhi aur ek bar jhar hayi maine sab cahat karsaaf kiya mera lamd phanphana raha taha tabhi main utha aur didi ke uapar let gaya aur didi ko kiss karne laga maine apni jib didi ke munh ke andar dal di didi bhi apni jib mere jib se ladane lagi thodi der baad maine kaha i love you Didi......i loveyou....

Aap bahut aacchi hain tabhi didi ne mujhe bahome kaste huye kaha i love you abhi ...umahh mera land niche didi ki chut pe dhakke laga raha tha maine kaha didi ab tayyar ho didi ne kahaa hhaa lekin aahista pahli bar hain isliye aahista maine kaha mera bhi pahli baar hain didi ne kaha tellekar aaja main tel lekar aaya aur didi ki chut ko phailakar usme dher sara tel daal diya aur apne land ko bhi laga diya aur didi ke pairo main baith kar didi se kaha jara haath se pahilado didi ne hanth se chut ka munh khol diya maine apna land andar ghusaya tab sirf supada gaya aur didi tilmila uthi ufff dhire .abhi.. Phir thoda dhakela lekin andar nahi ghusa maine kaha dhkka laggau didi to usne kaha ha lekin ruk ruk ke to maine jor ka dhakkk lagaya didi ki chut me aadha land ghus gaya usne mujhe kas liya didi ki kali kali chut bilkul kamsin aur tight thi jis se mujhe bhi dard ho rah atha aur maja bhi aa raha tha tabhi maine jor ka dhakka lagaya pura land didi ki gaanme aaah maaarr gayi aaaa..abhii maaaar gayi aaahummi ..mi kahne lagi main thodi der ruk gaya au phir ahista se dhakke laga ne laga lekin josh aayaa aur jor jor se dhkke lagane laga didi jor jor se chillane lagii aare aaaabhi phat gayi ruko abhi ruk jao plz uhhaha aimiii aplzzzdhhire dard, ho raha hain plzz abhi main josh mainne aue speed badha di kyunki didiki awaj sunne ke liye koi nahi tha ghar par maine apni jib didi ke munh me daal di aur ghumane laga aur didi ke chote chote boobs ragadne laga aur meri raftar aur badh gayi shyad mera jharne ka samay aaya tha tabhi jorka dhkka lagaya shyad andar land ne koi diwar phad di tabhi didi ne kas ke meri jib apne daanto ke bich daba di mujhe bahut dard hua tabhi didi aur main saath me jhad gaye mera sara virya didi ki chut main bhar gaya 5-6 dhakke laga kar main didi ke upar hi let gaya tab main apna kati hui jib ka dard bhul gaya kyunki woh jindagi ka pahala anubhav alag hi tha mano main kahi aasmmaan main hu 10 minnut bad maine apna land baahar nikala to dher saara virya khoon se latpat hoke bistar par girane laga didi ki chut ab bhi.

Kaap rahi thi mano phool ki pankhdiya hil rahi ho maine jhuk kar chut ko chatne laga lekin didi ne meri jib ko daanto ke bich dabbaya tha usme daant gadhe the isliye us garam virya se jalan hone lagi aur main piche haat gaya tabhi didi ne muskurate huye kaha kya hua to main kaha meri jaban kaati aur puchti ho kya hua tabhi didi uthi aur usne meri jaban dekhi aur kaha sorryy aabbhi aur mujhe gale laga liya aur kahane lagi aaj tune mujhe jindagi ki sabse badi khushi di hain is jaahan ki sabse abdi khushi aaj mujhe mili hain jiske liye main kab se pyasi thi wo pyaas tune bujhai haini love you abhi is kaali ko tune apna banaya shukrya tabhi muje mahsoos hua ki pith par bhi dard ho raha hain tab pata chala ki didi ki jhilli phatte wakt usne apne naakhun gadhe the lekin main sab dard bhulakar didi ko chumane laga aur kaha didi aapne mujhe duniya ki sabse hasin khushi di hain aur hum ek dusare ko bahome bahrke chumma chatti kate huye so gaye subah jara let 10 baje hi uthe aur uthakr dekha to bistar ki chadar dono ke sperm aur khoon se bhari hain aur dono ke badan par bhi laga tha aur tabhi ye dekh donohasne lage dono ek dusareke saamne nange the tab Didi ne kaha chalo naha lete hain aur humbathroom ki taraf jane lage tabi dekha ke didi jara langda kar chal rahi hain maine pucha kaya hua didi tab Didi boli shaitan raat ko kitani jor jor se choda aur bolata hain kya hua ? Chal aur hum nahane chale gaye tab ek dusre ko acchi tarah sabun lagane lage main didi ke boobs ko ragadne laga mera land poora khada hoakar phanphanane laga tab Didi ne use hath me liya aur kaha jar dekhne de are bap re bahut hi bada hain ye meri pyari chut main ghusa tha isiliye muje langdana pad raha hain badmash kahi ke aisa kahte huye didi ne land ko munh me thus diya aur chusne lagi maine kaha didi ab munh me chodu ya gaand me to Didi ne land ko munh se bahar nikala aur kaha gaand to raat ko nahi to dopahar ko aur kaha tum kitane gore ho land hi thoda kal hain maine kaha meri didi ke jaisa hain aur phir main jhuk kar didi ko kiss karne laga aur phir maine kaha didi plz ye ab tyyar hain kaha daaloo ise to Didi ne use phir munh me thus diya aur phir maine didi ke balo ke sath sir ko pakada aur jor se munh main hi land ko aage piche karne laga mano main didi ki chut hi chod rah hu karib 15-minnut baad mere land ne garam lavaha didi ke munh me chod diya didi use chat kar pine lagi aur land ko bahar niakal mere munh meapni juban dal kar kiss karne lagi to ladis kaisi lagi ye meri kahani aage kis tarah 3 din lagatar Didi ko choda kis kis angel se choda aapke reply ke baad baatta ta hu to lekin aur ek baat ab Didi ki shadi ho chuki hain aur kabhi jab wo maike aati hain to hi hum maja karte hain lekin ab mujhe koi aur chut chahiye to ladies kya aap me se koi mujhe chut dega plz reply me

Monday, November 9, 2009

Hungry Widow

Hi, I am RAJA with a true experience, this time I am going to narrate a true story of an erotic sex with my servant boys mom who was a widow.

I was posted in Patna during my training and I was 28 yr old. I was working and I had engaged a servant boy of around 11 yrs old to bring my lunch and dinner dabba from the mess as I did not like the hotel food.

Gradually my workload increased and I had to engage a maid and so I told my servant boy to arrange a maid for cleaning the house and washing my clothes. He told that his mother is at home and she can work so I agreed and he brought his mother.

Her name was Nirmala and she was a typical bihari women around early thirties and she had a wheatish complexion and was well built and she had an innocent look.

I agreed and explained her the work and she started off. She was very sincere and also was very clean so I liked her work. She used to come in the morning and go back in the evening.

Days passed by and I started to get attracted to her and I was getting hot by seeing her rounded boobs and way she used to sway her ass and walk and so I decided to lay her but I was a bit reluctant as she was a bihari and in case she gets angry then the villagers will create a big problem.

I started to talk to her and slowly she became friendly and then we started to joke and smile and on Sundays I used to spend most of the time chatting with her and joke. I used to knowingly brush my body against her and she used to smile. This all gave me courage and I decided to fuck her.

I took leave on a Tuesday day and also gave her son leave and told him not to come for work. As usual Nirmala came in the morning and was surprised to see me and she exclaimed “ saab aap kaam pe gaye nahin” I said “ nahin mujhe tumhara saath rehna hai”, she gave a cunning smile and walked to the kitchen and I again asked “ main kaam pe jaun kya?” she turned back smiled and said “nahin” I got confirmed that today I can get her so I also walked to the kitchen and stood behind her and asked “ kyon nahin jaun” she smiled but did not reply and I mustered some courage and hugged her from behind and kissed her cheek and said “ aaj tumko pyar karoonga” to my surprise she smiled and bowed her head and when I saw her keep mum , I said “ main ja raha hoon” but she immediately caught my hand and looked at me and turned around and hugged me and dug her head into my chest and I also got so excited that I also hugged her and lifted her head and took her lips in my mouth and started to suck it and she started to moan and I started to kiss her neck and ears and she was moaning and she was also kissing me madly.

I then pulled her pallu down and started to kiss her boobs over her blouse and she held my head and started to caress my hairs and then I tugged her saree and took it out and she said “ koi aa jayega tho mushkil ho jayega” I said “ koi nahin aayega”and then I also opened my shirt and started to massage her boobs over her blouse and then I unhooked her blouse and her two melons popped up as she was not wearing a bra. Her boobs were big and firm and rounded and her nipples were pink and big. She was now only with her petticoat.

I started to massage her naked boobs and then started to squeeze it and she had closed her eyes and her palms were over my hand and I started to massage her nipples and she was hissing and then I pushed her hand behind her and rested her against the wall and started to lick her neck and then I slowly came down and started to lick the centre part of her chest and with one hand I was massaging her nipples and then I put my mouth on her nipples and started to suck her nipples and as soon as I did this she screamed in ecstasy and I continued sucking her and with one hand continued to massage her other boob and then I shifted my mouth to the other boob and started to suck and after some time of sucking she straightened herself and hugged me tight and I also hugged and she started to move her hand on my back and also started to kiss my chest and she was also smelling my neck with deep breaths and then to my surprise she took her hand down and started to massage my cock over my shorts and she whispered “ aap mujhe bahut garam kar diye ho, char saal se mera badan koi chooya nahin hai” I said “ aaj main tumko pura peeunga” and she immediately pulled my shorts down and as I was without a underwear my cock sprang out and she gazed at my cock and hissed “ ooyi maa aapka lauda itna bada hai !!!” I said “ pasand aaya” she said “ meri choot tho aaj phat jayegi” and she held my cock and started to slowly caress it and I tugged her petticoat and she also was fully naked.

Her pussy was hairy and her ass was nice and rounded and was protruding out and when I saw this I was very hot and I also put my hand on her pussy and was shocked to find that she was very badly wet and her thighs were also slippery with her juices and a very strange erotic smell was coming from her pussy. I started to massage her pussy and she was hissing loudly and so I put my mouth on lips and thrust my tongue inside her mouth and then she held my cock tight and parted her legs and she brought her pussy forward and took my cock in between her thighs and started to rock fast so I understood that now she is red hot so I took her to my bedroom and laid her and I also laid beside her and started to kiss her and also started to squeeze her boobs and then I came down and licked her navel and the parted her legs and started to smell her pussy, and she was having a very erotic smell and I could see lot of thick white drops on her pussy hairs and I put my tongue on the tip of her pussy and she hissed and sat up and held my head tight and said “ nahin aap udhar mooh mat lagao” I pushed her down and said “ mujhe tumhara choot choosne ka dil kar raha hai aur uske baad tum mera lauda choosna” she smiled and covered her eyes with her hand and lay down.

I then lifted her leg and put a pillow under her ass and started to lick her thighs which were wet with her juices and then I slowly moved up and licked the joints of her legs with pelvis and then I started to move my tongue over her sticky pussy and I could see big lump on juice on her pussy mouth and then I thrust my tongue deep into her pussy and she moaned loud and then I started to suck her clit in circular motions and I could see her juices flowing and she was groaning “ aap bahut acche ho, aap mujhe karo na” but I continued to suck her cunt and after sometime of sucking she groaned and caught my hairs and screamed and she clenched her teeth and started to push my head into her pussy and she was also rocking her pussy and in a few seconds I could feel her pussy contracting and she burst and I was shocked to see the thick juices coming out and I started to lick faster and soon her body became loose and she was panting and then I took the side mounds of her pussy in my mouth and sucked it dry

Then I told her to become doggy and I parted her legs a bit and started to kiss her bums and then I parted her ass cheeks hard and smelt her ass hole and then I put my tongue on it and as I did this she screamed and turned around and sat down and said “ nahin saab aap udhar chaato mat” and she held my cock and caressed it and said “ isko dalo mere ander” I said “ mujhe thoda chaatna hai” and I forcibly turned her and again made her doggy and parted her ass and started to lick her ass hole. Her ass hole was sexy and she had a mild pungent smell which along with her juice smell was erotic.

After sometime of sucking she started to moan and hiss and then I turned her and I rested on my knees and told “ mera lund chooso” she smiled and held my cock and shook it for sometime and then she took the tip of my cock and started sucking but I held her head and pushed it deeper into my cock and she readily continued sucking but she was not sucking in the normal way but she was sucking as though she is sucking her thumb and then I took out my cock and pulled the skin down and told her to suck the red part and she giggled and said “ muh mein hi karoge kya” I kept silent and I thrust my red part into her mouth and she started to suck it with her tongue and the after some time I laid her and and told her to part her legs wide and I lay upon her and whispered “ lauda kaisa laga”

she said “ pehli bar lauda choosi hoon aur aapka lauda mein bal nahin hai isliye accha laga” I then raised myself and positioned my cock on her pussy and she hissed “ saab ahista karna, main char saal se chudi nahin hoon” I kept silent and positioned my cock on her pussy hole and took a deep breath and plunged in one full shot and she screamed “ aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mmmmmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” but I immediately put a hand on her mouth and she was pushing me but I had held her tight and after a few seconds I started to pound her , I was very hot so I did not screw her slowly but straightway started to pound her and she was yelling “ saaaaaaabbbbbbbb ahhhhhhiiiiissssstaaaaaaa kaaaaarrrrrrroooooo meraaaaaa phhhhhattttt rrrrrrrraaahhhhhiiiiii hai”
I did not pay any heed and continued to bang her pussy and after sometime she started to moan with pleasure and started to move her hand on my back and head and hairs and was moaning and she was kissing me like wild and this made me more hot and I started to pound her hard and there was only the sound of phhhuuucccchhhh phhhhuccch phhhucchhh phhhuucchhh and the hitting of our pelvic bones and I was excited by the tightness and the heat inside her pussy.
After sometime of her pounding she lifted her legs high and parted them to the full and I increased the thrust and I started to thrust her hard and keep my cock inside for a few seconds and then bring it out till the tip of her pussy mouth and then again thrust with full force and when I used to do this she used moan “ oooohhhh mmmaaaaaa” and this hissing was making me mad and then after a few minutes her moaning increased and she started to scratch my back and she held me tight and shouted “ saab jaldi jaldi karo” and i knew that she going to cum and so I started banging her with force and she was moaning “ aaaa aaaaaa aaaaa aaaaaa” and then in a few seconds she moaned loud “ aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa” and then she threw her hands on her sides and put her legs down and rolled her head to one side and was panting but I had kept my erect cock inside her pussy.

I then took out my cock and told her to become doggy but she “ saab thoda der bad karo,mera dard ho raha hai” but I was in no mood to listen as my cock was rock hard and it was throbbing so forcibly made her doggy and then started to massage her ass and pussy to make her hot and after a few minutes of massaging I positioned my throbbing cock on her pussy hole and gently pushed it inside and kept it inside for sometime and then took it out and gave a hard thrust and she screamed “ saab aapka jaldi paani nikal do” but I was in no mood to come fast I continued to give her long thrusts and I also inserted my thumb into her ass and she moaned and tightened her ass muscle.

I went on thrusting her and she was hissing and she was moaning with pleasure and after some thrusting I could feel her pussy walls tightening and her moaning increased so I knew that she was about to cum and I took out my cock from her pussy and she hissed wildly “ saaaab chhhhodo mujheee chhoodo” I told her to come down and stand and I then hugged her and started to suck her nipples and she was wild as I had stopped her orgasm so she was madly kissing me and scratching my back and then I told her “ mera lauda hila do” and she hungrily grabbed my dick and started to masturbate me and I was enjoying her masturbation and she was gazing at my cock and shaking it fast and then I told her “ mera lauda chuso phir chodunga” she was so hot that she immediately sat down at the edge of the bed and grabbed my cook and pushed it into her mouth and started to suck after sometime of sucking I pulled my cock out and told her to spit on my cock and massage it and she whispered “ saaab chodo naaaa” I said “ lauda ghaas do phir chodunga” she immediately spat on my cock and started to again masturbate

I was enjoying this as her soft warm hands with her spit was giving me lot of pleasure and then after a few moments I took her and I sat down on the computer chair and my dick was hard and erect and I told her to sit on top of me and she was hungry so she came and parted her legs and I positioned my dick on her pussy and told her to sit and she gently slid down on my dick and I held her shoulders and pressed it hard and she hissed “ saab aapka lauda bahut bada aur mota hai,choot mein accha lag raha hai” I told her “ ab tum mujhe chodo” she giggled and said” bahut chodungi” and she started to rock on my cock and she was banging her pussy on my like mad and was moaning “ ssaaaaabbbbb aaaap mmmmmaaassssttttt hooooo” and I also became very hot with the way she was banging me and I then grabbed her both boobs and started to massage them hard and she started to moan loudly and was hissing “ zzzzzzooooorrrrrr ssssseeeeeeee dddddddaaaaaaaaaabbbbbaaaaoooo” and I started to squeeze her hard and after a few moments I took one of her nipples in my mouth and started to suck and at the same time I put my hands behind her and as her ass was parted since she was riding me so I put my middle finger in her ass hole which was wet with her pussy juices and started to massage her ass hole in circular motions and she was hissing and pounding me like hell and I was enjoying her screwing because she was like a wild cat and she was hissing and speaking in a sexy way like she used to say
“ saab mera chooth pur paani phek raha hai”, “ aap mujhe har roz chhodna”, “ aapka lauda mast hai” , “ itne saal baad mujhe aisa lauda mila”,” meri gaand mein aapka ungli accha lag raha hai” I was silent as I was sucking her nipples and after few moments I could feel her hold on my shoulders becoming tight and her pounding increased and she left my shoulders and hugged me tightly and I started to kiss her neck madly because I knew she was going to get a orgasm and she was jumping on me and kissing me wildly and then after a few seconds she held my head and took it between her boobs and she moaned loud and said “ saaaaaaabbbbbbb meerrrrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaa cccchhhhhhhhhooooottttt bbhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeegggg ggggggggggaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyaaaa” and I thrust my finger into her ass hole and she gave a hard thrust and pressed her pussy hard on my cock and closed her eyes and held me tight and I could feel body quiver and she moaned loudly and then she just collapsed on my shoulder and she kept her head on my shoulder and started to kiss my neck and also she was caressing my back and she whispered “ aap bahut acche ho, aap tho mujhe pura dheela kar diye” I said “ mera paani tho nikla nahin, chalo khatiye pe chodta hoon” she hissed “ na baba aur nahin,mera choot jal raha hai” I said tho phir main kya karoon” she giggled and said “ hila ke nikal deti hoon” I got erotic and asked “ mera paani peeyogi” she again giggled and stared at me and said “ aap ko chaiye tho main peeti hoon” I kissed her lips and said “ tum bahut garam aur mast ho” she said “ aap chodte bhi tho mast ho aur aapka paani bhi der se nikalata hai,isliye maaza aata hai”
I told her to get up and as she got up and the sight of my cock with her thick juices all over my cock made me mad because my entire cock was white with her thick juices and my hairs were also having big beads of her juices and the base of my cock had big white lumps and I got so hot that that I applied the entire juices on my cock and I started to masturbate and she yelled “ aap mera kaam kyon karte ho” and she pulled my hands out of my cock.
I then made her sit on the chair and I stood in between her parted legs and she held my cock and kissed it and said “ baap re kya bada lauda rakhe ho” and she started to masturbate slowly and I held her shoulders and was enjoying her masturbation then after few minutes she whispered “ luada pe thuk lagaun” and before I could say anything, she put her mouth on my cock and started to suck and after a few moment of sucking she took out her mouth and again started to shake my cock and she whispered “ kaisa lag raha hai” I said “ maaaassssssttttttt” she smiled and then she started to massage the red part with her thumb and when she did this I moaned and she increased her massage speed and then suddenly stopped and looked at me, I said “ karo” she said “ main lauda ka masti le rahi hoon” and then she again started to masturbate and I was getting hot and she slowly increased her speed and I was rocking in her hand and she was giggling and kissing my cock and after sometime my cock started to throb and I told “ mera paani abhi niklega” she giggled and opened her mouth and brought it on my cock in such a way the her lower lip was at the lower end of my cock and she increased her speed and I could not hold any longer and I moaned loud and shot my load into her mouth and my cum came out like a jet as I was fucking her since the last 25 minutes and was hot and my entire juice went into her mouth and she swallowed it and giggled and said “ itna paani kahan rakhe the”

She continue to shake my cock and was giggling and then when my cock became soft she took in the mouth and sucked it dry and said “ aapka paani mast hai” and I said “ tum hila bhi mast rahi thi” then we went to the bathroom for bath and I hugged and whispered “ ab tum pisab karo” she hissed and smiled and said “ nahin mujhe sharam aati aur aisa karungi tho apka upar girega aur aapka lauda aur payr bheeg jayega” I said “ mera lauda tum apna pisab se dho” she smiled and she hugged me and I also hugged her and I slightly bent my knees and again whispered “ pisab karo” and she giggled and buried her head in my chest and she pissed and I was feeling so nice as her hot pis was flowing over my ball and cock and it her pressure was also good, she was giggling and said “ aap bahut garam ho, mujhe pehele kyon nahin chode” I said “ chudai kaisa laga” she said “ aap mast chodte ho,bahut maaza aaya, aapka pani bhi aacha hai isliye poora pee li” I said “ aaj yahan ruk jao” and she readily agreed and I was so happy as I could fuck this hot lady in the night also.
We then had bath and she cleaned my cock with soap and also gave me a good bath and then I gave her one of my long T-shirt and told her wear it and remain. The T-shirt was just covering her ass so whenever she used to bend I could see her ass. She then went about her work . She was looking very sexy in the T-Shirt as it was till her ass and her big boobs were bouncing while she was walking and her big nipples were pointing out.
I started to drink beer and in between I used to go to the kitchen and hug her, kiss her, massage her bums and she used to also grin and kiss my chest or rub her ass on my shorts and sometimes I used to part her ass and thrust my finger and smell it and she would yell. I used to squeeze her boobs and she would again grin. This continued for sometime and I could feel that she was becoming hot and she used to whisper “ aaj bahut maaza aa raha hai” I asked why and she said “ nanga ghoomne mein mazaa aa raha hai aur ek mard ke saath yeh sab karna accha lag raha hai, main aaj tak aisa kabhi ki nahin”. I hugged her and kissed her and lifted her T-Shirt and made her naked and said “ tum naangi acchi lagti ho” and then I pulled my short and became naked and hugged her from behind and started to kiss her back neck and held her both boobs and started to squeeze and she closed her eyes and rested head on my shoulders and after some she turned and put her lips on mine and sucked my lips and then she looked down at my half erect cock and smiled and then she bent down and took it in her mouth and sucked for sometime and as she was sucking her ass got exposed and I arched a bit and inserted my middle finger in her ass.
She sucked my cock for sometime and then she stood up and said “ kaam karne do phir masti karenge” I said “ tumahara gaand dikhao,phir main jata hoon” she giggled and she bent down by holding the side walls and I parted her cheeks and started to lick her ass and after sometime she stood up and said “ bas ab baad mein” and I went to the sofa and settled with my drink and started to massage my cock which still had her saliva on it.
After sometime she came and stood in front of me and she had worn the t-shirt , I said “ main nannga hoon aur tum t shirt peheni ho” she smiled and opened her t shirt and said “ ab khush” she was standing in front of me and I was sitting on the sofa so her pussy was in line with my face, I smiled at her and pulled her started to kiss her pussy and then took my hand behind her ass and inserted a finger in her ass and started to lick her pussy and she dug her fingers in my hairs and started to caress my head and then she parted her legs a bit and I removed one hand from her ass and started to finger her pussy gently and I could see her getting wet and after sometime of fingering her I again started to lick her pussy and then I put my four finger over her pussy and massaged her pussy and then scooped out some of her juices and applied it on her lower abdomen and then started to lick it and she yelled in a sexy tone “ yeh kya kar rahe ho” I said “ choot ka pani chak raha hoon” she smiled and went backward and then came and sat down next to me and held my dick and started to caress it and then she bent down and took it in her mouth and began sucking it and I rested my head on the sofa back rest and started to sip my beer and I was also seeing her rocking her head on my dick.
I then said “ lauda pe thuko” and she immediately spat on my cock and started to massage it and by now my dick was rock hard ,she saw it and said “ ab phir tayyar ho gaya” and she continued to massage it and then said “ aapko mera thuk se hilana accha lagta hai” I said “ haan” and then after a few moments I whispered “ tumhara gaand dikhao, mujhe chatna hai” she giggled and said “ nahin, aap tho ek bar chat chuke ho aur aapne tho ungli bhi ander dala” I said “ mujhe dikhao” she said “ kaise karoon sofa pe” I made her doggy on the sofa in such a way that her head was on the hand rest and her ass was exposed to me.
I started to massage her bums and then started to massage her pussy from behind and I had held her bums with my palms and parted it hard and was moving my both thumbs on her pussy and massaging it and I was moving my thumbs from her pussy to her ass hole and so her pussy juices used to come along with my thumbs and when I used to reach her ass hole I used to massage her ass hole with her juice and also dig my thumb into her ass and I continued to do this as I was enjoying the sight of her big ass and then the smell and also her pussy juices were looking were sexy on her ass hole and after sometime I could feel that when I reached her ass she used to push her ass on my thumb and moan and slowly I started to dig my thumb deeper into her ass and she used moan loud and then after sometime of massaging I dug my entire left thumb into her ass and kept it and then with my right hand I started to sip my beer and wanted to see what she will do and then after a few seconds she started to press her ass on my thumb and as soon as she started this I started to rotate my thumb inside her ass and she was moaning and pressing her ass . I asked “ gaand mein kaisa lag raha hai” she hissed “ accha lag raha hai and then I said “ gaand mein karne dogi” she said “ na baba bahut lagega,aapka lauda bahut bada hai” but I could feel that she was not very reluctance for a ass fuck and so I took out my thumb and then told her to continue in the doggy position and I started to massage her pussy from behind with my right hand and she was moaning and whispering “ saaaaaabbb aaaaaaaaappppppp mmmmmaaaaassssttttttt cchhhhhhhhhhodddte hoooooo” I said “ mazaa aa raha hai” she replied “ hhhhaaaaannnn bbbbbbaaaaaahhhhuuuuttt” I continued to finger fuck her ass and at the same was massaging her pussy and soon she was flowing and was moaning like mad.
I then took her juice and applied it on my thumb and thrust it into her ass and started to finger fuck her ass in fast motion and she was rocking and then I took out my thumb and parted her ass and started to tickle it with my tongue and she was moaning and she whispered “ saab aaappppppkkkkaaaaaaa bhiiiiiii laaaudaaaa chooosnnneee doooo”
I knew she was very hot and so I stood up and told her to continue in doggy style and then i moved to her face and she lifted her head and smiled then she took my cock in her hand and started to massage it and she said “ mast bada ho gaya hai” and she hungrily took it In her mouth and started to suck it wildly. Her mouth was very hot and her hot saliva was making me mad.
I was enjoying every bit of her sucking as I was high with beer and such a sexy lady sucking my dick was making me mad .I bent forward on her back as she was in doggy and started to massage her wet ass hole with my middle finger and after some time I again asked “ gaand mein karne dogi” she said “ mujhe dar lag raha kyonki apka lauda bahut bada hai” I said “ ahiste karoonga” she smiled and again took my cock into her mouth and I knew that now I can fuck her ass but I wanted to become more hot so I decided to suck her pussy as I was liking her pussy smell.
After sometime I pulled out my cock from her mouth and again went and sat behind her ass and I said “ tumhara choot choosunga” she hissed “ saab chodo na” I said “ gaand mein chodunga lekin tera choot ka pani nikaloonga”
I told her to raise her ass and then I turned and lay down in the reverse direction so that my face was under her pussy and she was in doggy position and my legs were resting on the opposite hand rest of the sofa.
I then held her bums with both my hands and pressed her pussy to my mouth and thrust my tongue into her wet pussy. I was in heaven as her pussy was heavily wet with juices and as I sucked her she was moaning and thrusting her pussy on my mouth to get more part of my tongue and when she did this her juices were getting applied on my nose and entire face and I was enjoying the way she was hissing and pressing her pussy on my mouth.
I continued to suck her pussy and took my both hands to her bums and parted it and thrust my middle finger into her ass and it entered easily as her ass was wet with her juices. And when she used to press her pussy to my mouth is used to press my finger deep into her ass. I continued to finger fuck her ass and sucking her pussy and she was hissing “ saaab aaapkkkkkaaa lllllaaauuudaaaa dallllooooo naaaa” and she was banging her pussy to my mouth and her juices were flowing like hell and I was licking every drop of it and she continued to moan and beg me to screw her but I wanted to make her mad and then fuck her pussy and ass.
After sometime her speed of banging her pussy increased and I decided to screw her so I told her to get up and then I said “ chalo khatiye pe chodta hoon phir tum apna gaand dena” she smiled hugged me and held my throbbing dick and started to caress it and said “ ahista gaand marna , mainne kabhi gaand mein kiya nahin” I then took to the bed and again made her doggy and parted her legs and I sat down and started to lick her pussy and take my tongue till her ass hole and tickle her ass hole with my tongue and she was begging for my cock after a few moment I stood up and positioned my hard cock on her pussy hole and gave one hard push and the entire dick entered with a phuch sound and she screamed “ oooooyyyyyyyyyiiiiiiiii aaaaaaaaahhhh saaaab dhere karo” and I started to bang her pussy and she was moaning with pleasure “ aaaahhhhhhh oooooooohhhhhh mmmmmmaaaaaaaaaaa oooooffffffffff saaaaaab zzzzzzoooorrrrrseeeeee kaaaaarrrrooooooo acccccchhhhhhhhhaaaaa llllllllaaaggggg rrrrrrraaaaahhhhhhaaaaaa hhhhhhaaaaiiiiiiiii” and I started to pounded her like mad and there was only the sound of my abdomen banging her ass and phucccchhhhhhphhhuucccchhhhhh sound of her flowing juices and with a few thrusts she screamed “ aaaahhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhh” and I felt her pussy clasping my cock and she shuddered and clenched the bed sheet and moaned “ ooohhhhhhhhh” and then she became loose and I knew that she got her orgasm and I continued to slowly fuck her and then I took out my cock and it was while with thick lumps of her juices and she sat down and smiled and said “ aap saand jaise chodte ho, mera choot phad diye” I said “ tera choot mast tight aur garam hai, ab gaand mein karne do” she smiled and looked at my throbbing dick and immediately held and started to masturbate me but I pulled out her hand and I took out the coconut oil bottle and some Vaseline and told her to turn and told her to become doggy and then I applied a dab of Vaseline on her ass hole and inserted my two fingers in her ass and started to finger fuck her ass with great speed and then after a few moments I in inserted my first three fingers and she hissed “ saab lag raha hai” I said “ pehli baar lagega baad mein maaza aayega” she said “ mere gaand aaj phat jayega” the smell of her ass along with the smell of Vaseline was making me mad and as it is I was high on beer and my cock was throbbing so I was very hot and wild.
After finger fucking her ass for sometime I felt her ass muscles loosening and then I applied lot of oil on my cock and positioned it on her ass hole and held her hips tight and started to push and as soon as my red cock head went inside she screamed “ saaab ahista karo” but I was wild so I continued to push my ass and she was yelling “ ooooooohhhhh aaaaahhhhhhhh mmmmaaarrrrr ggggggaaaaaaaayyyyyiiiiiii sssssaaaaab mmmmaaaat kkkkkaaaaroooooo” but I ignored all and was pushing my cock into her and soon half of my cock was inside her tight ass and then I took a deep breath and gave a hard push and the entire cock went inside and she shouted “ maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaahhhhhhhhhh” I said “ thodi der mein thij ho jayega” and I kept my cock inside her ass for sometime and then when her hissing reduced and pulled out my cock a bit and again thrust it and she was hissing “ saab bas ho gaya ab lauda nikal do main hila ke nikal doongi” I kept silent as I was enjoying her tight ass and also it was very hot inside.
I slowly started to fuck her and then gradually increased my speed and soon I started to pound her ass hard as I was very hot and wild and I had gripped her hips tightly, she was moaning “ mmmmmaaaaaaaaa ooooooohhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaahhhhhhh” I started to give her long fuck by pulling my cock till the mouth of her ass hole and then giving a hard thrust “ she was moaning and said “ saab aur thoda tel laga lo” so took out my cock till the mouth of her ass but my cock head was inside her ass and I poured some oil on the shaft and again thrust it into her ass and I did this for 10 – 15 times and her ass became slippery and I then started to bang her hard and now she started to moan in pleasure and said “ saaaaaabbbbb abbbb aaaacccchhhhaaaaaaaa llllaaaggggg rrraaaahhhha haaaiiii” I also got hot so I thrust my cock deep into her ass and pressed it hard and kept it inside and the bent and started to lick her back and then left her hips and started to caress her boobs and nipples from behind and she was hissing and the after a few moments she whispered “ saab karo na” and I again started to pound her ass and a sexy smell was coming so I was getting hot and soon I could feel that I am coming and I started to pound her really hard and she again started to scream “ mmmmmmaaaaa saaaab ahhhiisttta kaaaroooo dard hoooo rrraaahha hai” I said “ mera pani nikalne wala hai” and started to hit her hard and soon I shot my entire load into her ass but I still maintained the speed till the pressure on my cock reduced and then I stood still and again bent down and started to lick her back and after some time my cock came out on its own and I could see a big dab of my juice o her ass hole and I told her to remain doggy and started to massage her ass hole with my juice to reduce her pain.
I then told her to come to the bathroom to have bath and she smiled and said “ baap re aap aadmi ho ya saand, aapne mujhe chodke mera choot aur gaand pahad diye” I said “ tum itni garam ho isliye chodne ka maaza aaya, ab raat ko bhi chodoonga” she said “ aur gaand mein nahi kal karna” I said “ thik hai,lekin choot aur mooh mein tho dogi” she smiled and said “ haan” and then we took bath and then took food and she stayed back that day and we had another round of fucking and a she gave me a excellent blow job.
Our relationship continued for one year and we enjoyed every bit of it and then I got her employed in our guesthouse and now also whenever I go we steal a night and have a good sex.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Anita In Both Hole and other stories english one

It was getting close to lunchtime and I was already restless. I was
staring into the terminal of my workstation, not concentrating on
what I needed to do, but thinking of wild sexual encounters involving
my latest lust and myself. There was a light tap at the door behind
me, taking me out of my reverie.

I turned to see the part-timer, Anita, looking around the door as she
opened it. She had started the previous day. She was doing a report
for the boss and I had been assigned to answer any questions that she
may have had. The day before, while she had been in the adjacent
office, going over the project with the boss I couldn't help but
notice her.

She wore a modest skirt that came to about her knees. Her legs were
marvelous, thin and shapely. She had a fine body with sensual curves.
She wasn't skinny, or thin, but she was fine. Her breasts, full and
perfectly proportioned, pressed against the light blouse that she
wore. Her face was pretty and she had a wonderful mane of long,
As she left the office with her bundle of notebooks and papers,
Anita's eyes met mine. They were a light shade of brown, her smile
was infectious. It made an electric sensation go through my body and
my head was light. I smiled my best smile back at her. She didn't
look away and with a wave and a crinkle of her eye, she said "See
you!" and was out the door. She was scheduled to be here for the rest of the week and suddenly I had the feeling that it was going to be quite good. She had come by on two occasions the previous day. On the first, she had only
inquired about how to format the report she was working on. She stood
at the door, leaning into my office as she asked. I turned in my
chair to face her. Her hair fell over her shoulders as she leaned forward and her blouse fell open a bit, offering a brief glimpse of the treasures in there
as she asked, "How should print this when I'm done?"
I could feel a stirring in my loins. I said "You can just keep the
text in block paragraphs and put the figures in columns under however
many headings you feel necessary."

I couldn't take my eyes away from the opening of her blouse, hoping
that I would get another view.

When I finally shifted my gaze up to her face, Anita had a knowing
look and a sly smile. She said, "O.K., I can do that." then she
stepped out of the office and closed the door behind her.

Later when she returned she had a rough draft of the report compiled
from a small percentage of the stats she had reviewed. She set the
pad on the desk in front of me and leaned over my shoulder and
pointed out key elements as I read. I could smell her scent, not a
perfume, but a sweet feminine scent. I could hardly concentrate, I
could feel my pulse quicken. Her hair was on my shoulder and felt as
light as clouds. As I turned to speak to her while she leaned over
me, I notice that her blouse had been unbuttoned one button down from
where it had been. I had a full view of the gorgeous swell of her
breasts through the top of her blouse.

Ooh, it was delicious. Her breasts were full, clad in a white lacy
bra and they stretched her blouse so that from my position I was
awarded with this gorgeous view. I thought I was going to fall out of
my chair.

I said "Yes, this format looks very good, I like the way they..., it
stands out."

I felt her press her hips into my side as she stood next to me. My
cock was beginning to get very hard. I turned toward her in my chair
as she collected her papers. She was looking straight at the bulge in
my pants with her lips slightly parted as she ran her pink tongue
over them. (Posted for chod_dalo group)

She said "Yes I like the way it stands out too." and gave my shoulder
a squeeze as she turned to go.

For the remainder of the day and that evening my I was constantly
thinking how she would look naked, or clad only in her thin filmy
blouse and a pair of socks. I had fantasies of sucking on her hard
nipples, of how her soft red pubic hair would feel on my face and
more. I wondered if things had actually transpired as I had
remembered. Had she really been wetting her lips as she stared at my
stiff cock? Or was I just hoping that she was? I awoke this morning
with a raging hardon and sleepy memories of passionate, erotic love
making with Anita in my dreams. I couldn't stop thinking, fantasizing
about her.

My cock was in a constant state of fullness and I was thinking of
doing anything and everything to her, for her, with her. Now, here I
was sitting, kicked back in my office chair engulfed in thoughts of
hard, wet, steamy sex with this person I barely knew, but wanted bad
and here she was! Her face had a radiant smile that seemed like it
was meant just for me. Anita stepped into the office and shut the

She peaked around the door into my boss's adjacent office and upon
noticing that it was dark and unoccupied she asked "Where's Jamuna

"She called in and said she needed a mental health break today and
said she wouldn't be in until this afternoon, if at all." I

"Well, I came by to pick up a notebook that was over here in Jamuna's
office and I don't know where it is." She went into Jamuna's office
and began to look around.

As usual, Jamuna's office was a wreck with papers, reports and books
strewn about. I watched Anita look in the bookcase and on the table,
moving papers and other miscellaneous items about. As she went about
the room I watched the way she moved, the positions and curves of her

As she looked for the notebook Anita was saying "We were looking
through it yesterday..."

She knew I was in the doorway watching and almost seemed to be posing
at times. I could feel an excitement growing and I was feeling
slightly out of breath as my penis grew and throbbed as I stood
watching her.

Anita turned and said, "There it is!" Pointing to a blue binder that
was under the desk opposite the door.

Before I could move to pick it up for her she had bent over from the
hip, with her legs straight like she was going to tie her shoes and
was reaching for the book. Her skirt rode up her legs to a height
that almost revealed the bottom of her panties. Her ass was
magnificent! Nicely shaped, with her skirt pulled tight around it, it
was too much to resist. I stepped up very close behind her, wanting
to press my straining cock into her ass, but instead, stopping bare
inches before making contact.

I said, "Can I help you?"

Anita leaned back into me, grinding her luscious butt on my
crotch, "I hoped you would." "Oooh", she moaned as she laid her head
on one arm folded across the desk and hiked up her skirt with the
other, while humping against me with her ass.

I held onto her waist as I returned her pressure against me, grinding
my hard dick against her ass. By now my cock was immense, wanting to
be freed, wanting to be in her. Anita was keeping up a steady motion
and making soft moaning sounds. In one fluid motion she stood up and
turned around while dropping her skirt. I kissed her hard and felt
her hot, probing tongue enter my mouth. She pressed her body against
mine. I could feel her breasts against my chest and pulled her
tighter against me. I reached around and squeezed her ass in my
hands. Anita's breathing was heavy, and I was getting extremely

We let go of each other and I stood back to look at her. She had
kicked off her shoes and her legs, long and lean, were smooth as
silk. Her panties were so skimpy they were almost not there; they
were so thin I could see her ample bush of red pubic hair through
them and how she was already wet with excitement. I reached for the
buttons on her blouse. Starting from the bottom, I released them one
by one. (Posted for chod_dalo group)

Her blouse opened to reveal her gorgeous breasts. I leaned over and
kissed her hard on the mouth as my hands moved up to caress her
magnificent orbs. They were large and I was surprised at their
firmness. I ran my hands down her sides and squeezed her ass, then,
still frenching with her I caressed her back until I came upon the
strap to her bra. Anita let out an audible sigh as her bra strap came
free. She reached up and loosened my tie then began to unbutton my
shirt. I took my tie completely off and kicked off my shoes as Anita
reached my belt.

She played her fingers over the belt then squeezed my bulging cock as
she whispered "Why do I want you so bad?"

I stepped back, reaching up to slide her blouse off of her shoulders,
as it fell to the floor, Anita shrugged her bra off and proudly
displayed her tits. They were big and perky. Her areolas were half
again as big as a silver dollar, with nipples as big as my thumb and
protruding half an inch. They looked so excellent! I put my mouth on
her left nipple, feeling it grow and harden as I sucked and licked
it. Anita was crooning and as I moved to suck her other nipple she
unbuckled my belt and released the catch on my pants, which fell
about my ankles. I buried my face in her cleavage and she squeezed
her breasts against my face. Anita pressed her breasts against me.
She moved them up and down and back and forth across my face before
moving down to my chest. She continued down my body, rubbing in a
circular motion while kissing and nipping my chest. As she reached my
stomach, she slid her hands down my back and under my shorts. She
didn't stop, and ran her hands down over my ass and down my legs,
carrying my shorts off.

As I stepped out of my shorts and pants, Anita was rubbing her lips
and cheeks up and down the entire length of my hard cock. I watched
as she kneeled in front of me, kissing and licking the underside of
my prick from the base to just under the head. My legs were shaking
as she had my ass in both hands and was nibbling all around my cock
and balls. My cock was hard as steel, wet with Anita's saliva and
twitching with excitement. Anita rolled her eyes up to look at me as
she began to suck my raging penis into her hot mouth. Her lips moved
over my cock head and down the shaft until she had swallowed all of
it. I groaned with pleasure as she sucked on my entire cock, flicking
her tongue across the bottom then releasing pressure, sliding her
mouth back, letting my cock come almost completely out of her mouth,
then going slowly back down to swallow even more.

I ran my fingers through Anita's silky hair, grabbing handfuls and
pumping my hips slowly as she continued to suck me deeply into her
mouth. Anita started to move faster and I felt a surge building deep
in my balls. She was taking my entire length into her mouth. I could
feel myself coming up against the back of her throat, and she wanted
more of it. Anita was grunting and slurping as my cock drove in and
out of her mouth. She liked what she was doing and she was good at
it. I held fistfuls of her auburn hair as I pumped my cock into her
welcoming mouth.

Anita was bobbing her head, feverishly sucking my dick while she was
griping and stroking the base of my cock with her hand. She began to
coo as she tasted the pre-come that started to spill from my penis. I
could feel an orgasm coming. My toes were curled tight, my legs were
tense and my butt was clenched as I felt the excitement build. I lost
all sense of time and place as the sensation built to a climax. Anita
continued to voraciously suck and pull on my cock, licking it,
swallowing it. I felt as hard as granite and as big as a tree and I
could feel it in the bottom of my balls as I started to come.

My cock throbbed, sending waves of pleasure and pain through my rod,
pumping a huge load of come into Anita's mouth. My cock kept
pulsating and throbbing, shooting great wads of come. Anita was
lapping it all up, swallowing my cock as I was coming and licking the
head of my cock and rubbing it across her lips as come pulsed from
me. She still held me around the base of my cock and as my orgasm
began to fade she milked every last drop from me. My orgasm was so
forceful my legs were shaking and weak. I had never experienced
anything so good and looked down in amazement as Anita slid her mouth
off my cock. She had come on her face and was licking it off her

As I helped her shakily to her feet she said, "Ooh, I love that, I
love the taste of your come!" She licked her lips then kissed me.

As she kissed me she darted her tongue, wet with my come and her
saliva into my mouth and it did taste good. I kissed her face, her
neck, moving down to her shoulders as I caressed her body with my
hands. I continued kissing down her shoulders and her arms then moved
over to suck her breasts. Her nipples were rock hard. I sucked first
the right nipple while gently holding and squeezing her left breast.
Then I started to lick her entire tit and moved my mouth to suck her
left nipple and flick it with my tongue. I then started to kiss my
way down her flat stomach, arriving at the waistband of her panties.
I got on my knees and I nuzzled my face and nose against her pubic
mound and scraped my teeth against her pussy through the sheer fabric
of her panties.

Her crotch was absolutely soaked with pussy juice. I licked at her
through her panties as Anita began to sigh and grind her crotch into
my face. I reach up and with both hands pulled her panties down to
her ankles. She stepped out of them and leaned back against the desk.
I picked up the panties and looking at her held them to my nose as I
drew in her wonderful scent. I dropped them to the floor, and then I
continued to nuzzle her pussy and nip at her with my teeth. Anita sat
back on the desk and spread her legs wide, giving me total access to
her fabulous cunt. As I brought by tongue up across her outer lips
Anita put her legs over my shoulders, putting her heels on my back
and pulled me toward her.

I again licked lightly over her pussy as it began to open like a
flower blossoming. I then licked harder, my tongue going between her
outer lips, tasting her nectar and ending up on her hardening clit. I
licked circles around her clit as Anita began to moan. Then I moved
down and stuck my tongue into her pussy as deep as it would go,
flicking it in and out and up and down tasting her sweet juices.
Anita was pulling me to her with her legs and grinding her pussy into
my face. I was driving my tongue in and out of her cunt as she bobbed
her hips up and down, then I moved down and began to rim her ass

As I flicked my tongue around her tight bum hole, I could feel it
begin to relax and my tongue was able to enter a little ways. I moved
back to her dripping pussy, sticking my tongue in as deep as it would
go, swallowing the love juices running from her cunt, then sucking on
her clit, then tongue fucking her some more, then sucking her clit.
As I sucked her clit, I would flick little circles on it with my

Anita was now really grinding her pussy into my face and making more
noise, moaning, groaning and yelping, telling me to lick and suck and
eat her. I was hard again by this time, tasting Anita's cunt and
listening to the sounds she was making. I kept on licking and sucking
her pussy as she grabbed me by the hair, pulling my face into her
soaking pussy. I moved down and licked her ass hole some more and it
was puckering tight then relaxed then tight again. I moved back to
her pussy and put my tongue in deep, at the same time sucking her
clit. I had a mouthful of cunt. I was grinding my tongue as far as it
would go and moving my head up and down. Anita was constantly moaning
now, she had both her hands on my head pulling my hair, pulling my
head closer to her cunt. I moved my tongue up to her clit again and I
knew she was going to come. Anita was holding me like a vice,
grinding her pussy into my face.

As I continued to lick her clit her I could feel her legs tense and
she was saying "Oh yess, Oh yess, come on honey, come on honey I'm
going to come, I'm going to come, I'M GOING TO COME! OOOOOH, OOOOOH

Anita's pussy opened wide and drenched my mouth and face with her
delicious come. As she came I lapped up all I could and she kept
grinding against my mouth.

I kept licking but soon Anita pushed me away saying "No, No, it's too
much, it's too much."

I got up, and sat down on the office chair. I had a huge grin to go
with the giant hard on that I again had. Anita looked at my cock
sticking eight inches straight up and with a grin as big as mine,
slid off the desk, stepped over to me and slowly lowered herself onto
my swollen cock. Her pussy was still dripping and I slid in easily,
filling her with my thick length.

Her womanhood wrapped around my shaft like a glove as she put her
arms around my neck, leaned her head back and gave a deep sigh
saying "oooohhh, God that's perfect!"

Then she rotated her hips and moved farther down onto my penis. My
cock was as hard as a two by four and the feeling of being buried to
the hilt inside Anita was absolutely amazing. It must have been the
same for her because already I could feel her wetness soaking out and
onto my balls. She leaned down and kissed me tenderly as we sat like
that, my cock deep inside her, not moving, just experiencing each

As we kissed I ran my hands over her body, across her back, caressing
her breasts and she let her hands run over my body as well. I could
feel her pussy begin to grip my cock. Gently at first, making my cock
twitch in response. It was so subtle, felt so wonderful. Her pussy
would contract around my cock causing it to throb, the throb then
making her pussy contract again, only this time more insistently.
This went on for about five minutes as we continued to kiss and touch
each other.

Soon, Anita was gently rocking on my cock and I was leaning back in
the chair, moving my hips to Anita's slow rhythm. I reached up and
held both her breasts in my hands, lightly squeezing her nipples
between my thumb and forefingers. Then I leaned forward and took her
left nipple into my mouth as she arched back putting her hands behind
her on my knees, grinding her pussy onto my cock. As I sucked her
breast, I reached around and squeezed her ass, pulling her onto me.

I leaned back again, arching my hips to drive deeper into Anita's
cunt. Anita bore down with her pussy, grinding it onto my cock,
taking every inch into her. Our pace began to quicken. Anita was
raising her hips higher, taking longer strokes of my cock, I was in
awe as I watched her riding me, watching my big cock split her pussy,
watching as her pussy loved on my cock, making it wet, stroking it,
swallowing it. (Posted for chod_dalo group)

Anita now had her feet on the floor straddling me as I leaned back in
the office chair. She was riding my cock with long strokes now,
fucking down with her tight pussy, taking my entire length inside
her, and then raising up, letting six or seven inches slide out then
coming back down onto me. I was matching her stroke for stroke,
pumping my cock up into her to meet her down stroke, driving my big
dick as deep as it would go.

Our fucking was getting quite vigorous and Anita's pussy was
slurping, glossing and farting as my cock piston in and out. Her
wetness was flowing now, drenching my cock and balls, making the
chair wet. The chair, with pneumatic height adjustment, was bouncing
up and down with our movement. Anita kept stroking and fucking my
cock with her glorious pussy, and I watched as my thick member was
engulfed time and again. She would change the rhythm, from fast and
frantic to long and slow then back again.

She was making sounds again, grunts and moans interspersed with words
like "Ooooh yes, Oooh harder, harder, don't stop, don't stop, don't
stop, fuck me, yesss! Your cock, its so, it's so fucking good!"

It turned me on, making my cock stiff to hear how she loved fucking
my erectness. The smell of our sex filled the office. Anita was
fucking me hard now, riding up the entire length of my penis then
driving back down, taking every inch deep inside her, grinding her
pelvis against mine then riding up again.

Anita was throwing her head back and forth saying "Yes, ooh yes, oh
God yes!" as she thrashed on top of my big dick.

I could feel my cock bumping her cervix and going to the very depths
of her vagina. Her wetness was continuously flowing, soaking our
crotches as I felt my cock grow even larger as I got ready to come. I
reached up, grabbing her big tits and squeezing them in both my
hands. Anita increased her pace, riding my cock faster and faster
with long strokes. She looked almost delirious, her long hair flung
about, her hands grabbing at my chest, scratching, grabbing my legs
pulling me to her as she rode my big dick, frantically trying to get
every inch available.

Her pussy was making squishing and fucking sounds as my cock drove up
into her wetness. I felt my cock throb once, getting ready to explode
into her juicy cunt. I said "Oooh baby, I'm gonna come, I'm gonna
come in you!"

Anita said, "Yes! Yes! Come in my pussy, fuck my pussy till you come!
Fill my cunt with your big prick! Fill my cunt with come!"

She was in ecstasy, wantonly riding my stiff cock, on the verge of
orgasm. Her pussy was opening up taking all of me, taking so much I
could feel her pussy lips on by balls. I was getting close, very
close. My pre-come was adding to the wetness that was in her, flowing
from her, drenching my cock and balls. I was straining to ram my cock
as hard and far into her pussy as I could and she was taking all of
it and then some, grinding back, swallowing my now giant cock with
her cunt. We were fucking fast and furious now driving toward orgasm,
losing track of time or setting. I could feel my orgasm building, and
fucked Anita even harder trying to bring it on.

Anita was crying, "Fuck me! Yes!, Oh God Yes!, Fuck me deep!, Fuck me
hard!, Hard!, Harder!, Fuuuckk meee!, Fuuuckk mmmee! I'm going to
come! I'm going to come!"

I was going to come and at the same time I could feel Anita's cunt
closing, pulsing, gripping the base of my shaft. I yelled, "Oooh here
I come! I'm gonna do it! I'm gonna come!"

I felt my cock swell to immense proportions then just explode,
pumping a gusher of come into Anita's pussy. My cock was throbbing
and pulsating gigantically, pumping and pumping loads of come into
her wanting cunt.

Anita was yelling, "Oh Yes! Ooooh Yes! I'm Coming! I'm Coming! I'M

And she rode my spurting cock for all it was worth, grinding herself
down on it, taking the entire eight thick inches into her, squirming
on it, riding up again only to thrust back down onto my pole.

I could feel her cunt pulsating as my cock continued to throb and
pump come into her. I watched as she stroked her pussy up my dick,
come dripping from her pussy, making my cock slick, soaking our pubic
hair. Then she would come back down, taking every inch, squirming to
get more. As we slowed, Anita was softly moaning, I was getting my
berating under control. We stopped with her sitting on top of me with
my cock still buried inside her. (Posted for chod_dalo group)

I said, "Wow, I didn't know there could be sex like this!"

Anita said, "I didn't know there would be cocks like this!" as she
started to make her pussy massage my cock again.

I just laid back and said "Oooh boy that was fantastic!"

Anita said, "Your not finished yet are you?"

I was incredulous; we had been sucking, fucking and eating for almost
an hour.

Anita stood up slowly letting my cock slip from her pussy. She
watched with a gleam in her eye as my cock slid out. "There's one
hole you haven't stroked that magnificent cock of yours into."

My cock had been approaching half-mast and decreasing but now it was
jumping to attention. I knew what she meant but asked, "What do you
mean?" anyway.

She said "I want you to fuck me in the ass!"

I couldn't wait; my cock was now fully erect again. I didn't know I
was capable of this. Anita bent over the desk with her head resting
on her folded arms and her beautiful ass sticking in the air waiting
to be fucked.

"Be gentle with me," she said, "I've never had one in there."

I said, "I'm a virgin at this too, but I'll be easy."

I moved up behind her rubbing my cock against her buttocks and
running it across her ass hole. I thought, "My cock will never fit in

I rubbed by cock across Anita's still sopping pussy then pushed it in
to get some lubrication. She groaned with pleasure. Then I bent over
and began to lick her ass hole. I licked it up and down and then
tried to wiggle my tongue in there.

Anita moaned and squirmed saying "Oh God!"

I felt her sphincter loosen and begin to open as I darted my tongue
around and into her hole. When I had it plenty wet, I stood, and my
cock was enormous and felt hard as a telephone pole. I put the head
of my penis against her pussy and slowly pushed it all the way in
then slowly withdrew it, now slick with her wetness. Anita was
shaking with anticipation as I put my cock head up against her ass
hole, guiding it with my hands. I rubbed it a little then Anita
pushed back and the head of my cock disappeared into her ass. Anita
took a sharp intake of breath then sighed.

I asked, "How is it?"

Anita said "Big!"

I held her by the hips as I slowly pushed my eight inches into
Anita's tight little ass hole. Anita groaned and pushed back against
me as I entered her. When I was all the way in I stopped.

She said, "Oh God, it feels so fucking big! Ooh it's so fucking big,
it's so good, and I never thought it would be like this!"

Her ass hole was tight and hot. I could feel the tightness of her
sphincter around the base of my shaft. God it was so tight. I started
to gently stroke my cock in and out and could feel her hole relax,
accepting my big penis into her nether region.

Anita was groaning, saying, "Yes, Yes, I want that big fucking cock,
Fuck my ass hole with your big cock!"

I started to move more, the lubrication was good and Anita started to
move with me. I didn't know how much I could take. The smell was like
an aphrodisiacs and just watching my cock pump in and out of Anita's
ass was getting me excited. I was taking long steady strokes in and
out of Anita's ass hole. Anita was pushing back to meet me every time
I would push it in.

She was making sounds now, "Oh, oh, oh, oooh", every time I would
fuck my big dick into her.

This was fantastic, her ass hole was tight, and I had never fucked
anything like this. My cock was getting harder, bigger, getting ready
to come. I kept on stroking my cock into her as her cries became
louder, more insistent. My pre-come was draining from my cock, giving
more lubrication, I was pulling my cock half way out then ramming it
back in as Anita would push back to meet me, taking all of me into
her cherry ass hole. Anita was constantly moaning now, holding onto
the desk to brace against my thrusts, moving in concert with me,
fucking me with her ass hole. I was getting ready to come, taking
long fast strokes into Anita's ass, burying my cock to the hilt then
pulling back then burying myself again.

She was bouncing back against me, fucking back hard saying "Yes! Oh
God Yes!"

I held her by the hips as I rammed my cock into her. I could feel my
come building as her tight ass hole pulled and stroked my cock. I
felt my big dick begin to throb and pulsate as I started to fill
Anita's ass with my come. Anita let out a sob as she felt my cock
explode inside her and began to come and come. I was coming and
fucking my cock into Anita's ass hole and could feel it as she came.
Her sphincter gripped my cock and I could feel her pussy pulsating
from inside her ass.

Anita was yelling, "Yes! I'm coming! Oooh yess! Don't' stop! I'm

I continued to piston my dick into her. Come was dripping out of her
ass hole and running down her crack as I fucked her. Anita was still
coming, I could feel her insides vibrate and her sphincter gripping
my cock as I continued to ram it into her.

Anita was yelling and crying out "Ooooh I'm coming! Ooooh Yess, Yesss
Yessss! Ohhh..Ahhh...Yesss!"

I was ramming my dick deep into Anita's ass hole as she came and came
and lost control and was wetting herself as she came and I fucked her
up the ass. I could feel the wetness running down my legs as she
pissed and suddenly I was coming again, my cock exploding, and
shooting wads of come into Anita's asshole. I kept ramming my big
cock into her now slick and dripping ass hole and kept on coming like
there would be no end.

My cock throbbed and pulsed as I rammed it into her and she bucked
against me. Finally after a several minutes we began to subside and I
slowly slowed and finally stopped stroking it into her. We stood like
that momentarily, breathing hard, reflecting on what we had just
experienced, her, bent over the desk with her head turned to one
side, hair splayed out, me behind her leaning on her back with my
cock still sunk deep into her ass hole. We were both covered with
sweat and the smell of sex filled the air. Then I withdrew my cock
from her ass hole and we both lay down on the carpet, exhausted.
After a while we cleaned ourselves up as best we could and got

Then we straightened up the office, picking up things we had knocked
over and collecting papers together. When we thought we were composed
and got ready to leave

Anita kissed me on the mouth giving me some tongue then said, "I have
to have more of that big cock of yours!"

I said, "It would be my pleasure", and opened the door to let Anita


This happened a long time back, when I was residing in Mumbai. I and
my wife were staying in a one bedroom hall flat in a high rise
building. I had to travel a couple of days everyweek and my wife
also used to owk, hence she had kept a kaamwalibai named smitha for
the complete work. This bai was supposed to come two time a day, one
early morning by 7.30 A.M. to wash the utensils and swipe the
floors. Then she used to come at 5.00 P.M. around, to wash clothes,
utensils and any other menial jobs. Our bai was dark, around 5'2",
about 50 – 60 kgs weight, She always wore a sari and blouse. The
sari used to be torn at alll places and she was not too careful
about her appearance. She probably used to work in about 3 – 4
house. There would be a stench of perspiration and other smells
coming from her, when passed close by. Probably that may be the
reason why my wife had employed her. .And finally she was always in
. I knew a bit of her family history as she had gossiped with my
wife and in turn my wife used to talk about her plight. She had two
kids and her husband was a waiter in a small restaurant. Her kids
were going to a convent and all her efforts were to pay the school
fees and get the kids have a good education. She was staying in the
local slum just about 10 minutes walk from our house.
I had an habit of sitting in the hall every morning to read the
paper while having my tea. And that was the time this bai used to
swipe the floor. Once while reading I just glanced up and I saw two
boobs hanging in a loosely illfitting blouse. She was busy wiping
the floor and her boobs were clearly visible. Now this became a
regular feature and my mind started getting all naughty ideas. My
wife used to be busy in kitchen preparing food and also getting
ready for work. One day, I just kept my paper aside and was staring
at her boobs and its movement. She glanced up and asked me on how
come I was not reading the newspaper that day. I looked at her and
said I cannot read while she was wiping. She asked me why and I said
I will tell you some other time. The discussion was cut short when
my wife walked in. Now this became my daily ritual-staring.
Sometimes when I would be out of house for several days, my wife
would then stay with her parents (liivng nearby). The servant would
then come, collect the key from our neighbour and complete her work.
When I landed back in Mumbai after tour, I would call my wife and
either pick her up from her parents house or she would join me. One
day I landed up early morning around 4.00 A.M. and did not want to
disturb my wife. I reached our flat and went to sleep. I had a key
with at all times. Morning 7.30 as usual the bai came and she saw me
sleeping. After she completed her work, she woke up and inquired
whether I would like a cup of tea. I agreed and she made tea for
both of us. While sipping the tea, I asked her on why she wore loose
blouses. She stated that with the salary what she earned she could
not afford any new blouse and then went into a big explanation on
all her problems. I told her that when she is sweeping and wiping
the floor I can see her boobs very clearily and being a male I can't
keep my eyes away. She very directly told me that if you want to
see then I will show you. I was amazed. I finished my tean and then
walked upto het and put both my hads on her boobs. It was big
(bigger than my wife). She unhooked her blouse and both the boobs
were in my hands. I started fondling it. Her nipples were dark and
it was exciting to touch a bai's boobs. I was wearing a lungi and I
could feel my lund straining. I took her hand and placed it on my
lund. By this time she was also getting excited. As I said she was
smelly so I suggested that for once we take a bath toghether. She
said that she had only about 20 – 30 more minutes before she had to
go to the next house. I told her that we will make it quick. Both of
us entered the bathroom. I made her disrobe and was amazed to find a
bushy cunt. I asked her on why she did not trim and her reply was
saab, subhko, chuut hi to chodna hai, thods ghaas hai to maaza
aayega. (everybody wants to fuck so some grass there would help). By
the time I was naked and my mouth was busy sucking her big balls.
Both my hands were squeezing the balls. She took my lund in her hand
and started shagging. I swtiched on the shower and we were getting
drenched. I took a sap and said I rubbed it all over her. When my
hand reached the cunt I inserted about 3 fingers in and she asked,
kya saab poora haath hi ghusaoge kya. I said that mai bhi gus
jhaonga. By this time both of us were hugging, kissing biting and
sucking each other . I forced her head down and she took my lund in
her mouth. She started squeezing my balls and she could feel the
release was near. I squirted all the sperms in her mouth and she
swallowed it up. She got up and sai saab, khatam hua, abhi chale. I
told her wait as we still had time. I gave her a good rub with the
towel. While she was rubbing my lund, it started growing and she
said that saala phir se badh raha hai. I told her who to tumko
chodne ke liye hai. I took a condom gave it to her and she put it on
me. Then took her to bed, laid her on her back and mounted her. She
guided me in and told me that saab, jara aaste se dalo, nahin to
dard hoga. On hearing that I just rammed it into her. She shouted
and hugged me tight. I started banging iinto her, initially she
shouted but then she started moaning. She started yelling, chodo
mujhe aur ghusaoo, aur dhabha kemaaro, aur dalo… Her language was
turning me on and just as I was about to release, I took it out and
asked her to climb over me. She said saab abh time nahin hai, jaldi
karo, I told her that chodna hai to maaje se chodthe hain. She came
on top and inserted herself on my erection. It was exhilarating to
see two big melons bouncing up and down and she went up and down my
shaft. Finally I felt my release near and with a loud cry I
released my sperms. While dressing up I asked her on how many people
she has screwed till now, she said that if I don't fuck people like
you, how can I afford to send my kids to convent. She said you know
Sharmaji, your neighbour, he can never keep his hand away from me
and whenever he has the chance he fucks me. Suddenly, I realised
now, I was also one of the sharmaji for her.
I never knew she was such an easy lay but we learn as time goes by.
That is another story on how I used her services to screw Sharmaji's
wife. It is also another story on how my wife caught both of us at
one time in the act and the consequences
Once I realised the kaamwali was an easy lay, it became a regular
feature of mine to press her boobs, or stick my finger in her cunt
or hold her buttocks or pinch it, when my wife was not looking. It
was difficult in that small flat to do it but I tried to manage.
Normally, my wife used to be busy, in the kitchen or taking a shower
or dressing up to go to office and I also had to leave for office
early, plus the kaamwali Smitha had other households to go to.
The best time as usual was when I was reading the newspaper and she
would be sweeping the floor. Now a days she started wearing still
loose blouse, when she realised my fetish for her boobs. She would
come tantalisingly closer to where I would be sitting wiping the
floor and I would insert my hands and fondle her boobs specially
pinching her nipples. But it was difficult to be in that position
for a long time. Once, my wife was in the bathroom taking a shower,
when I called her close. I took out my lund and she took it in her
mouth, but I tokd her to take it between the breast and squeeze it.
I held both her breasts enclosing my lund. I was sitting at the edge
of the sofa with my legs apart, she was in between my legs with her
boobs holding my lund. She would try to bend and kiss the tip of my
lund and also try to pinch my nipples at the same time. It was a
great sensation. The lund was getting a good shag and also she was
sqeezing and fondling my balls. The tension of my wife suddenly
catching us also had increased the sensation. And her smell and
vulgar hissing like sab jaldi karo, nehi to pakde jaayenge. Saaab,
tumhaara lund bahut time lagaata hain, nikalo jadi etc… was
sexciting. Suddenly my sperm erupted and it flew towards her face
and chest. She was about to wipe it with her dirty sari when I said
no, don't do that. I spread it all over her face and her breast and
asked her not to wash it away, but to leave it as it is as I could
at least smell my sperms, when she comes near me. She asked me if
bibi (my wife, that's what she called her) asked about it, I said
that biwi won't know, else tell her that she got a good screwing
from her husband before at home and she did not have the time to
clean it. It was not that the sperms could be seen on her face but
the thrill was great. It had been a long time since I had screwed
her, so one day I asked her whether she could come in the afternoon.
That was a risk I was taking as our neighbors knew her timings in
our house and seeing her in the afternoon there and realising that I
was also there would have been dangerous, but a needy guy has no
other solutions. I stayed back in the house on the pretext of having
some visit reports to be prepared and waited for her. By 12 I had a
razing hardon, but there was no sight of her. I had finally given up
hope and was about to dress up when she came. It was 1.00. I
immediately, without any discussion undressed her and took her
straight to the bathroom. Gave her a good bath while all the time
she was telling me of how and why she got late. I had this hardon
and her hands were around it, It was good to feel her hands around
it while I bathed her with good soap and finally rubbed her with the
towel. I lifted her up and carried her all the way to the bedroom
and then laid my back and told her to work on me. She started
sucking my hardon and also playing with my balls and alternatively
pinching my nipples. I was getting crazy. I turned myself and we
were doing 69. She had a bushy cunt. Suddenly, I had an idea, The
dressing table was just a hands reach form the bed and my wife had
her scissors there for her cosmetic works. I took the scissor and
started trimming the bush. Initially the bai did not realise but
when she knew what I was doing she yelled out, saab who math karna,
mera pati saala samajh jayega ki mein seth lok se chudwa rahi hoon
aur meh kahi ki bhi na rahoongi. I told her don't worry. Tell your
hubby that you wanted him to get more excited and you wanted to feel
him more. She was reluctant, but I asked her to go and suck me and
thrust my lund in her mouth and started pumping. In the meanwhile
all the trimmed bush hairs were falling on my face, on the bed and
the act itself was exciting. I could now clearly see her choot. It
was good to look at like a vertical mouth, dark lips, I slowily
started caressing it with my tongue and inserted a finger at a time
in her choot. I could fit in three fingers and then started
masturbating her. I could feel her choot which was initially tensed
loosen up and then wet itself. I was on the verge of release, when I
asked her to take me in her. She came on top of me and in one stroke
I was inside her. Then I realised that I had forgot to put he condom
on. I just let it be and went on pumping into her. Her boobs were
pressed on my chest and she was mouthing words like, meri choot ko
nazuk kar diya, choodo mujhe and she had that gutural sound when
she was coming. Finally I filled her up and lay exhausted.
Afterwards, we both got up and she started cleaning the bed. She
took the bedsheet and put it for washing. And took out a new
bedsheet to lay over it. Seeing her bent on the bed in doggie style
again was exciting. I went behind her and started playing with her
big mellons (boobs) I told her to remain like that and asked her to
masturabate me. She said ab bus bhi karo saab, kitna baar chodoga.
Shaam ko tumhe bibi ko bhi chodna hai. I said tum bhi to jakar ab
aur bhoton se chudwaogi. She said, nahi saab, aaj thak gayi hoon,
Aaj to sirf kaam karoongi aur raat ko agar miyan ne zabardasti ki to
chudwaoongi but pehle nahi. By the time I had a semi hard on and I
entered her choot from behind. I was also playing with her anus and
tried to enter a finger it. She said, sahaab aaj jaane do, kal kabhi
udhar ungli dalna. I went on fucking her, playing with her anus and
her melons. Suddenly I felt her stiffening and she shouted saab
jaldi karo oiiiiiiii. I felt her shudder and going limp, I held her
up and went on banging her and when I was about to erupt, I took it
out and sprayed it on her back. She was limp and did not care. I
spread the sperm on her back and let it dry there.
Finally she dressed and made tea for both of us. She came and sat on
my lap and asked me on why it took me a long time to first fuck her.
It had been almost a year before I had approached her even though
she had been showing me her boobs and other parts for a longtime. I
said, first I never really was interested in you but over time yes,
your boobs and the way it was hanging excited me. She said, humko
laaga tum pehle insaan ho jo ek hi aurat ka hai kyonki, mein jo bhi
ghar mein kaam karti hoon, wahen ke saab lok to doosre hi din se
meri peeche padthe hain.
How was she to know that I had never played around much before and
after marriage and she was taking me to a different world, where now
a days I was becoming too horny and had started lusting after other
women. She never directly asked me any money but I used to give her
50 to 100 Rs all time and sometime when I had more to spare
(especially after my field trips, when I usually used to get
reimbursed more), I could spare her more money.
More about how she became my confidante and started telling me
stories about all the other women in the building and helped me in
getting acquainted with them and finally helping me to fuck them.
Also more about the day we were caught redhanded by my wife and …
For those who have not read my earlier story, just read the earlier
part of this story which is there on this


I am from Mumbai. During my college days, I was a hiking and
mountaineering buff. Every weekend, by Friday evening or Saturday
afternoon, our group used to go to scale peaks in Matheran, in or
around Bombay or long distance. By Sunday evening we used to be back.
Once we were on a Bombay University sponsored hikes to Nashik. There
we were to scale about 6 – 8 peaks. We were a group of 14 initially,
but as the weather was turning bad, with constant rain and thunder,
with flood warning, most of the group returned, leaving behind a
core group of 4 and finally I was the only remaining who was
determined to scale the peaks. I love outdoor life, so did not feel
like returning back to the crowded populated city before the due
date. While hiking since we are always at remote areas, we usually
get to spend our evening at the village temple or at some headman's
or farmer's house.
That day, the weather was a bit clear, even though there were light
rain, I started and scaled a peak and by the time I returned it was
4.00 P.M. I had entered a village and was walking along when there
was a heavy downpour. The weather was overcast and the clouds were
looming heavily above. The chances were that the rains would not be
stopping soon. The rain was so fierce that it was falling in heavy
drops (cats and dogs) and visibility was also negligible. I was
totally drenched, but the rucksack and my sleeping bag was rain
proof, so I was trying to find a safe shelter where I could change
into dry clothes.
I saw a turbaned farmed walking in front and approached him for
shelter. Now these village folks are familiar with crazy people like
us who come to climb mountains. They have asked us on why we do that
as for them it is a regular days work as their farming are on
mountain tops etc.. and they climb regularly.
Anyway, the farmer was a young fellow probably in his thirties and
drenched like me. He asked me to accompany him. After a walk of 10
minutes on the outskirts of the village, he led me to a neat mud
house, which had those dry leaves roof. Around the house on the wall
and the ground was plastered with cow dung. I had to bend to enter
the thatched hut as the door was smaller. On entering in, I found
that the family consisted of two small girls (probably aged 2 and 4)
and his wife. Now she was thin (or is it lean), seemed like she just
had a bath and was wearing an old torn sari and a dirty loose
blouse. She was tall about 5'5" and had sharp features. She had a
big metal earrings and a round nose ring. Both the husband and wife
were suntanned and their face had creases and hand had calluses
which seem to suggest that half their time was spent in sun tending
fields. The husband had been returning from field when I met him.
The room was large from inside, with a log wood burning in the
corner for preparing food. There was a partition in one corner
dividing the house into two rooms where I could see some mattresses
on the floor. The house was smelling of cow dung and the wet mud
smell. There were a lot of smell coming from within and it took me a
while to get used to it. They were poor people barely surviving on
a daily basis. There was no furniture and the floor was bare.
I could feel the stare of the women and the kids as I stood there
taking in the scene in front of me. The husband said to his wife
that I would be staying so to prepare food for me too. She was still
standing there staring at me. I was feeling odd and out of place. I
thanked the husband and inquired whether he drinks. Suddenly his
face lit up, he said yes. I then gave him Rs. 100/- and said, can
you get a beer for me and he can buy his brand, plus if he can
arrange some chicken or mutton and some vegetables. Initially, he
expressed hesitancy to accept but then took the money and left. The
women was still looking at me while the kids were pointing at me and
giggling. Since I was drenched, I moved to a corner of the hut and
then opened my bag, took out my towel, a short and a t-shirt. I
scrubbed my hair and body, wrapped the towel around me and removed
my wet clothes. When I glanced at the wife, I observed her looking
but the moment she realized I was staring at her, she turned her
head. I changed into fresh clothes and then combed and powdered
myself and felt fresh. I started playing with the kids. I cajoled
them in coming near me and offered them some powder, perfume, pencil
and some papers which I carry for taking notes. In a matter of
minutes, I had the small one on my lap and the elder one sitting
beside me, drawing pictures. I could see a smile on the mothers
face. She was making those hand made rotis and cooking it on the
chulha. As she bent forward I could see her boobs hanging (no bras –
didn't expect her to have one, no underwear too). It was a clear
sight; It was as if she was naked in front of me. She realized I was
watching her but acted nonchalant. Since I don't speak Marathi but
can understand the language and she was not well versed with hindi,
I was trying to communicate with broken marathi and she was replying
slowily so that I understand.
After an hour, her husband came loaded with vegetables, chicken and
a two bottles of country liquor. He had a lot of change which he
gave me, which I in turn handed over to his wife saying that she
should buy some sweets for the kids. She accepted the money and
seemed surprised at my generosity. Her husband in the meantime told
me that he could not get my Beer. Now I am no fan of country liquor
so when he poured a glass for himself, I just took a quarter glass
and kept it in front of me without sipping. The wife was busy
cooking a good food and I could smell the aroma of the dishes. She
cooked fast and in an hour's time had the food ready. By now the
husband had finished half the bottle and he was going strong. He was
constantly talking about his work, fields, inquiring about my
programme, predicting the weather etc… His wife was keeping a watch
on us. By 7.30 she was ready with the food and I suggested that she
feed the kids first. She laid a plate for the kids and was feeding
them. I sidled upto them and then seeing that she was trying to keep
back good chunky meat for us, I dipped into the gravy and put more
vegetable and meat for the kids. I could see that she was taken back
with my action. After half an hour she had fed the kids and put them
to bed. She came to join us. My glass was still quarter full and her
husband had now finished one bottle and was opening the second. She
looked at me and asked me why I don't drink. I said you drink first
and then I will. Now the husband was gone, drunk and I don't think
he had any idea what was going on around him. But he was still
drinking. She shied away and said she never drinks much. I offered
my glass to her and she took a couple of sips. The glass was almost
empty. I filled it to the brim (full) and then tasted the drink
myself from the same glass and gave her. She shyly took it and in a
couple of gulps finished more than half of it. I again refilled the
glass, and tasted the drink myself. It was strong with a real
pungent smell. The drink seemed to be burning its way through my
throat to my stomach. I gasped and she laughed. I offered her the
glass, while doing so my hands brushed against her boobs and she
laughed again. I could see that she was enjoying the drink. I filled
my glass and taking a few sips from it gave it to her. By this time
her husband had finished his glass and poured the last shot,
emptying the bottle. He was blabbering now, talking incoherently and
swaying. We sat there for some time till she finished her glass and
then she got up and laid the food for us. I don't think the husband
knew what he was eating, he was half asleep, his eyes closed and his
wife was feeding him. He was sitting beside me and she was sitting
in front of him. She was also eating from the same plate while
feeding him. To feed him she had to lean forward and through the
loose blouse her boobs which were good round shaped was hanging
freely. She could see me staring at it and was deliberately bending
herself, giving me an eyeful. Finally I lost my senses and in an act
of desperation reached forward and handled her boobs. She smiled and
pushed my hands off. Finally we ate and it was time to sleep. She
led her husband to the curtained portion and laid him down and asked
me to sleep at the corner spare space. She blew the kerosene lamp
off and lay beside her husband and I opened my sleeping bag and
cuddled in. I must have just blinked, when I felt an arm encircling
me and trying to cozy unto me. I could feel heavy hot breadth on my
face. I realized it was the wife. I could smell her perspiration,
food smell and different smell coming out of her. A rustic village
belle's smell. It was total dark and it was very difficult to see
and we could only see the silhouette of each other. I embraced her
thin body and she was strong. Her hands were moving all over my
body. I in turn asked her to remove her sari and blouse. We both
undressed and I kissed her. She was like a wild animal. Her tongue
was trying to reach all corner of my mouth. The cold metal of her
nose ring was constantly pressing my skin and giving me the charge.
She was on top of me and her hands were everywhere. She kissed me
all over my face and by this time I had a stiff lund. She spread her
legs and slowly started taking it in. I could see, feel her effort,
by her closed eyes and the slowness of penetration. She would take
in small amount in one time and then relax and then again push to
take in more. I could feel her choot wall pressing against my lund
and finally she was in all the way. She just relaxed and slept on me
taking in the feeling of fullness within her. Then she kissed me and
said it was painful. I was pressing her boobs and then had my hands
on her buttocks and was pressing it in. My fingers were searching
for her asshole. She regained her breadth and then started pounding
me . She was moving up and down on my lund and making a hissing
sound hsssssssss. Her eyes were closed shut and her hands were
pressing on my chest. My hands were pressing her boobs and nipples
and also I was trying to kiss and bite her nipples. It went on for
some time and finally with a shudder she fell down on me like a
spent force. I laid her on her back and then mounted her by
spreading her legs. Her choot was tight but due to her lubricants it
slid in. I started pumping her, banging and she started responding.
Her nails were scratching my back and she was trying to hug me
tightly. I kept pounding till I felt myself shooting a whole lot of
sperm into her. She also strained herself against me rubbing her
choot and squeezing all my cum and she exploded again. I could feel
her body releasing her orgasm in waves. Finally her tide passed and
we both just lay in each other arms. I slept off and at night I woke
up to find that she was not lying beside me and then I dressed up
and went back to sleep. I fell into a deep sleep and when I opened
my eyes, it was already morning and the kids were up and playing and
she was cooking breakfast. The farmer was already up. I sheepishly
got up as I was feeling guilty for getting up late. The kids were
watching me and I just playfully lunged at them. They squealed and
ran. The parents looked at me and smiled. I looked at her and she
gave me a lovely smile.
The rain had not stopped and it was really raining cats and dogs. I
stood looking outside and asked the guy whether there was any chance
for me to climb two more peaks. He laughed and said – no chance.
Wait till the rain subsides and then try. I asked him if there was
any place for me to stay. He said that saab, if you don't want to
stay with us in this hut then shift otherwise please stay with us.
His wife was intently listening to our discussion and when I agreed
to stay, I looked at her and she had her naughty smile on the face.
I told the guy lets have some more dishes today and paid him 100 Rs.
more. I said, bring drinks but try for beer for me and buy 2-3
country for all of us. The mention of liquor seemed to brighten him.
Her husband waited for some time, informed and seeing that the rain
was not stopping, informed that he would be going to the field to
check the state and then buy the goods and try to be back by 3.00 to
4.00 P.M. and then went to buy the foodstuff and probably to get a
smoke, I took my clothes off and wore my towel and went out in the
rain for a bath. I had the soap with me. The kids also joined and we
all enjoyed. The wife also joined and time and while playing with
the kids she was intentionally sliding by me, pressing herself to me
and finally she asked the kids to go in and dry themselves. I had an
erection and my towel was clearly showing the bulge. We went to the
back of her hutment and then she raised her saree and slept on the
wet ground pulling me on top of her. My lund was immediately in her
choot and I was fucking her. She also had her legs around me and her
hands was pressing me to her. We pounded away and in a short time I
came. We got up and then I after bathing in the rain entered the
house. I came in and wore warm clothes. I hung my wet clothes t dry
inside the house. By this time the lady had also come back, I
realized she also had soaped herself with my soap and her shoulder
long hair was wet and tied in a cloth. Her sari was drenched. She
went behind the curtain to change, and I could see her silhoutte
through that.
Now I was left alone with the kids. The wife's name was Shobhabai. I
started playing with the kids. Shobhabai went towards the chulha and
was busy preparing the lunch, making rotis and cutting vegetables
for curry and sabji. After a couple of hours she joined the kids
and Shobhabai joined us. Whenever we had a chance we were brushing
against each other. Finally I made the kids sit and to draw
pictures. Shobhabai was watching that with interest. I sidled upto
her and placed her hand on the bulge in my pants. She squeezed it
without looking at me. I slid my hands under her buttocks from
behind. She shifted her position to allow me to slide my hand under
her sari. As I wrote earlier she was too poor too afford any bra or
panties. I started playing with her choot. The kids were busy doing
their work and even if they had looked at us they won't have
realized as the sari was totally covering my play. Her hands in
between would streak out and press the bulge. She was all wet down
and I could feel her heat growing. I told her that why don't you
collect a bucket of water from outside. She got up and left and I
asked the kids to work and followed her out. There was no house
nearby and the rains were making visibility less. We went to a side
wall and we started kissing each other. I raised her sari and pulled
her towards me. I lifted her and now her legs were entwined around
my buttocks and my lund was in her choot. I started banging her
against her house wall and she was moaning. Her head was limp on my
shoulders and she was riding along with me. We were only worried
that the children should not come looking for us. Finally I could
feel her shudder and limpness. I put her down and then guided her
hand to my lund. I asked her to masturbate me and shyly she started
doing it. In an instant I had released my cum in her hand. She
wanted to wash it off in the rain, but I suggested that she taste
it. She had never done that before she said, so I forced her to eat
all my cum and kissed her. She had not swallowed the cum so her
saliva was mixed with my sperms. We went on passionately kissing for
few minutes and finally with the continuos pushing of my tongue in
her mouth she managed to swallow my cum. She straightened her sari
and then both of us went in. Inside the kids were still at work. Now
anytime we got we were touching each other. Finally her husband came
loaded with goods and when he gave me the balance. I gave it to
Shantabai saying that that is for her and the kids.
Evening came and this time she completed all her chores by 6.30 and
had fed her kids. Then she put them to bed immediately. Today the
husband had two bottles of beer and three bottles of country liquor.
He was already through one bottle and was on his second. I had
finished one beer bottle and was waiting for shantabai to come. As
soon as she joined us, I poured her on full glass of country liquor.
She took it and finished half of it in one shot. Then we were
talking. Her husband as usual was chattering and seemed drowned in
liquor. Shanatabai also finished her glass and I got another drink
for her. We were careful not to appear close as the husband was
nearby and we did not want to take the risk. Finally the second
bottle was over and he was totally drunk. Shantabai, brought the
food and fed him with her hand, and finally when she realized he was
done for the day, took him inside to sleep. She came back. I pulled
her on my lap, my lund was hard and she could feel it. She raised
her sari and guided it in her choot and then we both were talking
and drinking. She knew how to handle drinks and must have had about
3 glasses. By this time my second beer was over. Shantabai in a
playful mood filled her mouth with her liquor and in the process of
kissing, fed me the same. As I wrote earlier, that drink was too
strong for more and I gasped. She laughed and was moving up and down
my lund. Slowly and playfully we kept onto task and finally in a
shattering climax I came. I could feel her releasing hers an instant
after my release. Possibly my hot release triggered her orgasm.
She brought the food and we both ate from the same plate. Sometimes
she used to feed me and I used to feed her sometimes. At one time, I
had taken my food and orally transferred it to her mouth.
As soon as the food was over, she turned of the oil lamp and there
was total darkness around. She joined me in my sleeping bag and we
both started kissing each other. I turned around in 69 position and
started sucking her choot. This was a new experience for her as she
(told me later) had been never eaten nor sucked before in her choot.
She started hissing and buckling under me. I could feel the heat
building in her. In the meantime I made her suck my lund and play
with my balls. She was now pressing her choot to my face and rubbing
it. She pressed my head hard towards her choot and was crazily
grinding her choot on my face. I could feel her cum seeping through
and entering my mouth. She suddenly forced and shot a string of
liquid on my face. The first experience I had where a female
ejaculated like a male. I lapped up all her juice and then pulled
her alongside me. I asked her to suck my lund. She seemed hesitant
to suck it (no earlier experience). I caught her hair and forcibly
entered her mouth. She gagged on it but finally got the feel of
sucking and swallowing. Her mouth was trying to devour my lund while
her tongue was caressing it. I was helping her in massaging my balls
while I was playing with her breast / boobs. I came instantly and I
could see that she was choking, gagging with the flow. She took my
lund off her mouth and was trying to get up to spit it or wash her
face, but I stopped her. I made her swallow the whole cum and then
asked her to clean my lund. She did that when she realized that I
really wanted her to do that. I whispered to her that if I can drink
her juices and clean her choot she should also learn to clean a
man's lund. We kissed again and then lay side by side. The night was
still early and she was whispering sweet nonsense in my ears. I was
playing with her buttocks and balls while she was kissing me and
alternatively playing with my lund , taking it in her hand and
shagging it.
This went on for some time and slowly again we were both hot now.
She climbed on me and directed my lund in her choot. She had become
an expert in fucking. She bounced up and down and we must have been
doing it for about a long time and finally with a violent thrust she
came. I could feel her shattering climax because at that time I
released my whole load and felt really spent.
We slept in each others arms for some time.
At midnight or thereafter, I could feel my lund rising and being
engulfed by a wetness. I woke to find her giving me a blowjob. I
waited for some time and when I was hard, I lay her on the ground
and then mounted her. I placed her legs on my shoulders and deeply
penetrated her. She was now in for a wild ride. We must have fucked
for a long time and then both of us came together. I slid beside her
and put my fingers in her choot. I scooped our mix of sperms and her
cum and I offered her to taste it, She was hesitant and I sucked my
finger and then kissed her. She responded wildly and I transferred
the mixture to her mouth. Finally I dressed and slept and did not
know when she left.
Morning I woke up early to find that the rain had subsided. The
farmer was busy to go his field. I asked him whether he can be my
guide to the mountains and evening we can be back, I heard him
discussing the matter with his wife and finally he came and told me
that since he has to be at the fields, he can't come. But his wife
had suggested that she can be my guide and from the mountain top she
can collect woods and grasses which they can sell or use at home to
raise money. I was planning to climb two peaks and was expecting to
return only after 6.00 P.M., since the husband expected me to return
and stay with them, I agreed and gave another Rs. 100/- for the
evening fun. He took it instantly and seemed very happy.
I marveled at his wife's shrewdness. We started immediately and
once we had left the village far back, we started walking very
close. She was leading the way and the swing of her buttocks was
igniting a passion in me. I looked around and seeing nobody around,
I walked near her, embraced her from behind and she said be careful.
I said don't worry, nobody is around. She directed me to some trees
and shrubs nearby which would hide us from the road. I made her bend
doggie style and raising her saree had my lund in her. I went on
pumping and finally spurted all my sperms in her. The ground was wet
but she just sat down and looked at me longingly. I sat beside her
and we passionately kissed for some time. Since time was short, we
were again on our way. We met occasionally a few villagers and some
women and they used to greet us and talk to her in marathi. Some of
the ladies stared at us and passed some snide comments with her and
all of them were laughing and enjoying the jokes at my expense. I
just stood there . Then again we were on out way. Sometimes when we
felt really hot, we used to kiss and finger each other. It was easy
to finger her pussy as she was wearing loose sari and blouse and
nothing underneath it. When we reached the top of one peak, I again
fucked her and we spent some time caressing each other. Then I
helped her to collect some firewood's (which they normally collect
to sell in the market for cash). By the time we climbed the second
peak and was back it was 6.00 P.M. I helped her collect a lot of
woods and also carried some for the fun of it and it was hard work
and I was tired. On reaching home, I saw the kids impatiently
waiting for their mother. On seeing her they came running out and
the next couple of hours she was preparing evening food and also
taking care of them. I also spent my time with kids after changing
into fresh clothes. Around 6.30 P.M., her husband came and he seemed
happy seeing the large pile of woods. He thanked me on knowing that
I helped and carried the woods. Then he sat down for drinking. I
immediately filled a glass of country liquor for wife and beckoned
her to join. She came picked her full glass and gulped down half of
it, so I refilled it and gave her. She had to cook some non-veg
which the husband brought so she took her filled glass to the chulha
site. I kept an eye on that and whenever she finished her glass, I
saw that I had it refilled. The husband was having a good time,
drinking to his hearts content and finally as earlier was totally
drunk and blabbering. He more or less was asleep after completing
two and quarter bottle. She finally finished cooking, fed her kids
and finally her husband and then came to sit with me. Since the rain
had stopped and the weather was nice, we sat outside watching the
surroundings. She was still having her drinks and I had my beer. She
asked me what I did and when she learnt I was a student, she wanted
to know whether my parents were very rich, I just laughed and said
no. She enquired whether life in City was better and would it
provide well paid jobs for her husband and family. Could she find
some jobs in city. She slowly started with her life, her marriage
and her life. She liked me because, I was not snobbish and had
treated the whole house as my own. The way I played with her kids
and the time I put more food for the kids made her like me. She
said, after a long time they were eating three times a day and
enjoying life for the past three days. She enquired whether there
was any help I can give, if her family came to Bombay for jobs,
since they owned about 5 acres of field and it was not enough to
feed the family for even 6 months. I am always a sucker for such
stories and I embraced her. I told her that let me start working and
I would try to help them. I would always be an uncle for her kids
and possibly try to get them do well in life with schooling and
better education. I can probably help with some money later. While
talking her eyes were also filled up and I made her sit on my lap.
We remained embraced for a few hours and then since she could feel
my hardness, she bent and took it in her mouth. I was caressing her
hair watching the clear sky and the world beyond. After some time, I
lifted her face and kissed her and made her sit on my lund. She
raised her sari and my lund was in her choot. We sat facing each
other and also sharing our drinks. Her blouse was open and I had
taken my shirt off. Our body when pressed was erotic since the bare
skin was pressing against each other and her boobs were squeezed on
my chest. She was also caressing my face and kissing me all around.
Finally both of us came together. We stayed like that for a long
time. I asked her whether she had sex before. She said they were
born poor so when young the local sahukaars (the landlords) used to
forcibly have sex with them. She was good looking those days so was
always fucked by somebody or the other till she got married. After
marriage, she said this was the first time she felt like having sex
and she had enjoyed it a lot. Finally we went inside to have some
food. Late night again we coupled together and finally both of us
went to sleep.
I stayed with then for a few more days, during which I saw their
fields. Did all my climbing and yes, couple of days it rained badly
too. I had spent all my money there and hardly had enough to reach
back but I gave her all I had and after taking their address, I
left. There are always the truckers on highway who gives free ride,
so I reached Mumbai safely and the past week became a dream in the
long run.
I kept in touch with that family by visiting them occasionally (once
a year), used to give a lot of present and I was the kids favorite
uncle. Once I had invited the family to Mumbai. My interest in her
for sex had waned a long time ago as she was a typical hard working
village belle and looked the same. Those young time when I was a
hiker, any pussy or choot was always exciting so had fucked her but
later with more affairs and girlfriends, she was the past. But she
always seemed excited in my presence and just to make her happy used
to fuck her.
The kids are grown now and in High school

A Wonderful Experience

By mum's own admission, her sister was a couple of years
younger than her. Aunty was a doctor and had married a
colleague just as soon as she had finished her postgrad.
They had settled down in our state we were, but lived in
a different city about 400 kilometres away.

Every other year I'd make the pilgrimage to uncle &
aunty's house for the summer, returning rather reluctantly
a week before school reopened. They were childless and as
is wont with people afflicted thus by fate, they lavished
all their affection on me while I was there. Mum always
complained good-naturedly that she'd sent them a good boy
and they had returned a spoilt one ! I'd sleep late,
and wake up later AND eat ice creams every day !
And aunty would never chide me about eating my
vegetables.......reluctance to return home was

It was the summer vacation from school and I was visiting
with them again. I was .. at the time and had recently
discovered the pleasure of masturbation. A double pleasure
because it also afforded me a way to relieve the ache
that would build up in my loins ever so frequently,
manifesting in the most embarassing quivering erections
at the most unexpected times...and situations !

Aunty was 35 and at 5'4", she was an inch taller than I.
Like mum, she was fair, a trait that wasn't passed on to
me....I was lighter skinned than dad but was nowhere near
as clear skinned as mum or aunty. I had their curly hair,
but where my curls were small and dense, aunty was blessed
with lighter and more bouncy auburn curls that she liked to
keep cropped down to her shoulders. She had the large,
deep brown and expressive eyes that seems to be an
identifying trait of southern women, and there was ever
a hint of a gentle laugh somewhere in their being.

Where she differed from mum was in her build....mum was
more, well .......... more mummyish....sort of 'pleasingly
plump' as dad would say of her. Aunty on the other hand
was slim. All in all, if you didn't actually know her
age, you would have mistaken her for a person much younger.

She was an obstetrician at the local government hospital
and when I was visiting, she made it a point to take a
few days off from work to relax as well as to give me
some company at home while I reestablished the bonds of
friendship with the children from our locality, who,
like me, would be home for the summer.

This year though, her break from work when I arrived
at aunty's home elicited none of the excitement or
joie-de-vivre of yesteryears. It meant less
privacy for me and my favourite pastime was all.
And the frustration of not being able to indulge
myself as often as I would have liked to made me
desperate for release.........trips to the toilet
became mysteriously longer as far as my aunt was
concerned, and she'd wonder aloud whether I was
falling off to sleep on the potty or in the tub,
because I looked so tired all the day long.

Night was my friend.....the only time during the whole
day that I could throw back the sheets, so to to speak !
I'd eagerly wait for uncle and aunty to retire because
then I'd be free of any vestige of anxiety about getting
caught with my hands under the sheets. The first orgasm
would invariably be a quick one, requiring just a few
short frantic strokes to total bliss. And I seldom lost
my erection despite firing several spurts over my belly
and chest.....there were times I hit the headboard with
a splat !

The night also transpired to be my nemesis in that
my secret sessions finally saw the light of day one
night ! I was on my third frig for the night, so the
strokes were slower and longer and my fingers stroked
and lingered over all those exquisitely sensitive areas
that I'd identified. I had the night light on so that
I could watch and enjoy too. It was as I reached down
behind my balls to tease my anus that I felt I was
no longer alone. I'd lifted my head off the pillow
to be able to reach down between my thighs, so I turned
my head back to see what had given me that presentiment.

I got the biggest shock of my entire life.

Framed in the doorway, and limned by the light from the
hallway, stood my aunty....barefeet and in her dressing
gown, watching me intently. I was too shocked to move at
first and then did so with great alacrity letting go of
my rapidly shrivelling member and reaching further down
between my thighs to raise the sheet back up and over

I heard a sigh and then the whisper of aunty's feet on
the carpet. I had averted my face guiltily so I saw her
only as she came around the bed, and then she sat down
right beside me. I lowered my gaze, refusing to
make eye contact as she whispered my name and finally
aunty reached down and gently lifted my chin in her hand,
compelling me to look at her. And then, looking right into
my eyes, she giggled. I turned what must have been an
interesting shade of beet and she said,

"It's OK to do it Kurl; you won't believe me I know,
but everybody does it ! And its nothing to be ashamed of !"

I remained silent with my gaze fixed at her chin ........
avoiding looking into her eyes. She gently pushed my
side till I got the idea and slid away from the side she
was sitting. Aunty lay down beside me, turning so that
she lay on her side, facing me. As I resolutely stared
straight ahead, she brought an arm over me to turn my face
to hers, and murmured,

"You poor dear ! Please don't look terrified Kurl !
I would never do anything to hurt you.....OK ?"

I nodded, wholly unconvinced, and my heart hammering in
my chest.

"Everybody.....your mum, me, uncle....EVERYONE does it Kurl,
and its nothing to be ashamed of !" And with a light laugh
she added, " Although I must admit none of us ever was caught
so in-flagrante delicto !!"

"Auntyyyy !" I softly protested.

She sighed and murmured softly, "Oh Kurl......" as she
gently rubbed the very tip of my hairless chin with the
backs of her fingers, "my poor baby."

Aunty raised herself up on an elbow and edged closer to
me so her face was directly above mine. A strange and
very erotic whiff wafted into my nostrils; it was similar
to, yet quaintly distinct from the smell in my crotch.
I had discovered that the smell from my own crotch was
very sensual, especially the smell beneath my foreskin
as I peeled it back. This was something similar and it
distracted me from the moment as I concentrated upon
it and endeavoured to trace its vain though.
I saw aunty's face come closer to mine as she turned some
more and I felt her knee swing over my thigh and come to
rest between my thighs as she raised herself over me,
leaning on an elbow on the one side of my head and the
other hand on the other side. I felt trapped ! And
THERE was that smell again, a much stronger whiff
this time. I felt strangely enveloped by aunty.

And then she leaned down kissed my sweaty brow
with a very moist and warm mouth.

I gasped at her touch and watched in horror as my
penis came to life and began to tent the sheet over
it. This was insane !! I was developing an erection
for my own aunt !! This time though, the guilt of it
had none of the softening effect on my penis and it
continued to rise, a mind of its own !

And then its rise was over and there it stood between us,
throbbing under the sheet, so rigid that it stood away from
my belly, the curve of it a clear sign of my obvious and
intense arousal ! And just as I was praying very hard
and willing aunty not to move, she did....and her thigh
grazed the underside of my rampant organ. I screwed my eyes
shut, waiting for that bolt of lightning from hell to turn
me into ashes. I waited a lifetime in my own dark and
terrified world and then I opened my eyes. Aunty was smiling
softly down at me. I averted my gaze from her pretty
face. She nudged my hardness again with her soft and very
warm thigh and my hips grew a mind of their own and ground
back. The corners of aunty's mouth curled up in delight
and she whispered so close I could feel the warmth of her
breath and smell the mint of her toothpaste

"Relax Kurl, let me help you."

She reached down between us and gently lifted the sheet
away from me as we both looked down. I was quivering I
think and I could feel the thud of my heart in my chest
and see it in the throb of my penis. The tip of its pink
head and the tiny 'eye' peeked out from the covering
and very tautly stretched foreskin. Aunty looked up at
me again and silently mouthed the word,

"WOW !"

Seeing my obvious embarassment at being exposed thus
to her gaze, she came closer to me, her soft and cool
cheek brushing my own hot one as she whispered in my ear,

"I know what you want Kurl. And I want to make you happy !"

and with that her soft cool fingers grazed over the
rampant head of my erection as her mouth kissed my ear.
I fucked my hips up involuntarily at the touch and my face
pressed harder against aunty's cheek, yearning for her
touch everywhere. I felt her cheek dimple up in a smile
and she kissed my ear softly again. The backs of her
fingers had been softly caressing the thick vein that
ran along the length of the underside of my penis,
going up and down slowly, just caressing. And then her
face was before mine once again, smiling, and as I
looked into her eyes, I felt the soft pads of her
fingers and palm curl around my erection as she held me.
Her hand felt soothingly cool against my excited organ
and I closed my eyes, shutting out the guilt, so I
could live in the moment. I felt aunty's thumb gently roll
across the underside of the head, back and forth, back
and forth; I relished in the sensation of a strange hand
upon me, fondling. And I realised that I wanted to watch
all of this. I opened my eyes and saw her looking down
at me, waiting, as she continued to caress my penis.

And then, still maintaining eye contact aunty began to
slowly peel back the taut foreskin. I moaned, my head
curved back into the pillow and my mouth fell open as I
gasped. Aunty moved the skin back up and then, once again
peeled it back a little more. And as I lay
there savouring the exquisite sensations, I felt the
warmth of aunty's breath come closer and then my open
mouth was enveloped by the wet warmth of aunty's mouth;
AND she peeled the foreskin back all the way as she
kissed me.....I moaned into her mouth as my hips fucked
my inflamed penis into the now warm sheath of her hand.
I did it again as I felt the slippery softness of aunty's
tongue lightly caress my lips before dipping into the
dry warmth of my mouth, licking here, licking there.
It was the sweetest torment of my life, having aunty
pleasure me with her mouth and her hand thus.

Her hand began a slow stroking, holding my penis firm,
and rubbing the underside of its head against her thigh
as she masturbated me. Her tongue matched the strokes of
her hand with deep invasions into my mouth.....suddenly my
mouth was watery and very wet and I was suckling on her
tongue as it slid in and out of me.

Just as suddenly, her mouth left mine. She looked down
at me as she frigged me as said,

"Let me look at you go ahead and just
enjoy yourself." She smiled again and said, "I
like the way your hips obviously like
what I'm doing, don't you honey ?!"

We both looked down again and I saw the glisten of pre-cum
as a drop formed at the 'eye' and was then swabbed away
by the upsweep of the foreskin under her masturbating hand.
I was breathing in the short breaths that signal
an oncoming orgasm because aunty looked up from her
ministrations then she moved up and laid her cool
cheek against my fevered felt wonderful !
There we were, locked in a loose embrace with space
enough between us for her to continue tormenting me,
and yet so close I felt safe in there.

Her face turned and she kissed my forehead softly
and raising up a little, she asked, "Are you almost
there baby ?"

All I could manage was a moan and a desperate nod
....the slow rhythm continued, but the grip became a
little firmer, and she queried, "Better ?".

"Yess auntyyyyy...please don't stop, pleeeease !"

"I won't stop till you want me to darling," She said.

I felt her hand speed up a little and in a haze I
could discern that she was breathing faster too now.
I was huffing from my mouth when I felt aunty begin
to suckle on my lower lip and then her mouth grazed
over my cheek, coming to a rest near my ear, and she

"Enjoy it honey ! Just let me know when you're going
to orgasm.....I want to watch that, OK ?"

I nodded tightly and as my muscles began bunching up
for the impending explosion, I hissed through
gritted teeth,

"Oh My God, Auntyyyyyyyy.....!!"

I felt aunty raise up and look down between us at
her frantically masturbating hand. I looked down
and I could see the pink head and the 'eye' winking
at me as she stroked my penis. And then it was
upon me......I tried to double up as my orgasm hit
me, but all I succeeded in doing was jam my forehead
against aunty's cheek as she looked down to where her
hand was stroking me; my hips raised up off the bed
in sharp little fucking motions that I'd never noticed
before. The constant friction of the underside of my
cock's head finally sparked a fire that spread down my
erection and went deep into its root and there it set
off the beginnings of those delightful spasms. I realised
that exquisite feeling of helplessness as I tipped over
and into the biggest orgasm of my life.

My hips stayed in mid air and I was treated to the
wondrous sight of my penis being expertly and rapidly
frigged a foot from my own eyes. And then the throbs
were rising up from the root of my erection bringing
my seed up with them. My head was thrown back and my
hips bucked against my aunt's hand and then I started

The first one a thin jet of almost clear, opalescent
fluid that shot straight up out into the air.....I
heard aunty sigh against my chest as the next one jetted
out, all white and thick. Followed by another and another
and another...each one bringing a groan and a fucking
spasm from me, till I was finally spent. My belly,
crotch and thighs, and aunty's hand were messy with
the semen I'd given up in those few seconds.

Aunty continued to stroke my softening member with two
fingers and a thumb...each upstroke causing a spasm in
my belly as the 'aftershocks' slowly receded. And then
I felt her hand leave me as she reached down and
re-covered me with the sheet and then brought her hand
up to cuddle me as I drifted into a deep, satisfied


The next two days were not exciting! I was watching TV and then
suddenly thought how life has changed. Just few days before...I would
have struggled hard if any boday had asked me to explain excitement!
Now, not only I know what it is and unable to let go even one day
without that!

Ok...why I said the last two days were not exciting is...we didn't
get much time to spend in suresh uncle's house. Either they all go
out...or all will be at home. So no more privacy. At last when we
thought they will be leaving...we came to know that even suresh uncle
will be joining he has to take care of lot of things for
the marriage. When finally they were leaving...I can see Rao feeling
guilty. But some how sis found a few seconds alone with him...and
just squeezed his cock through the pant...and gave him a peck on the
cheeks telling she will fulfil his wish. That would have shocked soon as sis let his cock go out of her grip, every one came
into the living room...and he found it difficult to keep the growing
erection out of their sights. He started sweating also...!

Finally they have here I'm just thinking what to do for the
next few days. I saw sis coming back from tennis practice...and her
face was glowing, first time in the last couple of days. I suspected
some thing might have happened...and was anxious to know. I quitely
followed her to the bed room. She looked very tired...because as soon
as she reached the room, she removed her white top and throwed it,
not caring where it fell and unbuttoned her skirt and before that
fell through her legs...she fell on the bed and closed her
eyes..feeling tired.

When I followed her into the bed room the first thing to happen
was...her top came and hit me on my face! The top was very wet with
her sweat and had a strong aroma. Surprisingly it tuned me on...and I
strongly smelled it once more before I removed it from my face. The
sight in front of my eyes is not new to me...but yet it looked so
lovely. My big sis is in just bra, which is fighting very hard to
contain her jutting breasts...and the skirt has just dropped till her
knees and she is lying on the that pose!

I moved closer to her...and started admiring her terrific body...and
when I moved closer, I found some of her pubic hair has come out
through the sides of her panty. The panty is white ...but so
transparent that I can see her bush clearly...and moreover some of
the hair has spilled out. I stood there transfixed...until my mom
came into the room!

Mom immediately sensed that some thing was wrong with me standing in
front of her...and sis in that position. Probably she thought I
didn't know any thing and as if to take care of me from my
confusion...she asked me to go and watch the TV. I was reluctant to
go...but could not stand there also. So, came out of the room and
headed towards the living room. But somehow I was just curious to
find out what mom will do! So, just hid myself and peeked inside the

Mom stood there for a few seconds...probably admiring how big and
beautiful her little girl has grown...and then tried to wake my sis
up. But sindhu was too tired it looked...and moved a bit, opened her
eyes and again closed slowly. Mom shook her again and asked her to
take bath and come to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. But sindhu is
not in this world. So, finally mom gave up and atleast tried to help
sis and slowly pulled the skirt which has dropped till her knees.
While doing that she might have noticed what I had seen...her pubic
hair coming out of the panty...and waited a few seconds and again
shook her up. This time sis got up and sat on the bed...and looked at
mom very angry.

"I should trim the hair..." mom was a bit shy and
feeling uneasy!

"Mom...did you forget...indeed it was we both...who went to the
beauty parlour last week! What are you talking now..."

"It's not that what I are a big" I found
it very enjoyable mom struggling for words.

Finally...sis was able to understand the point in it! She looked at
mom sheepishly and gave a small kiss on her cheeks and hurried into
the bath room. With that I ran towards the living room...knowing that
I will be caught, if I stood there watching any more.


The evening was different from normal there is no tuition
now. Mom seemed to be enjoying spending the evening together with her
kids and was humming...preparing the coffee. Adding to this, tomorrow
will be a national full day...we will be home...and I
just love any other kids! Sis came back from her
shower...and she looked her nighty. She normally wears
the nighty only when she goes to bed. But today, as she didnt have to
go out, she wore the nighty...and as usual...bra and nighty dont go
together well for her! The top 3 buttons were not done...and I can
see her nipples also when she bends. Mom came back with 2 cups of
coffee and a cup of Horlicks...still I'm not eligible for coffee.
Mom, thinks I'm too young for that...! If she only knows...

Dad is always prompt and he reached by 8 pm...while getting rid of
the shoes he told mom that tomorrow morning his friends will be
coming home and I was very happy. Atleast I will have the fun of
Mehta uncle playing with my sis in front of my parents!

Dad went straight to his bed room to get changed and to take bath.
Sis looked at mom and asked "Mom...did u sleep well in the
afternoon?" Mom looked confused and said no and asked why she is
asking like that. Sis winked at mom and said "you look wonderful
today...I dont think dad will let you sleep properly..." and before
she finished that she tried to run away from my mom. Mom's face was
flushed and she chased sis showing mock anger!


That night when we finally switched on the bed lamp, I asked sis
whether any thing happened special that day. There is something...I
can see from her smiling to my question!

Janu teaches Science in the school where sis studies. And she comes
to our house some times and is close to sis. Their relation is not
like teacher-student when they are out of the school. They are more
like sisters and Janu is 27. I wont say she is a knockout...but given
a chance to choose between Janu and a knockout figure...most men will
choose Janu...I think! She has such an innocent face...almost baby
like...and the dimple which forms on the left side when she
smiles...will make any one just die for her! Even though she has a
baby like face...her body is knockout. Yes...when it comes to
figures...she should be 36-28-36, with atleast a D cup! Her husband
works as a medical representative and spends half of the month in
tours. They live just a few houses away...Some times when sis skips
her Tennis, Janu and sis come home together in one auto, after the

Ok...if you are wondering why I'm talking about Janu, sindhu's you go...

Today...when sis and Janu came out of the school and waiting for the
auto, it happened that Mehta uncle was coming that way in his car. He
stopped it when he saw them and asked them to get in. Sindhu
introduced janu to uncle and from the very first look uncle made, sis
came to know that uncle just lost his mind! All the while during
their coming home, uncle's concentration was on Janu, sitting in the
back seat. After she got down, uncle asked sis why she is so
reserved, not speaking even a single thing and moreover he said he
observed that she is so depressed. Sis told him that she will tell
him tomorrow and came back home. Now, I'm curious to find out but
denied by my sis. She said she will tell uncle tomorrow and I can
know during that time. She also told me that it will be a shocking
thing for mehta uncle and she really has some plans now! Wow...I just
cant wait...


It was 11 am in the morning...and Dad and his friends have just
started playing cards in the living room and the scotch will start
flowing freely. They were four. Dad, mehta uncle, another friend who
is in construction business and the last is our family doctor. Mom is
busy preparing the lunch in the kitchen.

Sis is getting ready and was thinking what to wear for the occassion.
She always comes up with some thing mind blowing and I just cant
wait! Finally she has decided on some thing and asked me to follow
her to our parents bed room. She straight away went and opened dad's
closet and chose a black silk shirt with long sleeves, which dad
occassionally wears for the functions. When she finally wore the
shirt, it just covered her waist and any slight movement will make
her huge hips appear from the back side. I was not able to see the
front view. And she had the top 3 buttons undone, showing her
beautiful cleavage and most of her beautiful breast, without bra! She
thought for a few seconds and then went grabbed one particular body
spray which mom uses and applied it on her chest. She said mom does
that whenever she goes out to parties and bent down and asked me to
smell her breasts! It was terrific..! Now she is all set to have a go
at our poor mehta uncle!

I have to tell you some thing, here. Even though sindhu just plays
with mehta uncle, he never suspected that she is so naughty...and
today will be a big surprise for him.

When we both entered the hall, all eyes immediately turned towards
us, except dad. The other 3 just could not avoid looking at her top
to bottom and mehta uncle said "here comes my darling...come here
baby...we need to talk". Mom looked disapprovingly at sindhu, but she
never really made a issue of her way of dressing...she knows she is a
big girl! Sindhu went and sat on uncle's left thigh, sideways with
her legs dangling over his right thigh...and gave a peck on his fore
head, with both her hands entwined around his head. He might have
noticed the spray and said it's a nice one. She moved closer to him
and I can see her left tit is getting crushed against his chest.
Every one is so engrossed in cards and when uncle tried to reach for
his glass of whiskey, sindhu grabbed that and brought it to his lips.
I thought he is a lucky bastard! He took a sip of it and asked her to
tell about Janu, as she has promised y'day evening.

Sindhu looked at me, smiling mischievously and said "Uncle...her
husband is not giving her enough...she is so frustrated and dying for

"What...?"...uncle just shook a bit and every one looked at him for a
moment. He covered his expression with the cards in his hand and
slowly asked what she meant by not giving her enough.

"Oh..uncle..dont act! I know that you know...ok...I will tell you
clearly. Her husband is weak in bed...and thats making her very
frustrated. Since she is very close to me...she tells me everything.
I asked her to try something outside...but she is not that kind...but
let me tell you uncle...she is in right stage to be plucked! If you
want to be the one...we will do it today itself...otherwise the
chance will go to some one else!"

He looked shocked! He didnt know how to reply or what to. But I can
see that he is getting an erection. Adding to his woes, sindhu
decided to tease him further in front of every one and slided from
his left thigh and landed directly in his lap...on his cock, to be

She started making small movements with her ass, probably rubbing his
cock! But you will not notice it unless you concentrate properly.
Moreover...she is crushing her breasts against his chest...if any
body looks at them...the first impression is she is sitting in his
lap and trying to look into the cards in his hand...but a closer
observation will reveal...whats going on.

The situation has come to a boiling point...and he started breathing
heavily...and here...probably we underestimated uncle...He
said " my hand is not good today...lets do this
way...u draw the cards...and we both will play!", with that he handed
the cards to her and grabbed her by waist and drawn her more tightly
towards his cock. Sindhu looked surprised...but liked this welcome
change. She turned with her back towards him and still in his lap and
holding the cards. Now dad and his friends sitting across can see her
full thighs and white panty without missing any thing. But those guys
just seemed to be immersed in the game...and I just wondered how can
a pack of cards will make you ignore a beautiful and a revealing girl
like sindhu to be ignored!

Mom is on telephone in the bedroom...talking to her friend...and god
knows how long she will talk! Dad some times gets irritated that she
will forget the whole world, when she is on phone with her friends.
That's really helped the situation now.

Uncle held sindhu by the waist with both his hands and started moving if he is fucking her from the back. Now its sindhu's turn
to go out of control! I can see the beads of sweat forming on her
face...even in A/C. Now unlce asked in a low tone..."Tell do
I fuck that bitch!" Thats it...sindhu came to the verge of losing
control. I thought any time she will throw the cards in her hands and
ask uncle to fuck her silly! Probably if dad was not around...she
would have dared...I guessed.

But she understood the dangerous situation..and slowly gained
control..and said "Uncle..first of all she is not a bitch in heat.
She is really conservative...its just her frustration which might
help you. Today is her birth day..and her husband is also on tour. No
one is at home. So, if you can break her emotionally...she will be
all yours. Who knows she may become ur whore! I have a plan for that.
Can you please throw this fucking cards and come with me...??"


Everything was set...uncle said he has to leave because of some
urgency...and sis said she will be going to Janu's house and uncle
will be dropping her! They quickly finished the lunch and also me.

The worst part in the whole thing is I will be left out for the first
time, after I teamed up with sis. But she promised me to give a blow
by blow account! With that they left.

I spent some time watching TV in my parents bedroom...but got bored.
So, went back to our room and had a nice afternoon nap. It was 6 pm
when sis woke me up. First she started teasing me...saying nothing
has happened! I was furious...but she was just smiling and did not
tell. After we had our dinner and retired to the bedroom...she
unfolded the story.

For a change, she just removed everything and settled next to me
stark naked on the bed. I was in my pyjamas and befored I made the
move, she held me tightly in her embrace and started unfolding the
afternoon's proceedings.


Sindhu and uncle both went to a saree shop straight away and
purchased one nice saree worth 2000 rupees and went to Janu's house.
Janu was surprised to see mehta but she just asked both of them to
come inside. Her face was flushed...because she just came and opened
the door thinking only sindhu will be there...and she is just in her

She being so fair, that black nighty looked terrific on her body.
When Janu gave both of them a glass of coke, and sat next to sindhu,
mehta started to speak about why he has come.

"Janu...I have a younger sister and today is her birth day. On her
every birth day, I buy her a saree and wish her. But, this year I'm
deprived of that because she is married now and she is in States. So,
when sindhu told me that today is your birth day also, I just thought
atleast I can do this to you. Moreover when I looked at you
yesterday, to tell you frankly, you reminded me of my sister. Thats
why I came here today..." with that mehta game a small sigh...having
acted brilliantly.

Janu was confused at first...but also felt happy...and her feeling
was a mixture of every thing.

"Oh..thank you Mr.Meh..."

"You can call me need for any formalities...!" mehta was
"hmm...bhaiya...thank you very much...but.." Janu was struggling to
find her words. Basically she felt very happy! When she thought that
her life has become so terrible, with a husband who is not only weak
in the bed...but also very mean..always yelling and shouting at her
even for his mistakes, here came a stranger to bless her on her birth
day. This is the first time she felt so happy in her married life of
5 years! But still the whole thing was so quick that she didnt know
what to say.

Sindhu understood the situation immediately and said "Come on sis!
atleast uncle has come here to wish you, did any one wish you frank!"

That's true, Janu thought. She did not receive a phone call from her
husband, not from her parents who thought their duty has finished
after she got married! Now she can see how much it meant for her. She
became more happy instantly.

She accepted the saree from mehta and sindhu said "Come...lets go to
your bedroom...and see how my big sis will look in this new
saree...given by her loving brother!" Janu flushed at her words, but
followed sindhu to her bedroom.

Mehta readjusted his growing erection in the pants...he was surprised
to see how easy it is going. Probably the poor girl has gone through
a very rough patch of life...all good for him and also for her! Now
he counted the time to implement step no.2! And when he thought it's
time, he got up and headed towards the bedroom.

Janu's back is facing the door and she is in petty coat and blouse
and she has the saree wrapped around her and trying to make foldings
to push it in the petty coat. Sindhu was helping her...but being it a
new saree..they were unable to fold it properly.

"Here...let me help...Janu, you are just like my sister...she also
struggles with her new saree. And she always wants her big brother to
help her." Saying so he came near to them and took hold of the saree.
Janu was deeply flushed and tried to say some thing. But before she
can speak Sindhu said " think you can do this...uncle...this
is not an easy job...folding the new saree...and you think you can do
this...huh...sis..let him handle...let's see what he can do!"

Janu was too confused and yet unable to stop the whole thing. Every
thing is happening so quickly that she is just unable to resist it!
Moreover she is getting aroused...she never stood with just blouse
and petty coat in front of any other man, except her husband.

He did a nice job..quite expertly folded it and pushed the saree into
her petty coat! She shook like a leaf, when his hand entered into her
petty coat along with the saree and touched her hot belly! When it
went inside, his fingers came in contact with her curly bush...and he
shivered...probably she is not trimming her bush regularly having
lost the interest in life! He liked it...he always likes the women to
have lot of hair around the cunt...and he became very hot by the
thought that very soon his cock will be searching for the hole all
through the jungle!

Janu regained her composure and quickly finished the rest of the
thing. She is looking beautiful in the new saree...and the smile has
never left on her face..and the dimple on her left cheeck was just a
tease for mehta. He just imagined her lips wrapped around his huge
dick...going up and down...!

He gave sindhu a packet of Jasmine flowers and she twined it in
Janu's hair..and it looked even more alluring. He opened another
packet and took one piece of cake and offered it to her full lips.
She held his hand while she bit half of it and took the rest of the
piece in her hand and offered it to him! She felt the
same time she thought...what has happened to her today..she just
started wondering!

"So, the newly found brother and sister are more than happy to forget
me...! This is too bad...!" sindhu showed mock anger at both of them,
for which Janu started giggling!

Now is the should strike when the iron is hot. Sindhu
knows it very well. "Hey..dont you want your brother to bless you??"
sindhu looked surprisingly at Janu. "Oops...wish me bhaiya.." and
Janu bent to touch his feet. Midway he grabbed hold of her by the
shoulders and pulled her up looking deeply into her eyes. He was too
lost in his thoughts that he did not say any thing but just kept
looking at her. Janu was also transfixed by his looks..and almost
forgot the entire looked as if she just wanted him to look
at her like this.

Now is the big moment, sindhu thought. A small push on Janu's
back...thats it...she fell into the arms of him, and he tightly
pulled her towards him! She doesnt know what came over soon
as she fell into his tight embrace..tears started forming in her
eyes..tears of joy. She never thought this birth day will be so
memorable. And very soon her tears started running down and she
started crying.

Slowly he guided to her to bed and sindhu said " cool her off
uncle. I will go and watch TV" and she left the room..and closed the
door, keeping just enough to see the action inside. Janu felt more
comfortable now and she did not leave him, even when they sat on the
bed! "Bhaiya," she managed to say between her sobs.

"Little sister," he whispered; his hand caressed the raven blackness
of her hair. "What's the matter? What's wrong with my little sister?"

She shook her head, nestling into the hollow of his
shoulder. "Nothing."

"Hey now, all these tears can't be over just nothing." His voice was
gentle and soothing. "Remember ; I'm your big brother now. You can
tell every thing to me."

She sniffed a bit, her head lifting to him. Her eyes were red and
tears streamed down her face, but she managed a little smile. "You
dont know what kind of life I've been going through. And I hope
bhaiya could make things better."

"Janu, I can never claim to be able to do the impossible." He
chuckled, hoping to cheer her. "But I can try to help you whichever
way I can."

"Bhaiya, oh, bhaiya."

Janu broke into sobs again. Her body shuddered violently. He just
held her and let her have her cry. Even though he could have taken
control of her, he is not forcing the matters, sindhu thought.
Probably his exprience has thought to play a bit more, sindhu just
wondered. Even he is not sure when to initiate.

At least ten minutes passed before Janu quieted again. She clung to
him even longer, before eventually easing back. Her head did not
rise. Sindhu thought she should intervene or else this will settle
down quickly...and just wanted to wait for few more minutes.

"Feel better, sister?" he asked, his hand squeezing Janu's.

"Just cried out, bhaiya" Janu said. "There's no more tears left in
me. I was surprised there were this many after this long. I thought
they were all gone."

After this long? Now he wanted to apply the pressure. "Would it help
to talk about it?"

"I don't know if it would help." she was a bit reluctant to discuss
her marital problems with him.

"I think it will help. After all, you are like my sister and I just
love you as I do her." Now sindhu got his point, he is trying to push
her to the edge!

Janu leaned to him and kissed his cheek. "I know, bhaiya. But it's
hard to bare one's soul, even to a brother. Especially when it has to
do with something this personal."

"Your husband?"

She nodded. "How did you know, bhaiya?" she looked a bit confused.

"Just a guess. There are not many things that will make a married
woman lose control and cry. A husband happens to be one of those
things though." He thanked sindhu in the mind for telling him every
thing about Janu.

"I don't know where to start," Janu said. "In some ways, it seems
like this has been going on forever. I wish I should not have married

He just listened. It wasn't that unusual a story, husbands not caring
for wife's feelings. People still think sexual pleasure is only one-
sided and it seemed the majority of those people were men. Her
husband just happened to be one of them.

The usual story was one of possession - a wife is a husband's
property, or vice versa. It's hard to accept one's spouse as a human
being, despite everything lovers proclaim to one another. Marriage
and that legal slip of paper two people sign often is thought to
mean "you belong to me...enjoy...lock..."

"...That's it," Janu said. "I don't know what to do, bhaiya. I've
tried everything I could think of and it's all fallen on its face.
Damn it, when I'm around him, I don't even feel like a woman any
more." she is opening up...sindhu thought and it wont be long...when
she just brakes...!

"You're still a woman, janu" he whispered, pulling her to him and
holding her tightly. "You don't ever have to doubt that, just look in
the mirror. You're a woman, quite a beautiful one." He started
playing cards now!

"Big brother inflating little sister's ego. You seem to be good at
that, bhaiya" janu said, her head lifting to his. "Why couldn't my
husband be like you?" sindhu thought she really meant it...and also
wondered how fast things have changed within 2 hours...!

With that she once more kissed his cheek. Her arms tightened around
him, holding him close.

What exactly happened next Janu was never totally sure of. One moment
her lips were against his cheek in a sisterly kiss, and in the next
instant, her lips were pressed to his. The kiss was far from being
sisterly. Her tongue flicked out and taunted his lips, teasing at
them, cajoling them to open!

His mouth opened and accepted the offering of her tongue as it moved
inward. His arms tightened, pulling her to him, while her tantalizing
tongue dueled over and under his tongue.

Sindhu is unable to resist any further. She just wanted to jump into
the room and join the scene. But, somehow she had a feeling that it
will blew every thing. She thought she will let it take place and
remain silent for the moment. But she slowly slipped her hand into
the panty and started rubbing her clit...!

Beneath the fabric of janu's saree, he could feel the warmth of her
body. His fingertips could feel her slight trembling, a
quivering sensation he was sure was not caused by the coolness of the
A/c in the room. It was the same trembling he now felt within
himself! It's too good to seduce a woman like janu!

Janu's tongue slowly retreated from his mouth. He followed it with
his tongue, delving intimately into the sweetness of her mouth. She
moaned softly, nestling even closer against him as he toyed and
teased, his tongue flicking and probing toward her throat.
He was suddenly aware of the persistent cushion of her huge breasts.
Warm mounds of flesh pushing out from beneath her blouse, rolling
over his chest. And atop each of those fleshy pillows was a hard
pebble-like nipple, each trying to dig small holes in his skin.

This woman, this woman he found in his arms, is thinking about him as
her brother. That made him even more hotter. His testicles tightened
in their sac with the old familiar feeling of want and desire.
Already he was feeling hot with sindhu's teasing in her house. He
knew in that instant that if he wanted her, she was more than willing
to let him enter her body.

They parted. Janu's head tilted back a bit, her dark eyes meeting
his. Her expression was uncertain, filled with the realization that
she had tasted forbidden fruit. But when he made no indication that
their action was wrong a small smile danced at the corners of her
sensuous mouth.

"I wanted that, bhaiya" she said softly.

He didn't answer, except to pull her to him once again, his mouth
covering hers. Passion rose in their kiss. They clung to one another,
brother and sister, man and woman, lovers. Their hands now explored
their faces, caressing cheeks, tracing the lines of their mouths.
They stared at each other, love shining in their longing gaze. They
kissed, then kissed again, losing themselves in their embrace.

"Love me, bhaiya," the black-haired woman who was his new found
sister whispered when they parted again. "Make love to me, bhaiya.
Make me your woman, even if it's only for this moment."

"Yes, my sweet sister..." he said, tenderly caressing her cheeks.

She smiled and eased from his arms. As he watched, she stood and
removed her saree. Next to go was her petty coat and bra. Within
moments she stood completely naked in front of him. Sindhu just
wondered how fast she has transformed from a shy lady into this

She looked so fragile and feminine. Her breasts were white cones of
milky perfection. Perched precariously atop each of those satiny-
smooth cushions were bud-like nipples, dark mushrooms, stiff and
erect with her arousal.

Downward over the sleek flatness of her stomach his gaze moved. For
an instant he probed the sensual well of her navel. Then his eyes
moved even lower, his groin feeling tight and hot.

Between her slightly spread thighs was the thick black bush of her
cunt. The silky strands were shining in the silvery rays of the moon.
And barely perceivable beneath the soft looking fur of her pubis was
the shadowy slit of her sex. She felt a bit shy when his eyes have
focussed on her cunt and tried to cover her pussy with both her hands.

"Beautiful" he said, meaning it. He opened his arms for her to come
to him. "Let me kiss you."

She came, stepping quickly to his side. But before she could kneel to
receive his promised kiss, his arms wrapped around her thighs. He
drew her to him. His lips pressed to hers, but not the lips of her
mouth - the lips of her cunt.

"Ahhhhhhh! bhaiya" She moaned aloud with unabandoned relish.

Quivery thrills of hot sexual desire coursed through her veins. The
warm stream of his breath trickled through the moss of her pubis.
Then there was the damp flicker of a tongue. The tantalizing tapping
of her new found brother's tongue.

"Oh God!" She moaned again, reaching down and caressing his head,
pushing his face into her pussy. "It feels so damn good!"

The moist little snake of his tongue was doing all sorts of marvelous
things to her. He taunted up and down the cleft of her loins,
flicking lightly at the nubbin of her clitoris, cajoling it out from
beneath its fleshy hood.

And when he had every inch of her naked body trembling with fevered
excitement, he licked downward, lapping at the tremulous groove of
her cunt. She heard the smacking of his lips and the wet oral sound
as he sucked away the sudden flood of juices filling the core of her

Abruptly, his tongue darted up into the mouth of her pussy. Her hands
tightened on his head, pressing him even harder against the aching
gash of her snatch. In and out his feathery oral digit toyed with
her. Her knees quivered and shook, becoming as liquid as the womanly
fluids flowing within her cunt.

Suddenly she was no longer able to stand. With a startled cry, she
collapsed. But he was there, catching her and lowering her to the
bed. He quickly let go of his dress, except underwear, before she can
recover and he was there beside her, his mouth on hers. She kissed
him, tasting herself still on his tongue.

Lovingly, he reached out and cupped one of the shimmering domes of
her tits. Despite the almost chilly feel of the cool air coming from
the A/c, her breast was warm, excitingly warm. So smooth and silky
she felt to his fingertips. His fingers traced around and around the
fleshy mound, working upward toward the rubbery button seated atop it.

A shudder of pleasure rushed through her supine body when his
fingertips at last brushed over her stiff nipple. Teasingly, he
tweaked the aroused button of flesh, delighting in the desirous moans
that writhed from her lips. Then his hand suddenly dropped down,
covering her breast and squeezing.

She felt so good, so damn good, just touching her, holding her. She
was so alive, so willing to have his hands on her. That this woman
was thinking him as her brother only added to his arousal.

He taunted and teased and kneaded and played with her breasts to his
heart's content. Then he sucked at them, his tongue licking and
laving over every inch of her delectable titflesh. Her body was so
ready for man, so hungry to be felt and loved, he found it almost
unbelievable that she had not sought an extra-marital lover until
now. That she had waited was his gain.

Downward his fingers crept, circling the well of her navel, then
moving into the softness of her pubic fur. He played there a moment,
delighting as the anticipation mounted in her body. She was ready to
feel him within her, even if it were only a finger. Yet he delayed
tickling up into the socket of her cunt. The longer he taunted the
better it would be when he actually came into her.

Cupping her crotch, he squeezed down on her plump womanly pubis. He
kneaded her mound of Venus as he had kneaded her tits but moments
ago. She was hot and willing and ready. He could feel the warm flow
of her juices dampening his palm. Yet still he taunted, increasing
the intensity of her need.

"aggghhh...bhaiya.. !" She moaned. "You are marvelous ! It's
wonderful, so wonderful!" she is out of her mind now. Then he shot a
finger up into her cunt.

"Agggarrahhhh!" She groaned. Her whole body writhed under his
impaling digit. Inward he drove, twisting and twirling his finger in
the wet haven of her pussy. She moaned and bucked, fucking herself on
his hand. She was hot and flooded with her own lubricants, but he
prolonged the foreplay, giving her a taste of all the loving care her
husband had neglected for
so long.

Then he worked yet another finger into her twat.

Her moaning and writhing doubled. She was tight, but she took him,
screwing around on his palm. She hunched her pelvis like a woman gone
mad. She was oblivious to all, except him, and he knew it, a fact
that only served to increase his own desire.

"I want you,..bhaiya...I need you...agghh.." she whimpered in a
piteous little voice. "Take me, bhaiya. Make me your woman."

He extracted his fingers from the fleshy sheath of her cunt. They
came free with a wet sucking sound. She groaned at the sudden
emptiness that filled her. Her eyes fluttered open, filled with the
burning light of lust.

With her watching him, he stood. Slowly he eased down the underwear.
His cock, long and rigid, jumped outward, jerking and twitching with
its new-found freedom.

Janu's dark eyes widened. A hungry expression moved over her face.
She stared longingly at the thick, imposing shaft of his sex. At the
same time, there was a knowing glint in her eyes - the realization
that his erect cock was for her - her alone!

"Let me feel it, bhaiya." Her lips parted to reveal the wetness of
her tongue. "Let me feel you."

He stepped forward straddling her supine body. Below him on her back,
she gazed up, her eyes frozen on the massive bludgeon of his cock.
Then her arms lifted.

He groaned, trembling at the first touch of her fingertips. Lovingly
her fingers ran up and down the solid column of his sex. Light and
tender she caressed, as though she were worshipping the virile
strength of his cock.

"It feels marvelous," she whispered. "So hard and strong, yet so
smooth and soft. I love the way it twitches at my touch. So hungry
and ready - ready to fuck me - ready to screw your sister. Isnt
it ...bhaiya!" Sindhu was not surprised at her talk...she seems to be
in that class...who once let go will go to any lengths. She just
wondered whether her mom is also in this class! And she just shivered
with the thought and continued stroking her clit..while not moving
her eyes away from the scene.

His balls surged within their wrinkled bag. That's exactly what he
was going to do - fuck her...fuck his new found sister!

"Ah, I knew she was a baby all along," Rajesh sneered. "Take her
home, Anil, so we can watch the film in enjoyment." Nisha blanched
under the direct punch of his contempt...and rebellious resentment
welled up inside her, forcing her to take a cigarette and place it
reluctantly between her lips. A child, was she! A baby!

"Let me light it for you," Anil said. "Once you're high, you'll feel
things you have never felt before." He lit the cigarette, and
trembling slightly, Nisha drew in her first drag. She coughed.

"Oh, for God's sake," Rajesh said disgustedly.

"Let her alone," Sindhu said. "She'll learn. Remember how I was the
first time? Nisha, hold the smoke down in your lungs. Try again, and
take it slow."

The second inhalation was easier, and the naive young girl held the
sour-sweet smoke down until she thought she'd burst. She exhaled,
looked around with a smile of triumph, only to see that the other
three were obliviously smoking their own joints. She followed suit,
and by the end of her cigarette, she began to float.

"How you feeling now, baby?" Anil asked as he switched off the lights
and started the movie.

"Like I'm on the moon!" Nisha had never felt better in all her life;
she was happy and carefree, without a worry in the world. She felt
warm and close to everyone here, and she turned her blissful eyes to
the screen.

The movie has started. A woman and a bedroom came into focus. The
woman was a statuesque brunette, wearing a clinging black gown
accentuating her body underneath. She slipped the gown slowly
upwards, exposing slim, well-rounded legs, full thighs, and a pair of
silken stockings which contrasted with her creamy smooth skin. Then
the dress was over her head, and in nothing but her stockings, bra
and panties, the woman took the dress and carefully laid it over a
chair. Then she bent forward and slowly, tantalizingly, unhooked her
bra--Nisha heard a sharp intake of breath from the other couch at
this point...and the full beauty of the woman's firm, proud breasts
burst free. They stood high and beautifully formed, their quivering
nipples stood out on the luscious half-spheres. Almost naked now, she
turned and bent over seductively and with her back to them, she drew
the panties down over her curved hips and buttocks, brushing them
sensuously against her smooth thighs and calves and then discarding
them at her feet.

She stretched languidly and teasingly swung around to face the
camera. All her delicious nudity was exposed now, from her high
rounded breasts to the soft dark triangle of her cunt below. She lay
back on the bed, scissoring her legs open and closed to expose the
thin slit of her vagina nestling in the soft dark hair of her pussy,
and she twisted her buttocks against the bed as though she were
trying to bury herself in it. The camera was at her feet now,
catching every detail of her sensual slow build-up into sexual

Nisha gasped with astonishment, for she had never expected anything
like this! Especially to start a film! What could possibly happen
next? She gulped nervously from her glass...and as she did so Anil
lit her another cigarette. Without thinking, she sucked in the
drugging smoke...and she could feel herself become mentally detached,
as if she were another person entirely. The heat and excitement of
the room, combined with the dope and alcohol to stimulate her...and
she squirmed down against the cushion...sensing the round edge of it
push her dress and panties tightly up into her vaginal crevice. She
rubbed herself against it, working the corner of the cushion between
the moist lips of her vulva, her body rocking on it in an almost
indiscernible rhythm in concert with the writhing actress before her,
and she could feel a wetness spreading between her thighs.

She looked guiltily out of the corner of her eyes at Sindhu and
Rajesh to make sure that they hadn't noticed her, but they were too
engrossed in what they were doing. Sindhu lay back against Rajesh,
dragging heavily on another joint, and Rajesh had his hands all over
her body. The top button of her pants was undone with an inch or so
of the zipper undone...and one hand of Rajesh's was inside
there...clearly rummaging around between her thighs, his fingers
clearly outlined against the fabric. His other hand was inside her
blouse...and Sindhu seemed unaware of either of his hands, for her
mouth was hanging limply open in a strange intoxicated look as they
dazedly watched the movie together.

Nisha leaned back against Anil, careful not to break contact with the
edge of the cushion which was pressed between her fevered thighs, and
she found his hand waiting for her. Without thinking, she relaxed
against it, making no protest when his fingers settled heavily on her
left breast.

His arm feels good, she thought to herself. And it doesn't hurt
anything, I guess ... She looked back to the screen again, and was
absorbed by the lewd perversions flickering in front of her drug-
dulled eyes. She couldn't believe it!

The woman was running her hands over her body as though she were out
of control, her fingertips dancing over the flat, ivory belly and
coming to rest at the vee of her soft, fleece-covered vagina, and the
contact of her fingers on her moistly open slit made her groan
silently and rise slightly off of the bed. She straightened the legs
like two beautifully carved ivory columns above the mattress. Then,
with a deeper groan that Nisha could almost hear it was so real, she
let them fall widely apart, showing the moistly glistening furrow
between. Her fingers crawled to the soft hair-covered lips and spread
them slowly apart until the wet pinkness was fully visible and the
vertical mouth-like orifice up between her thighs opened hungrily.
The half-moons of her firm rounded buttocks shone whitely, divided
sensuously by the hot, softly spreading crevice between them, her
tiny anus nestled mysterious and inviting below the swollen and
gently pulsating lips of her open cunt.

Nisha found herself sympathetically bound to the woman, her own cunt
tingling with anticipation. A soft moan escaped from her lips, and
once again she grabbed her drink to try and quench the fluttering
heat in her belly and loins; the alcohol, mixing with the marijuana,
only intensified the fire inside her. She squirmed down on the sofa
and she felt Anil's hands now groping at the straps of her jumper,
unbuttoning them at the back. Before she could react, they were free
and falling over the swollen slopes of her breasts; his hand slipped
inside, pulling the material free from her brassiere...and she
stiffened, filled with both foreboding and excitement. She tried to
pull his hand away, but her own fingers moved only as far as Anil's,
and then fell back again, and she could only stare with glassy, drug-
dimmed eyes at the movie and submit, thankful that in the darkness
the boy's manipulations would not be seen by her girlfriend, Sindhu,
or Rajesh.

The woman on the screen, her mouth open wide in ecstasy, worked one
finger...then two into the glistening moistness of her cunt hole, and
at the same time stroked the throbbing bud of her clitoris with her
other hand, her face tightening as she masturbated in open
capitulation with her craving desires, her alabaster skin wet and
shining with perspiration, her dark brown pubic hair matted to her
pink fleshy vaginal lips as she strove for orgasm. Her driving
fingers sunk deep up into her widely stretched opening, thrusting
harder and harder, but they were not enough. Nisha could see the
woman's face clenching with frustration and purpose, eyes tight,
teeth gritted, every sinew and muscle in her body spasming in her
longing for release ...

Nisha fuzzily tried to convince herself that she still had control of
herself in this situation, and that somehow she'd be able to stop the
liquor and marijuana in her from overcoming her natural prudence. But
her own face and body shone in a luster of sexual sweat...a trickle
of which ran down between her breasts that her date was kneading and
squeezing. She knew that she had to demand to go home, to shut off
the movie at least, that she'd gone too far in allowing the boy to
fondle her breasts...for now he was snaking his fingers up inside her
thin brassiere, and there was nothing in the way of his probing
fingers except whatever mental resistance she could muster. But she
couldn't seem to move away or to make her body obey the warning bells
in her mind...and she squirmed down tighter into the seat as Anil's
fingers caressed the soft underside of one whitely exposed mound,
then his fingers and thumb were wickedly tweaking her already
hardened nipple. Her breasts ached with swollen desire, and she felt
tiny, unwanted throbs of tell-tale desire pulsing hotly in her belly
and vagina, and she bit her lip to hold back any more of the lewdly
forbidden sensations.

Anil's hand came to rest on her lap now, and though she tried to
fight off his caresses by raising her knees, his fingers moved
insinuatingly closer to her panty-covered crotch...kneading the
softness of her naked thighs and legs which were exposed by the
shortness of her mini-skirt, while at the same time caressing
abandonedly the now open and tremblingly free mounds of her throbbing
breasts with his other hand. She sucked in her breath in ragged,
fevered gasps from the crawling, insect-like contact with her lower
flesh, and guiltily she glanced over to the other couch.

The lewd sight she beheld made her freeze, and the dimly lit scene of
Sindhu and Rajesh together held her in perverted fascination. She
felt as if she could reach out and touch Sindhu, and that if she did,
that Sindhu would not notice: the girl's head was rolling back and
forth in a trance-like limpness, her face as contorted in the same
way as the woman's on the screen. Rajesh's middle finger was
disappearing rhythmically into the soft dark curls of her pubic hair.
Sindhu's legs spread slackly outwards to allow him full access to her
naked young cunt. Her thin white nylon panties were stripped past her
knees so that she could bend them outward. Nisha thought that what
she was actually witnessing live was worse then the movie. This was
her own girlfriend she was watching being...being finger-fucked by a
boy. Nisha tried to blot out the obscene spectacle, but couldn't, for
the lasciviousness of it caused more strange little electric tingles
to run deep in her belly, and the seeping moisture in her cunt to
increase. Her heart beat like a tom-tom, mesmerized as the boy on the
other couch lewdly fingered the nakedly squirming pussy of the girl
who was her very best friend.

God, surely they would go no further. She certainly couldn't allow
Anil to go any further with her own body. But his hotly searching
hand pressed tighter and tighter against the mound of her own crotch,
unable to slip lower because of her tightly clenched thighs, the
pleasures he raised began to break down her will to resist, for it
was so good, so wickedly good, and she turned her eyes once more to
the movie while his fingers teased like tiny squirming snakes in the
crevice of her skirt. She dully promised herself she would force him
to stop if he tried more...but then came the terrible realization
that should she make a scene, her breasts were completely naked and
would be seen by Rajesh and Sindhu if they looked up to see what the
commotion was about. There was no more she could do except squirm
down helplessly against the cushion and squeeze her legs together...!

Then, to her horror, Nisha saw that from out of the side of the film
bounded a large German Shepherd dog. He leaped upon the bed, tongue
lolling, and the woman sat up in shock, her hands still frozen in the
position of her masturbation. The giant animal bared its fangs in a
menacing warning for the girl not to move, his panting head just
above her exposed, defenseless vagina.

Nisha tensed, and only Anil's firm grip kept her from bolting from
the couch. "My God." she whispered. "What's that dog doing there?"

Anil grinned. "Watch and see, baby. Watch and see."

She squirmed helplessly, a blush of shame washing over her at the
sudden indecent pleasure overcoming her revulsion at the presence of
the beast. Anil's hand became still bolder, and he hooked his middle
finger still further into her trembling thighs...sensing her slow
surrender. The woman in the movie was still horrified, moaning as the
German Shepherd lowered its head and sniffed the wetness of its nose
against the lips of her open cunt. Then the dog snaked out a long,
pink tongue and licked wetly the full length, up from the woman's
tiny puckered anus to the little cuntal lips surrounding her
clitoris. The animal wagged its long tail and flicked its tongue
again and again up between her trembling, wide-splayed legs. She
jerked beneath his lewd attack spasmodically and squirmingly raised
her arms in fear and indecision.

Nisha groaned aloud, grinding her buttocks harder down into the
cushion, and as she did so Anil's hand was suddenly up under her
skirt and covering the crotch-band of her desire-moistened panties.
She quivered as her tender young cunt walls secreted more fluids of
sexual excitement around his fingers, and in response Anil moved his
fingers in circled, precise motions which made her vaginal area
pulsate with ever-increasing desire. She was almost out of control
with passion now, and didn't think she could stand another moment of
his maddening tease of her barely covered genitals. She was ready to
spread her legs like Sindhu and allow his touch to quench the fires
which raged through her hotly contracting cunt, and the marijuana and
alcohol boiled through her veins, stoking the furnace of her arousal.

It was too much for the young, drugged virgin to take! In a last-
ditch attempt to stop, she desperately gasped: "No! No, Anil, don't
touch me there! Please leave me alone!"

"Why not, baby? You know you love it."

"I'm ... I'm not that kind of girl, Anil!" she whimpered.

"All girls are that kind of girl...if they're not in diapers," the
boy sneered. "And baby, from what I can feel, you're not in diapers

I had been tutoring Priya for about three weeks now, three times a
week. Each time, we had sex. She was learning her "sex education"
very well. She had learned every word I could think of for cock and
pussy, she was giving me terrific blow jobs, she enjoyed my oral sex,
and each week we would fuck each other. We had even started seeing
each other outside of our tutoring sessions, although no dating yet,
as her father was very strict about that. Each time I went to the
house I was greeted warmly with hugs from her mother and father and
compliments on how well she was doing since getting my help.

Saturday I went over to her house for a cram session because of a big
test coming up Monday. I rang the bell, but instead of Priya I heard
her mother's voice on the intercom saying "come around to the back

When I opened the gate to the yard I saw Mrs. Choudhary reclining in
a lounge chair at the edge of the pool. "Hi, Mrs. Choudhary, I was
supposed to tutor Priya today, is she here?"

"I'm afraid she won't be here today, she went to the lake with her
father, they haven't spent much time together lately and he wanted
her to be with him before he left for California tomorrow." I moved
to go, and started to say goodbye when Mrs. Choudhary called to
me "stay for a few minutes, I'd like to talk to you, can I get you a
lemonade?" I told her sure and took the chair next to where she had
been sitting.

Mrs. Choudhary got up and headed for the house. I could see where
Priya got her looks. Her mother had a beautiful ass that swayed side-
to-side as she walked away from me, no bounce either. Not bad for a
woman her age. Her breasts were lovely to look at too. In her bikini
they were barely covered and looked to be 40s easy, but very firm, as
were her legs, she must work out I thought to myself. I could see
Mrs. Choudhary through the glass doors standing in the kitchen. She
took ice and put it in my glass and then took one cube and began to
rub it along the sides of her neck. Water dripped down her shoulders,
she took the cube and began to rub it along the top of her breasts, I
wondered if she knew I could see her.

If she knew, she didn't seem to care. She took the cube and rubbed it
in her cleavage and then along the top of her swimsuit over her
nipples, her eyes were closed and she seemed to be enjoying herself.
She stopped when the ice cube had melted to nothing and picked up the
tray and headed for where I was. I knew my cock was hard already,
there wasn't anything I could do to hide it, I figured drink the
lemonade and hit the road before she notices the bulge in my shorts.
She came to where I was sitting and bent at the waist to offer me the
tray, her breasts were at eye level and I could see that her nipples
had hardened from the ice cube, "if you see something you like, take
it" she offered. Damn, I couldn't resist, as I reached for my drink I
let my hand brush up against the nipple of her left breast. I heard
her suck in a little breath, but she said nothing to me, and lay back
down on her lounge chair.

"My daughter tells me she likes you very much, and that you are a
very good tutor", "thanks" was all I could mutter. "My husband and I
have seen improvement in her grades since you started with her" she
continued, "she tells me you are very good with the sex education".
This time it was me who gasped "uh, well Priya is a very good student
and a quick learner" I stammered "she asked a lot of questions that I
tried to answer" I lied. "Priya tells me that you have hands of
velvet, but another part of you is like stone", I just stared at her,
I didn't know what to say "perhaps you can show me these things." "I
would hate for my husband to know that Priya's tutor was also her
lover" Christ, now she made it clear, if I didn't play along she
would let her old man kill me. "If I can show you something, I would
be glad to".

Mrs. Choudhary undid the strap of her swimsuit top and released her
lovely tits, she handed me the suntan lotion and said " I don't wish
to burn, will you help me" I poured lotion in my hands and started to
cover her breasts with it. Each fleshy mound moved under my fingers,
her nipples were already hard and I drew little circles around each
one with my fingertips. I pinched the nipples between my thumb and
forefinger and watched as she closed her eyes and smiled. "I don't
want to burn anywhere" she said as she turned over "can you do the
back" I reached down and pulled her bottoms off her legs.

From the rear I could see her dark black pussy hair, her lips were
already becoming excited. She opened her legs just a little, enough
so my hand could reach her cunt lips. I dripped lotion along her
spine and in the crack of her ass, it made her shiver and she moaned
softly. I massaged the lotion into her shoulders, and back, and then
moved to her tight ass cheeks. I kneaded each one and let one hand
rub her inner thighs just barely touching her pussy lips each time I
got near them. Mrs. Choudhary moved her ass up, raising it off the
lounge chair so that my fingers could enter her love hole. I let two
fingers slip easily inside her wet passage and massaged the walls of
her pussy. "I feel the velvet hands, but what of the part that is
like a stone" she whispered to me. As I stood to remove my shorts
Mrs. Choudhary sat up and helped me undo my belt, she took my shorts
and pulled them from me and did the same with my underwear. Her hands
were suddenly everywhere; one stroked my cock up and down the other
cupped my balls and squeezed them gently, I could feel her breath on
my belly as she put her face near me.

This was incredible, she was even more lovely than her daughter and I
was about to have her! Her lips closed on the tip of my cock, she
reached around me and held my ass in her hands, her fingernails
digging into my flesh. She pulled me to her, letting my dick slip
into her mouth until I felt it hit the back of her throat, then she
slowly pulled it out and started again. She took her time, letting me
fuck her face easily, my balls banging her chin each time she took me
in her warm throat. When she could feel I was about to cum one hand
began to squeeze my swollen balls, ready to milk them of all the cum
I had in them. I felt myself tighten and then let go with a hot
stream of cum, it startled her at first but she kept swallowing, like
daughter, like mother.

My hips bucked, my cock went deeper into her mouth and she milked my
balls, letting her finger play with the spot just behind them. When I
finished I fell back to my chair and collapsed, she smiled and got to
her knees and licked me clean. "My daughter was right, you are very
good at this sex education, but now you must teach me a lesson
tutor." "Did you have something in mind" I stammered. "My husband
does not wish to do what you call oral sex, I wish to know what it
feels like, perhaps you can teach me as you have my daughter."

I had Mrs. Choudhary lay back down on her chaise lounge, with a leg
on either side so her cunt was completely open to me. I folded the
end of the lounge down so that I could kneel between her legs. "Close
your eyes and relax" I whispered as I took her leg in my hand and
began to put kisses on her ankle. I slowly worked my way up her leg,
licking and kissing her calves, the back of her knee, and finally her
inner thigh. She squirmed as I got closer to her pussy, I could smell
her lovely sex scent, and felt with one hand that she was already wet
between her lips. As my warm breath blew across her soft cunt hair
she moaned and began to touch her own nipples.

I covered her cunt lips in soft kisses, every once in awhile pulling
on the lips with suction to open her cunt to me. Her juices were
already flowing and I tasted her sweet juice on my tongue. Using my
thumbs I opened her lips to my tongue and let it circle her clit,
flicking it over and over and biting it between my teeth. Mrs.
Choudhary was bucking her ass off the lounge now and one hand held my
face between her legs. My tongue continued to flick at her hot little
button while my finger found her g-spot. The combination sent her
over the edge. With a loud moan, that I'm sure the neighbors heard,
she came in waves, her pussy walls closing on my finger and tongue. I
lapped at her wet cunt sucking up each drop of her sex juice, when
she had finished her orgasm she let out a soft sigh and let her body

"My daughter is very fortunate to have a tutor of such skill" she

"Yes mother, I am and I didn't expect I would be sharing him with
you," Priya declared from the patio door! "She threatened to tell
your father we were....."

"I know what she said," Priya interrupted, "I heard every word, I've
been watching since you got here." "If you wanted to see how good he
was mother, why didn't you just ask to watch" she glared at her
mother. Priya started to walk toward us, and as she did she pulled
off her t-shirt, unbuttoned her shorts and stepped out of them as she
walked across the patio. "Let me show you what we do mother." I was
still on my knees when Priya reached us. She took my head and shoved
it between her legs, "Now show my mother how you eat me."

I ate her like a starving man. I let my mouth pull at her cunt lips,
my teeth scraping along the soft folds of skin. My mouth covered her
entire pussy at times, my tongue licking and forcing it's way into
her warm tunnel. My hands dug into her ass pulling her into my face,
and her hips ground her wet mound into my mouth. I could barely catch
my breath, but it was incredible. We were like animals, and we were
doing it in front of her mother. I felt Priya stiffen and then she
came in a shuddering orgasm, the strongest she'd ever had. Wave after
wave washed over her and her juices covered my face. I sucked hard on
her clit making her shake and shiver with every touch. When she was
finished she collapsed on a beach towel, but she wasn't done with me

"Fuck my ass" she spit out "watch mother as his cock fills my
bunghole, I'll bet daddy never does this to you either." She got to
her knees and elbows, her ass high in the air, her legs spread and
dripping with her own juices. I poured suntan lotion on her ass and
placed the tip of my swollen cock at her opening.

Priya stiffened herself and I began to push slowly into her virgin
asshole. She was very tight and my cock fought for each little piece
of ass, but soon the head had disappeared inside her, she forced
herself back and I met her movement with thrusts of my own. My cock
now moved easily in and out of her tight little tunnel and she urged
me to fuck her harder. I pushed my cock deep into her tight ass, my
balls slapping her skin with every push. Mrs. Choudhary watched us
intently, her hand fingering her own pussy as she saw her daughter
getting fucked up the ass. They both came at once, my cock spewing
hot jism inside Priya's asshole while her mother forced two fingers
deep inside herself to her own orgasm. "Is that what you wanted
mother, to see him in action?" "He fucks me like that all the time,
don't you wish father did?"

Priya's mother got up from her chair and came to where we had
collapsed on the towel. "You are right Priya, I should not have used
him for sex, but your father is no man. I am wrong and should be
punished." With that she got to her hands and knees and presented her
ass for spanking. Priya and I looked at each other, I nodded yes to
her she slapped her mothers ass hard. Mrs. Choudhary gritted her
teeth and moaned but stayed in her position for more. "Spank her
Priya, while I make her eat out my ass, that should teach her."

I moved to lay on my stomach in front of Mrs. Choudhary with my ass
inches from her face. Priya was now enjoying herself, slapping her
mother hard with one hand while her other plunged deep into her own
cunt. Mrs. Choudhary wasted no time accepting her punishment, her
tongue began to lick my ass crack and search for my bunghole.

When she found it she began fucking me with her wet tongue, her face
pushing into me with every slap from Priya. Priya meanwhile had
orgasmed again and was now busy fucking her mothers ass with her
fingers, still slapping her tight white ass leaving red marks along
each cheek. Her mother and I came together and the three of us fell
into a pile on top of each other by the pool.

Ii'm prince i live in delhi i'm 19 year old guy i have watched many
sex movies but i really like watching lesbian movies more in these
kind of movies but i never thought that one day i'll experienced one
in the real life in front of my eyesight... its a year back now i and
my family including almost all my relatives were busy for the marrige
of my sister ..she was getting married to a business man ..

In my relatives there was my bhabhi who was newly married infact she
got married to my cousin 9 months ago she was 5.5 ft tall and had a
good figure and also was good looking in all her parts she had long
hairs and she was really good looking...she was real close to my
sister......I usually notice that they were like friends and even my
sis was comfortable with her ... she usually got her guidance & help
when ever she needed ..

finally the day arrived when every one was busy for the next night as
my sister was getting married..In the night when we were all eating
our dinner i was sitting close to my bhabhi she was sharing the
dinner with me in one plate.. after couple of minutes my sister came
near to my bhabhi and whisperd something in her ears

so that she could avoid me from hearing there converstaion but i
heard some part of it she said that to come to her room in the night
at 11 when every 1 will asleep.i thought that there must be some
problems for which she must be needing her help .. by 10 every 1 was
asleep as it was getting real tiring gor all i usually used to sleep
with my sis when i was about to sleep suddenly i heard my sister
entering the room which made me felt that i should watch what is the

at 11:15 my bhabhi came in to the room i was pretending that i was
sleep ..but i was taking a quilt to cover my body as we were
sleeping in the ac room so i covered my face too in that quilt i was
able to watch any thing outside when i saw my bhabhi entered
the room my sis rush to her and hugged her tightly which annoyed me
for a while then she was crying too.. my bhabhi removed her from her
body and wipped her tears and asked what was her reason of crying she
said she is really nervous of her married life and she was more
scared about

the sex life which she and her husband will had to share.. she said
she haven't experienced any thing in her life like that and she was
new to this field ,,,,

then somehow my bhabhi managed her to calm down and said that it is
not a new thing and its get easy slowly & gradually as there life

saying this she said her that to take some sleep as she is gonna have
a very hectic day tommorow ..But my sis requested her to stay with
her for the night which she got agreed very soon Then suddenly my sis
changed the toppic and said that i wanna show u my wedding dress
would u like to see it.. then when my bhabhi said then she quickly
ran to her almirah room to get it..

for a moment my bhabhi turned to me she just had a glance on my but
she too was unable to make out that i was watching them and could
hear there conversation..

after few minutes my sister entered the room with her dress my bhabhi
got happy abt it and asked her that why dont she put on the dress for
once and show her how she looks ..

then and there my sis started removing the nighty which she was
wearing and man i wasn't aware that i got one real beautiful
princess in my house boy she looked awesome and was abt to put the
bra on but my bhabhi asked to wear her normally

without bra and peticoat she asked to just wrap the sari on her body
so she did the same... My bhabhi said that u look awesome and said
that to remove it quickly before it gets unfit for wearing for
tommorows night.. my sis ran to a mirror of her room and started
looking at herself then she started removing her sari but

while she was doing i could see my bhabhi getting horney bcoz i could
see her hand on her pussy.. then she went to her and wrapped her
hands around my sis from back and asked that how come she has,nt
experienced any sex activity in her life she said she wasn't
interested at these stuff. then my sis asked about her college then
she said she had both hetro and lesbo experience in her collegelife
then i could see in the mirror that bhabhi was putting her fingers on
her pussy which my sister was enjoying it .. than she started kissing
her naked body from behind as she hasn't worn her nighty back after
removing the sari she kissed her neck and slowly she got to the
cheecks of her face and then she kissed her lips which made my 6 inch
cock errect but as i was wearing a short and i was wrapped in a quilt
so both couldn't see me erection

i was surprised of one thing that my sister din't regret she too
responded her very nicely and i wasn't able to make out that was
running in there mind at that moment.. then i saw my bhabhi holding
my sis hand made her lie down on the bed and then she started
squeezing her breasts very hard and kissing her lips. When she was
squeezing her breasts my sis started making noise ohhhhhhh
ufffffffffffffffffffff . After that she started kissing all over her
body and she was having the full pleasure of my sis lovely and fresh
body. Then she lay on her back and asked my sis to come over and
arrange herself on her body in 69 position. which she started to
enjoyed a lot my bhabhi was surprised to see that her pussy was
hairless so they both started sucking each other pussies and I also
enjoyed watching them i can't tell u people how hard was fo me to
bear all this infront of my eyesight. It was wonderful experince to
watch. their Bodies were on fire. After a mean while, they were back
in their normal position Sis got hold of her and gave a nice kissto
her and i could see there tounge playing with each others,a now as
they were both naked and were licking each other bodies, she put
started sucking her breast and was cupping her hand on the another
35C breasts this went real long now she kissed her bailley and slowly
again she reached bhabhi's pussy and started playing exploring
biting and everything was going on these whole scene went on for
about 1 hour ...

after few minutes my sis lay on my bhabhis body i could see there
nipples getting hard as they got the touch of eachothers and i saw
them kissing them deep then my bhabhi said that did u got some sort
of lesson for ur future sex life which she replied smilingly yes i
got it and said that she wasn't aware that they had a sex instructor
in her family .....

guys think abt me who was there watching two beautiful naked lovely
bodies lying next to me.....,,,

later in the morning i got up late i guess u all know why when i got
up i found my room was crowded with my sisters friends and other
female relatives even my bhabhi was also their i could see the charm
and glair in there eyes so later in the night ..

the marrige ceramony took place ..

, Silent Hunter (Mishal Khan) is back with his another true story,
which happens a week ago .As u all knows abt my First sex encounter
with my front door neighbour, Doctor's wife (Naz) and daughter
(Sana).For the new comers i have to introduced my self a little. I m
23, lived in an Army Area of Peshawar Pakistan,with my grand parents
(as my family lives abroad).

All my sex life comes to end, when the Doctor has shifted to his
village with his whole family.I missed Naz n Sana like hell, but two
months went like this. Then i think Nature also get petty on me, n
sudden a week ago My uncle(grandma Son) comes to visit us with his
family. He has a beautiful wife name Muskan and a daughter kiran, of
age 6.My uncle works for an NGO. He was fall in love with his
secretary (Muskan) n then they got married.Muskan is an Afghani girl
n she is heavenly beautiful. She got a perfect height of 5' 7'',and a
sexy figure of 38-26-38.My uncle have to go to for a business meeting
in Germany, that's why he left Muskan n his 6 year old daughter with
us for a week.

I never seen her b4 as I was abroad, so when the 1st time I see her
she just come near me grab me in her arms. My face get burried in her
two big mountains like boobs. I was so surprised by her that act. But
sudden i realized that she is very broad minded n interesting lady.
We both get frank quickly. All of us were so happy on that night, we
chat a lot n laugh all the night. On another day uncle left to the
Germany n v all come back home from the Airport. We got 4 room,1 for
grand parents,1 for me,1 for the batman (army servant) and in the
other room Muskan n her daughter slept away.I was so horny abt her n
i had masturbated that night of her name.

Next day when i was doing my Pushups exercise, she sudden came in,
with a glass of milk. I always do my exercise without my shirt.She
cames in, n look at me for a moment. Then she said to me that "it is
very easy exercise, cant u do a little hard exercise except this". I
replied, which 1 is that. She sudden sat on my back n then tell me
that do ur pushups now. It was really hard for me to do it, n i laid
down on the carpet. She laugh at me n then she rub her Butts on my
naked back in tro n fro direction. Uff, i can feel her pussy n butts
scratch over my back, I look at her n then she give me a smile.
Suddenly she beat me on my butt n told me to walk for a while, as i
was her horse now . I was on my four, i walked for a while n then i
sudden change my possition n laid on the carpet having my front on
the Top.By this she sat on my laps n she fells on my chest.Her hairs
were on my face, she take them away smiles at me n then tell me "it
was a quick move".I asked her that"do u like riding"?.She smiles at
me n then she pressed her butt on my thighs n come over to my dick.
My dick was hard like a rock at that time.She was feeling my hard
tool beneath her n then she surprise me by rubbing her hand on my

Sudden grandma shout her name from her room.Muskan stood up, n runs
towards the door n told grandma that I will b there in a minute. when
she was close to the door she told me that "may I should talk abt ur
marriage with ur grandma, coz now u need a woman who will makes u
feel so good".I gain some strength n replied to her,"why don't u
teach me something, abt the marriage. As u have experience of
marriage n I hope u will teach me a lot". Then she comes close to me
n whisper in my ear ,that " at 2:00 am I will teach u a lot".n then
she goes out from the room.

Wow that was my good luck, I get shaved n take my bath. I was badly
waiting for the night. when all went to their rooms at 12:45 am. I
was waiting for 2:00 am,(how that time passed only I knows better).At
1:55 am she went close to my room, before that I have used the spray
on my dick which will makes me cum late n I enjoy a lot (Doctor's
wife Naz had gifted me that spray of her husband),She open the door
as it was already open.Light was off that's why she come close to the
bed.When she get close to the bed ,I held her from her back. I turn
on the lamps. It was still dark in the room.When I see her she was
wearing her red nighty n her hairs were still wet. As she had taken a
sweet bath.I didn't waist any time n kiss her on her lips,she was
also horny n kisses me back like a hungry tigress. I took her closed
to the wall n hold her both hands n was kissing her lips n chin,then
I comes over her neck open her nighty,n wonder to c that there were
no panty n bra on her white sexy body. I was kissing on her boobs n
sucking her pink nipples.She was moving her fingers in my hairs.The
she push me a little away, she then laid me down on the bed n come
close to me.She then wisper in my ears "I wants u so bad tonight n I
m so nasty for u".She kiss me on my lips n then take my shirt off n
come to the trouser ,she makes me nude in a second.when she look at
my dick she said " oh my goodness, Mishal you have too big, thick
stout dick. You are bigger then my husband". then she got up on her
knees, taking my hard in her warm hand. I shivered with excitement.
Her hand was moving up and down on my cock, she leaned forward and
kissed my cock, and lick purple head of my swollen cock by her
tongue. Her wet tongue flicked out, lashing my cock. I groaned,
saying " you are sucking it too hard, You better be careful dear
aunty, or something might happen". She looked up at me smiling, then
she said "its okay Mishal I know what will happening. I want to be
it. don't hold back" she said, "I don't care". Then she slipped her
lips over my cock, sucking it into her mouth. My balls slapped
against her chin, god I became so exciting with her mouth full of my
cock.She suck my cock so good but as I had used the spray so I know
what should I do now.

I make her lay down on the bed, and spread her legs. I ran my fingers
over her shaved pussy spreading her pussy lips.I crawled over between
her legs.I first placed my hands on her thighs. She saw my eyes,
bright with lust and desire, i lowered my face and put my mouth on
her wet cunt. Licking her cunt, my tongue flicking back and forth.
Like she did to my cock. she then moaned, crying, saying "Yes, oh
yes, oh Mishal, sweetie lick and suck hard and fast". Oh my god. she
was moaning and howling. I was licking down further, and now i
started to lick her weighty and heavy brown asshole. she moaned,
saying ohh Mishal, no one has ever licked my ass, before. Its looking
me very nice, lick it more my sweet honey. Wet your aunty ass". My
tongue tasted her asshole.n she moaned, and her hands gripping my
hair, now her ass riding up and down my face. I felt her wet slippery
juice, painting my face. I licked my way back up to her wet cunt n
started licking, sucking, anything that made her moan. She was
moaning, and cried " Oh my god, Mishal oh yeah...I am cumming, ahhh..
Oh yeah. She cried of pleasure and her cunt flooded my mouth, face.

Then after a while she rubs my cock n I was hard . We kissed each
other very passionately. I was caressing her wet cunt by my fingers.
And by this she also became excited again. Then she said, "ohh sweety
come on me and fuck your aunty". I sat between in her legs with my
extra large cock. She hold my cock and rubbed it with her clitoris
for a moment and she asked me to placed her legs on my shoulder, as
she want my Dick more in her. She told me pushes it slowly and
carefully.I then put her legs on my shoulders, hence her pink cunt
hole was fairly opened she was then started melting, juice started
oozing out from her. Her cunt hole was soggy.. I feel my thick rod
slide deeper inch by inch and stretched her cunt wall. She let out a
strangled cry of my name in pleasure. I took her body in my delicate
grip and started strokes slowly ins and outs. Soon my tempo of
fucking her increased, and increased. I was now fucking her like a
mad man. Violent session of body game was going on. She was moaning
freely as my cock was really thick and big, although her cunt has
been fucked from last 6 years. Due to her crying i was wild on her,
and showing no mercy in hard pushing. She was under me and was
looking in my eyes. She caught my ass and her hands fell to my bare
ass grabbing them tightly. I looked at her deeply, breathing
heavily.. While fucking her deeply. She became more excited and she
further pushed her hips upward to me. In excitement She wrapped her
legs around me.I kissed her and sucked her tongue tip.. Suddenly she
cried hold me Mishal I am cumming and embracing me hard she started
to discharging her cum on my dick. which I felt so good,my cock was
still in her cunt.

She and I learned how to please each other, over and over again that
night. She sat on top, my cock inside her wet cunt, riding on me,
while i sucked on her nipples. My hands sliding up and down her back,
my fingers cupping her heavy ass. I was in heaven on that night. My
cock was stood all time and I didn't know what to do with it. She had
hold my cock and asked me, Is that hard cock of yours all for me?".I
replied yah Muskan I m all urs. Then she said Mishal, would you do me
a favor?" i answered Muskan, I would do anything for you. Just name
it!" She said Mishal, I have a surprise for you. she turned to look
at me over her shoulder, and then said, "Mishal fuck my ass, I want
your stout and thick dick in my ass hole. Fuck me, right up my ass."
She pushed her ass back, crack, opening, that i could see her tiny
dark asshole. She pulled her ass cheeks open, with her right hand.
Looking at me, She said "Come on hurry, till today no one has fucked
this ass although it is too big and heavy and has be firm. But no one
has ever had me this way. Today I want it to give you. You fuck it
today hard and deep".She knelt on her four lambs in doggy style
upping her ass.I came behind her ass, spreading her ass cheeks open
with both hands, i bent forward, licking her asshole n she moaned,
pushing her ass back at my tongue. My tongue slid up in her hot
asshole. I licked her ass out, until she screamed, "Fuck me, now,
right and deep in my ass! I rubbed some of my salvia on her asshole
and also my cock, pushing my finger up her ass. Adding another finger
i worked my fingers in her ass, trying to loosen her up for my cock.
I put the head of my cock to her puckered asshole. She was, moaned,
as i pushed the head, slowly into her tight ass.I watched, as the
purple head slowly slid up her ass. Her ass cheeks spread, so wide.
She howled " Oh yeah, ahhh, god, Mishal fuck my ass!" I beg to have
my ass fucked".

I started to slowly, fuck my cock in and out of her ass.I enjoying as
my cock slid in and out of her tight ass. She was now whipping her
head from side to side urged me to fuck her harder. I said Muskan
aunty, your asshole is so hot, so tight.I now moved my hand to her
thighs and she felt my fingers, rubbing her cunt and clitoris. She
moaned, as her ass fucking back, meeting me stroke for stroke.She
screamed " oh fuck me, fuck my ass, tear my ass, give me more pump
ahh please so it fast and hard. Tear it I have no objection if you
tore it, do it hard". And this made me wild and i started my stroking
more wildly, forcedly with great power. I was caressing and fingering
her cunt as i has inserted my finger in her cunt hole as she told
me.I was also rubbing her one tit in my palm. She became released and
told me that her cunt flown, I groaned, moaning as her asshole
gripped my cock even tighter, as she came. And after some full stroke
i shouted " Muskan aunty, I am cumming, ahhhh, right in your ass!"
She said, "come in my sweet heart in my ass, I would like to fell
your hot cum in my ass" and with this my cock pumped my cum into her,
clenching asshole. She slowly slumped forward. My cock slid out of
her ass, making a popping sound. She was still in that position like
doggy style just for some time as she was too tired and really can
not move. I was too tired as it was too hard work fucking like that
heavy virgin ass.

We laid after that in each other arms. I was really in heaven.She was
here for 8 days and I was with her sometimes in her room and
sometimes she came over here to my room, and we fucked 8 nights every
night not less than three times.I fucked once again her ass but this
time by my wish. We never missed any chance after that we got to
fuck. We have fucked all possible positions I knew.

Yeah, sure thing, right through this door, okay thanks, oh, is she
in there, do I just, okay, fine," I said as I walked into a dark room
with a bed in the middle, and an attractive lady next to the bed
sitting on a sofa.

"Is this the first time you've been here cutie," she said as she
checked me out.

"Yeah, sort of, so you wanna, uhh, start, or something," I said as I
started to make my way towards her.

"It's your money cowboy, your time, you can take as long or as little
as you want," she said as she got up and slowly whispered into my
ear, "So what do you want."

"Well I only have like fifty bucks, what can I get with that."

"I'd say a blow job, that's it, but I don't know, you're kinda of
cute, so I might slip in something extra."

"Uhmm okay, whoa," I said as she grabbed me by my belt and sat me
down on the bed.

I looked down at her and couldn't believe how fine she was, I know I
was paying for this, but damn, she was good. I looked down at her and
saw as she concentrated on rubbing my cock, her dark brown hair went
over her cute little face. Then she pressed her tits against my knees
as she moved closer to my dick. Her tits looked great in that little
black bra, and as she moved in closer and her ass went up I could
feel my dick getting harder.

"Damn cowboy, look at that dick of yours, I see it likes me, now
let's take a look at it," she told me as she un zipped my pants and
pulled down my under pants. She then started to lick her lips as she
started to jack it off with her cute hands.

"Look at the size of this one, damn, might take some work, but I'll
enjoy it."

"Ohhh, yeah, your good, ohh, uhmm, oh yeah baby, suck it good."

She started to slowly kiss my dick as she leaned over and then
started to put my balls into her mouth and slowly started to suck on
them too. That was the best feeling that I've ever had, I almost came
at that instant but she felt my tension and eased up.

"Can you take of you bra and panties, I'd really like that, I mean if
it's okay."

"Don't worry, ease up," She said as she got up, licked her lips in a
very sexy manner, then she reached around and un buckled her lacey
black bra, her tits were great, they weren't huge, but they were
plump and perky. She then slowly slipped down her black thong while
she looked away, showing me her huge ass, she then turned back around
towards me and showed me her nice trimmed pussy.

She then smiled at me, knowing how horny I was, and kneeled back in
front of me and start to jack me off again. I could have sworn I
would have came just by seeing her, but she had a way of controlling
my dick that was unbelievable. She then leaned up front towards me
and took of my shirt and pulled of my pants, leaving us both naked in
that little room. She leaned over, with her great tits hanging while
she put my dick into her mouth. She started to wrap her tongue around
my dick as she had it in my mouth, making me shiver every time she
did it. She looked at me and smiled as she took my dick deeper into
her mouth. She knew she had control over me and loved it. She took my
dick out of my mouth and started to lick everywhere around my dick,
except for my dick. She got me completely aroused, leaving me with a
painful boner, as she continued on to my balls, slowly licking it and
massaging them with her mouth.

"Oh yeah baby, wow, ohhhhh, come on suck it," I said as she continued
to tease me.

She then put my dick into her mouth and sucked on it as hard as she
could, making me cum instantly in her mouth. She continued to suck on
it until I couldn't take it and my dick was limp in her mouth.

"There you go cowboy, that'll be fifty bucks, just pay the lady up
front," she said as she got up and licked my cum of her lip,"Oh yeah,
I promised a little extra, if you need some more sex, come in her and
ask for Mrs. Pillai, that's me, and I'll give you more than this

I didn't go back for another five years, during which time I got
married, with this girl I didn't like, but was pretty fine, and moved
away from Las Vegas. I don't know why but I could never forget that
lady, she was fine and ever since then, I couldn't seem to find a
person that could suck dick as good as she could. At times it got so
bad that when I would fuck my wife I would fantasize it was her, but
I would always be dissapointed as my wife was horrible at sucking my

I knew it was stupid to think about this prostitute that I had fucked
when I was still in college, but I just was obsessed with get my dick
sucked and fucking her once again. I had decided to go visit my
parents in Los Angeles, then take the drive to Las Vegas to fuck this
person once again, shit, it was the only way that I could finally be
at ease with myself.

I got home and it was the usual hellos and catching up, and all of
the sudden my dad asked me if I wanted to go pick up my Aunt Mrs.
Pillai. I had never seen my Aunt Mrs. Pillai, all I knew was that she
was in her thirties and lived somewhere in Nevada. I thought it would
be interesting to meet this aunt of mine and went along with my dad
to the airport.

I was sitting at the airport bar, while my dad looked for my aunt,
when I saw that prostitute that I was going to look for the next day.
I couldn't miss this chance to talk to her, so I went over and
introduced myself. She remembered me and said that she couldn't
easily forget me and told me that she would be around her, gave me
her number, and told me she wasn't any longer in the prostitution
business, but was still up for a nice fuck.

All of the sudden my dad comes up and hugs this chick, "Hey Mrs.
Pillai, wow, you look great, have you met your nephew Jack."

I stared in disbelief and told my dad we've met somewhere else. I
couldn't believe I had fucked my aunt. This was horrible, but damn,
how was I supposed to know. I tried to act normal, but she was great
at it, it seemed almost as though she didn't care.

We got to the house and I noticed her looking at my dick, how could
she keep looking at my dick, didn't she realize we were family. I had
to admit however that her being my aunt didn't ease my sexual
desires, I still wanted to fuck her so bad, but I couldn't, it was
just wrong. I decided to stay with my parents for the week as I had
no purpose in Las Vegas, and I just felt awkward and horny around my
aunt. We had small talk and our past experience never came up until
my dad and mom left early one morning and left my aunt and I alone.

I was the first one to get up, and started to make breakfast, I
walked around in my boxers, thinking no one was home. I was cooking
when I looked up and saw Mrs. Pillai, I still couldn't call her Aunt
Mrs. Pillai, sit in the stool in the kitchen in her bra and panties.
She didn't mind that I was there and was probably enjoying the
torture that I was going through.

"So why didn't you call me up cowboy," She said breaking the ice.

"I couldn't do that anymore, it's wrong, I mean, another wrong,
doesn't make it right."

"What, just because I'm your aunt, come on honey, we're both horny,
we have the house to ourselves, just let go, no one has to know."

"But I ca...," I said as she stopped me and frenched me, my brain
said no, but all the tension, all those years, my dick just simply
overtook me.

I kissed her and grabbed her firm ass, our tongues did incredible
things, I threw everything off the kitchen table and laid her there.
I pulled her underwear off, and ripped her bra off, she then pulled
my boxers off.

I laid on her and started to kiss her neck, moving down to her tits,
and cupping them while I started to suck on them. I fingered her
while I sucked on her beautiful perky tits, making her moan, and
making me unbelievably horny.

"Oh yeah Aunt Mrs. Pillai, you want that don't you, you couldn't keep
your mind of my dick, I think it's about time that you had some of

"Oh now, wait up little nephew, I need to make sure that dick of your
is lubricated enough to go into my pussy."

She pushed me off and laid me on the table and started to suck on my
dick. She took one side and started to suck on it, she then took the
whole thing and started to move her head up and down as quickly as
she could. I looked down at her and saw her beautiful face as it went
up and down, I grabbed her tits and fingered them as she sucked me
hard. She then stopped, grabbed my hand, lead me to the bedroom, she
threw herself on the bed, exposing her beautiful pink pussy.

My dick was wet and slippery with her saliva and I knew exactly what
she wanted. I went up to the bed, she opened her little pussy lips
for me, and I started to tease her with my dick. I slowly put my
dick's head into her pussy. I almost came feeling the heat coming
from her pussy.

"Just stick it in, come on, Aunty want's you big dick."
I took her at her word and rammed my dick up her pussy. I slowly
rocked back and forth while she moaned and scratched my back as she
tried to keep my dick in her pussy. We both panted and fucked, I
finally got my whole dick into her juicy pussy, and she gave me a
satisfactory smile.

"Oh yeah cowboy, now make you aunt come, rock it, ohhhhh, yeah,
haaarder, oh yeah."

I fucked her as good as I could, I stuck my dick as far up as I
could, at times making my aunt get up in the air. I rocked back and
forth and saw the look on my aunt then felt her pussy tightening as
she started to orgasm. My dick couldn't take this anymore so I
started to come inside my aunt. She started to scream and smiled as
she felt my warm cum inside her pussy.

We laid there and then she leaned over to me and told me that anytime
I felt frustrated to just go see her. She gave me her address and
ever since then once a year, I get the best fucks of my life.

The Principal's Wife

Rony has always been the bad boy at school. He was always in trouble.
There wasn't a week that went by that he wasn't at the Principal's
office. They graduated him from high school just to get rid of him.
Sitting at graduation, the Principal and his wife approached the
podium to give their little speeches. Rony thought, "Damn. She's hot.
She'd make a good next target".
She was 42, had straight black hair that went down between her
shoulders, and looked good carrying her 36B cups. She had always
taken care of herself, going to the gym every morning, keeping
herself in shape, and keeping her body sexy for her husband. Her
husband really loved her, and he told her so every morning, and
showed her every night.
Throughout the remainder of graduation, Rony dreamed up how he
carryout her rape.
Rony had no second thoughts about committing rape, no different than
getting up every morning, and so he set about and quickly learned her
routine. Every morning right after her husband left for work at 7:30,
she went to the gym to work out. Every Tuesday, after working out,
she did her grocery shopping. She would back her car up to the door,
and leave the door open between trips between the house and the car.
Rony though, "This cunt is making it easy for me". Between trips for
the car and the home, Rony was able to make his way quickly to the
door, stuck in and hid, waiting for the opportunity. After the last
trip from the car, she closed the door and locked it behind her. He
crept forward slowly, not wanting to warn her of his approach. Rony
heard Aditi putting away her groceries. At that moment, the phone
rang. From the way she was talking, Rony knew she was talking to her
husband. "Rakesh, I want you to know I love you so very, very much.
You've made me the happiest woman alive. I'm preparing a special
treat for you for tonight. I'm going to the bedroom to change now. I
love you, darling." When Rony hear she was going to the bedroom, he
snack past unseen, and looked every door until he found the bedroom.
He entered it, and hid behind the open door, waiting for her to walk
in. She walked into the bedroom, and her life would change forever
from that moment on.
Rony put his hand over her mouth and threw her against the wall. She
fell in a heap on the floor, dazed from the head slamming. Quick as
lightning, he jumped on top of her, pushing the knife against her
nose and clamping his other hand over her mouth. At once, she knew
what would be happening to her. Rony hissed, "This is your lucky day.
You get to have my cock."
Grabbing her by her hair, he pulled her to a stand and dragged her to
the bed, throwing her on it. He jumped on her and straddled himself
over her. Still holding the knife, he put it up to her throat. "Now
the fun begins." He moved the knife to her blouse and cut it the
whole way down to the bottom, and pushed it open, revealing a white
laced frilly bra. He sliced the straps just above the cups, then put
the knife between her cups, he pulled upward, cutting the fabric
between the cups. He pulled back the cloth, exposing her breasts. Her
brown nipples were fully erect. He knew it was from her being scared,
but he said to her, " You're loving it, aren't you bitch?" She just
shook her head no, never saying a word.
Rony reached underneath her, and pulled at the remains of her blouse
and bra, throwing them on the floor. Rony then moved down to her
waist, grabbing her slacks at the waistband, and pulled then off her
shapely legs. He was slightly surprised to see her wearing a full
brief panty, thinking to himself, "They still make those?" He took
his knife, cut her panties at the side, and pulled them away. She was
naked now, and crying almost hysterically. He whispered in her
ear "So far, you've been a good little girl".
Keeping her on her stomach, Rony gathered the remains of her clothes,
tied her hands to the bed, and gagged her mouth. She didn't know what
to expect next, but Rony knew she wouldn't be able to keep quiet. She
could hear him taking off his jeans, but was confused when she heard
his belt buckle. He landed the belt across her ass, making a WHACK,
and immediately raised a welt. She screamed through her gag. He
continued to whack her, hitting her across the ass. Aditi screamed
into her gag with each hit. Screaming had replaced the crying. Her
ass became red.
Rony untied one arm, turned her over on the bed onto her back, and
retied her arm. Her breasts and pussy were now open for his assault.
Rony took off the rest of his clothes showing his 8-inch cock, fully
erect, which Aditi was now seeing for the first time. Aditi started
crying again. Mockingly Rony consoled her, "Don't cry, he's going to
be your friend." Rony picked up his belt again, and showed it to
Aditi, and said "I don't want your boobs to feel left out." He swung
and WHACKED both her breasts several times. With each whack, she
screamed into her gag. He also used the belt on her stomach and
tummy, with some whacks getting close to her cunt.
He threw the belt on the floor, and announced to Aditi, "We're done
with that." He removed Aditi's gag, but had to clamp his hand over
her mouth when she started to scream. Rony had to warn her, "If you
do that again, it's curtains for hubby". He took his hand
away. "You're going to suck my cock now, whore" She cried, "I'm not
a whore, "But when your husband finds out what is going on here,
will he still love you, slut?" "Yes, because he promised me for
better or worse." Rony stuck his cock in Aditi's mouth, and told her
to suck. She was slow to start sucking, so Rony pushed his cock to
the back of her throat, gagging her. That pushed him over the edge,
and he was putting spurt after spurt down her throat. She started
choking as he took his cock out of her mouth. There were a few drops
of cum dribbling out of his cock, and he let them dribble onto her
breasts. He grabbed onto her protruding nipples, pulling and twisting
them, making them swell from the torture he was inflicting on the two
His cock was still hard as a rock. He told her to open her legs, and
she shakily complied. Rony could see her pussy was wet. Rony told
Aditi that she was about to receive her prize - his cock. He put his
cockhead at the opening of her pussy, and with one thrust, he rammed
his cock all the way in. Aditi loudly moaned and arched her back.
Rony pulled almost all the way out, and rammed back in all the way.
Rony was now pounding her cunt furiously and knew he would be coming
soon. Aditi could sense it too. "Please, don't climax in me. I'm
ovulating, and I want my husband to make me pregnant." Rony laughed
at her plea, as he spurted load after load into her pussy. He pulled
out making a plop sound, and slowly got dressed. From the phone in
the bedroom, he then called the school's principal office, telling
Mr. Rakesh Sarkar that his sexy wife had just been brutally raped. He
hung up the phone and quickly left the house, with Aditi still tied
to the bed.
Rony waited a short distance away. Within a few minutes, Mr. Sarkar
was flying down the road, followed by the police and ambulance.
Aditi was in the hospital for a week recovering from her assault.
Shortly before she was released, a pregnancy test was done, and the
test came back positive. From her shock, she was never able to give a
description of her attacker, and Rony is still on the loose, ready
for his next victim.
Rakesh did not leave Aditi. He was still very much in love with her,
and did whatever he could to console her. Three days later, she put
on her sexiest negligee, walked up to her husband and told him "FUCK
Five months have passed since Rony raped Aditi Sarkar, the
principal's wife. Rony had raped and brutally beat her. All her
physical wounds have completely healed. Although she has no mental
problems, she is a changed woman. Her husband, Rakesh Sarkar, and his
wife decided to keep the baby that Rony had impregnated her with.
There was no question about keeping the baby, because they both
believe in the sanctity of life. They will raise the baby as their
own. Every day since her rape, she had wondered if Rony her rapist
would ever return.
Some things never change. Aditi still goes to the gym every morning
after her husband goes to work, and she still does her grocery
shopping every Tuesday morning, leaving the door open to carry in the
groceries. Rony watched her routine parked in a car a short distance
from her house. Today was Monday, and he will visit her again
tomorrow morning after she returns from her grocery shopping.
As Aditi pulled into her driveway, Rony got out of his car and walked
the short distance to the house. Rony was able to sneak up to the
house between her trips between the car and the house. He snuck into
the house, and as she got the last load of groceries, Rony was able
to hear her close the door and lock it. Now he just needed to wait
for the best opportunity. As she put away her groceries, Rony was
able to sneak his way past to the bedroom, he remembered the way. The
door was open, so he walked in, got completely naked, and hid behind
the door.
She finished putting away her groceries, and was going to the bedroom
to undress to take a shower. As soon as she walked into the bedroom,
he slammed the door shut, and put his hand over her mouth to muffle
any scream she would make, and pushed her against the wall. He said
to her, "I'm back, and you're going to get my prize. It's already
hard for you." She was very afraid, and in a shaky voice, she
said, "Please don't hit me again, and please don't hurt me. I'm
carrying a baby, your baby. Please don't hurt our baby. If you don't
leave any marks or hurt me, my husband doesn't need to know you were
here again. It would be our little secret." Rony said, "That is very
interesting. But that depends on you. Are you going to be a good
girl, and do everything I tell you?" She quickly shook her head yes.
In the bedroom, there was a comfortable reading chair, and Rony moved
it against the door. Rony told her, "That will help you keep your
promise." He positioned her at the foot of the bed, and then sat down
in the chair, stroking himself slowly. He told her, "Now, get
undressed, put on a sexy strip show. I want you to make my cock even
harder." Aditi slowly unbuttoned her blouse, opening it a little way
after each button. After the last button was undone, she turned
around, pulled it slowly off her shoulders, and then threw it across
the room. Still turned around, she unhooked her bra, pulled it off
her shoulders, put her hands over the bra cups, turned around facing
Rony, then just flung it aside, exposing her breasts.
Partly from being scared, and partly from being exposed, her brown
nipples were standing at attention. She then unbuttoned and unzipped
her skirt, letting it fall to the floor. She just kicked it aside.
Rony could see she was wearing a full panty. Her pregnant belly was
just slightly swollen, because it was just starting to show. But it
was just at the time her clothes were getting too tight, and would
start wearing her maternity clothes. She put her thumbs in the
elastic waistband, and pulled them down to her ankles, then took them
off completely. She tossed them to Rony. He held them up to his face,
sniffed them, and then threw them down to the floor. She stood still,
and Rony was admiring her still sexy body, with a slightly swollen
belly. He was so mesmerized by the sight.
Rony stood up from the chair, and walked over to her. He put his
hands on her breasts, and was playing with her hardened nipples. She
started breathing heavier. She whispered to him, "Please eat my
pussy." She was begging for this? Rony laid her back on the bed, with
her ass on the edge, feet on the floor, and knelt down facing her
pussy. He lifted her legs and spread them. Her clit was easy to find,
even with a full bush of hair between her legs. He first licked it,
then sucked on it, rubbing his tongue on it while it was being
sucked. Aditi moaned loudly. She was very hot from being sucked. Rony
released the clit, and inserted his tongue into her cunt. He put it
in as far as he could, moving it around inside her. This was more
than she could stand, and her orgasm shook the whole bed. Rony
removed his tongue from her pussy, and licked up her pussy juice.
Rony said, "Now it's my turn." He pulled her to a standing position,
turned her around, and told her to grab hold of the edge of the bed.
Her beautiful, perfect ass was sticking him in the face. Her pussy
was still throbbing. He put just the cockhead into her pussy, teasing
her. Then with one firm push, he put his entire length into her. She
screamed from the impalement. She yelled out, "FUCK ME HARD".
He pulled almost all the way out, and then shoved it back in as hard
and as fast as he could. He kept up the impalement. He could feel her
next orgasm building, and as soon as she climaxed, he climaxed in
her, shooting load upon load into her hot cunt, up onto her cervix.
Rony withdrew from her, and she collapsed on the bed, exhausted, and
Rony fell to a sitting position on the floor. After a couple minutes,
he stood up and pulled her to standing, and instructed her "Make us
some lunch, while I take a shower." She took a robe from the closet
and went to the kitchen, and Rony went into the bathroom, pissed like
a racehorse, and took a shower. Rony didn't get dressed after the
After they ate lunch, Rony said to her across the table "Now it's
time for dessert. Do you like to suck cock?" Aditi replied that she
does it occasionally, but doesn't like to do it. Rony replied to
her "Well, you're going to suck my cock, and when I cum, you're going
to swallow." Rony got up from the table, took Aditi by the hand, and
led her to the bedroom. Rony sat on the edge of the bed with Aditi
standing in front of him. He reached out and undid the knot on the
robe, pulled it from her shoulders and let it drop to the floor. He
admired her pregnant body and rubbed one hand over the baby. He felt
a little kick. Aditi smiled. He told her to get on her knees. She
obeyed his command. On her knees, she could see his half hard cock.
Without being told, she took his cock in her mouth and started
sucking. His cock immediately became rock hard and reached its full
length. She started sucking with enthusiasm, and with one hand,
grabbed at his sac, and gently squeezed. She took his cock out of her
mouth, grabbed it with the other hand and started stroking his cock,
and bent down so she could lick and suck his sac. She was ready to
put his cock back into her mouth, but she first told him "Your sac
skin felt so velvety in my mouth."
She then put his cock back into her mouth, and started sucking again.
Her mouth felt so good surrounding his cock. She sucked as hard as
she could. Soon Rony could not hold back any more, and shoving his
cock to the back of her mouth, he shot load after load of his cum
down her throat. He removed his cock from her mouth, and seeing some
drops at the end of his cock, she licked it all up. She said to
him "It tastes so good". Rony said to her, "You were a good girl, and
I didn't have to hurt you." Aditi just got up, pushed him onto the
bed, laid next to him, and just gave him the best hug she was able.
He was ready to leave her for the day. She asked him what his first
name is, she needed to call him something. He decided to tell her the
truth and told her his name is Rony. She told him that if he wanted
to come back, he could make it any day, and he wouldn't have to sneak
into the house. She told him also that they had the baby's sex
checked, and that they would be having a girl. Rony told her he would
come back after the baby is born. He walked away, and Aditi started
to cry because she would have to wait such a long time before she
could see him again. Aditi never told her husband that his wife's
rapist had returned.
Ever since she was first raped, Aditi was a changed woman. It was the
most apparent to her husband. She had that distant look in her eyes.
She was dreaming of her rapist, and was wondering when he would
return, as he promised.
Eight months had passed since her second rape. Aditi's husband had
been promoted to school director and Aditi delivered a healthy baby
girl. Because of her age, she was advised not to breast-feed. She was
OK with that. Because of the extra work involved, Aditi hired a home
assistant, who helped her out every morning. The home assistant's
name is Sohini. She is a 19-year old slender build, and her figure is
Rony started watching her house again, and noticed Sohini. Feeling
his cock stirring, he knew he would be having her soon. But he
decided to be patient, and would wait for the right time. Aditi went
to the gym every morning right after her husband left for work, and
she still did her grocery shopping every Tuesday morning. Sohini
watched the daughter while Aditi was out of the house. Sohini would
put Aditi's daughter down for a nap every day at noon, and would then
leave for the day.
It was a Monday. Rony waited for Sohini to leave. He was promised
that he would never need to sneak into the house again, so he walked
to the front of the house, and rang the doorbell. When she opened the
door and saw Rony, he heart leapt for joy to see him again. She
pulled him inside and closed the door. She hugged him with everything
she had. Aditi said "You look like a man in desperate need of a blow
job." She took him by the hand, and led Rony the Aditi's husband's
favorite lounge chair, and she undressed him. With one hand she
stroked his cock, making it rigid. With her other hand she cupped his
sac and gently squeezed it. Rony then started undressing her. He
pulled her shirt off over her head, reached behind her, unhooked her
bra, and slid it down off her.
He unfastened the button on her jeans and slid them down to her
ankles. She stepped out of her jeans, pulled down her panties, and
stepped out of those. She took a step backward for Rony to admire her
still sexy body. Then she approached Rony, seated him in the lounge
chair, and then dropped to her knees. She put his cock in her mouth,
and Aditi started sucking greedily. She felt total lust for his cock.
In the 8 months that passed, Aditi had become an expert cocksucker.
Rony could feel Aditi working his cock, and soon he exploded his cum
into her mouth, greedily slurping and swallowing every shot. Rony
held one last shot back, pulled his cock out of her mouth, and shot
the load onto her face. She reached up with her hand and started
rubbing the shot all over her beautiful face. Rony said to her "That
just makes you even more sexy." Aditi stood up from her kneeling
position and sat in the lounge chair with Rony, snuggling against
him. Rony noticed how soft yet firm her body was next to his.
At that moment, the baby started to cry. Aditi said "Come and meet
your daughter." They walked hand in hand to the nursery. Rony took
one look and commented "She's beautiful, like her mom." "Her name is
Amanda, meet your real daddy. I'll change her diaper. Rony, would you
like to feed her bottle?" Rony answered, "I'd love to." They both
played with their 4 month old daughter, for a while, then it was time
to take another nap.
Rony asked, "Who is that woman that was here earlier?" Aditi
answered, "That's my home and baby assistant." Aditi continued, "Her
name is Sohini, and she's 19 years old. There's an interesting little
story about her. We were talking about babies, and I asked her if she
had any. She told me 'Gosh, no. In fact, I'm still a virgin.' I
immediately thought about you. Would you like to have her? I think
that I can arrange it." Rony asked, "Would she be willing, or would I
need to rape her?" Aditi answered, "I'm not sure. Come by tomorrow
morning, and I'll introduce you two. I can go to the gym then
straight to my grocery shopping. That will give you both plenty of
time to get to know each other really well. I'll introduce you as a
friend of the family. Can you be here about 7:30?" Rony
answered, "I'll be here."
Aditi then said "But, for now, come with me into the bedroom. There's
something I want to give you." Aditi took Rony by the hand, and led
him to the bedroom. They were still completely naked from their
previous session. Rony sat on the edge of the bed. Aditi leaned
forward so that Rony was able to suck on her nipples, which were
fully erect like erasers. She was able to grab hold on his cock and
started stroking on him. She moaned when he bit lightly at her
nipples. Rony got up, and placed Aditi bending over, her hands at the
edge of the bed. Aditi told him "I'm ovulating today. You can make me
pregnant again." Rony said, "I'd like to do that again."
With her bending over, he was able to push his cock all the way in
with one thrust. Aditi moaned loudly, and said "I LOVE YOUR COCK!" He
withdrew then shoved it all the way in as hard as he could. Aditi
screamed loudly at her impalement. Rony was pounding into her as hard
as he could. She was moaning with each thrust. Rony could feel
Aditi's mounting climax. As soon as she went over the edge, Rony
could not hold back any longer, and dumped load after load into
Aditi's hot, moist pussy. After they had both climaxed, they climbed
onto the bed to rest. Aditi put her arms around Rony, and told him "I
felt your cum splashing my cervix. I think you made me pregnant
again." After resting a few minutes, Rony got up and got dressed, and
went over to Aditi still laying on the bed naked, and said to
her "See you tomorrow" and he reached down to Aditi and squeezed her
nipples gently.
Rony arrived just before 7:30. He waited until Mr. Sarkar drove off
to work, and Rony walked up to the house, and rang the bell. Aditi
answered the door and told Rony "Sohini will be here in a few
minutes. Come on in and have a cup of coffee with me." A few minutes
later, Sohini arrived and Aditi introduced Sohini to Rony. This was
the first close-up Rony had of Sohini, and he thought she looked so
much better and sexier close-up. Aditi finished her coffee, and
said, "I'm leaving now. Be back in a few hours."
Just as soon as Aditi left, Rony started in on Sohini. Sohini did her
first chores in the bedroom. Rony followed her in, walked up behind
her, and grabbed a hold of Sohini's tits. Sohini immediately spun
around, and slapped Rony in the face. "Don't touch me," she yelled.
This infuriated Rony, and he slapped her back just hard enough to
make her fall on the bed. Rony reached in his back pocket and pulled
out his knife. He put it against her throat, and told her "I'm going
to do what I want. Understand?" Sohini shook her head and
said "Please don't hurt me. I'm a virgin." She was very scared and
her voice quivered. Rony said "You're not going to be a virgin in a
few minutes." Rony let out an evil laugh.
Not wasting any time, Rony ripped open the front of Sohini's blouse,
then cut the bra fabric between her two cups. Rony stood up, told her
to stand and finish undressing, as he got undressed. His erect cock
was ready to invade her body. Sohini was only able to remove her
ruined blouse and bra. She crossed her arms over her boobs. Rony then
went over to Sohini, and ripped away her slacks and panties. Sohini
was crying and pleaded, "No. Please don't do this to me." Rony
ignored her plea, and tossed her down on the bed. She landed flat on
her back. Rony spread open her legs, and began to eat her pussy. It
tasted delicious. He sucked on her clit, and rubbed his tongue
against it. Sohini began to moan. It felt so good.
Then Rony moved his tongue down and stuck his tongue into her cunt as
far as he could. Sohini moaned even louder. Rony got to his knees,
and asked her "You like this, don't you, cunt?" She shakily
answered, "Yes!" This surprised Rony. Rony started stroking his cock,
and told Sohini "You're going to get fucked now." Rony's cock was
fully erect, and felt like a steel rod in his hands. He placed his
cockhead on her lips, and put it in Sohini's cunt up to her hymen.
Then with one mighty shove, he pushed his entire length into her,
ripping apart her virginity and opening wide her pussy walls. Sohini
let out a very shrill yell, her entire pussy immediately hurt. Rony
was unrelenting in his pushing. It was like he was out of control. He
was banging in her pussy with all his strength with each shove.
Sohini was now enjoying her first fuck. She was moaning with
pleasure. Rony saw that Sohini was ready to climax. Sohini climaxed,
and her juice was leaking out around Rony's cock. With that, Rony
climaxed too, and put into Sohini more sperm than he knew he had.
There was load upon load of cum, with more spurts than he thought
possible. Rony withdrew and lay down on the bed to rest, and Sohini
climbed up on top of him and said "Thank you for my introduction into
sex." This little cunt actually liked being raped.
A little while later, Aditi came home and put her groceries away.
Rony and Sohini were still lying on the bed naked. They had both
fallen asleep, the sex being so charged. Aditi walked into the
bedroom, and woke up Rony and Sohini. Sohini had a big smile on her
face. Rony said to both girls "We're going to have a threesome."
Aditi immediately got undressed. Rony still could not get over how
sexy Aditi was. This little bitch still had an incredibly sexy body.
Rony asked Aditi "Are you a whore now?" and Aditi replied, "I am a
whore only for you Rony. But I still love my husband." Aditi joined
them on the bed. Sohini crawled over to Aditi, got between her legs
and started lapping at her pussy.
Rony stood over Aditi and put his cock into her mouth, and she
started sucking at him. Aditi also reached up and grabbed hold of
Rony's sac, and squeezed it gently. After a few minutes, they
switched positions. Aditi lay on her back, and Sohini kneeled down so
that Aditi could eat Sohini's pussy, and Rony started fucking Aditi.
Aditi was still an incredible fuck. Rony began pounding her hard. The
sight of these two women having sex with him was overwhelming. Rony
climaxed into Aditi, and at that moment, Sohini was climaxing into
Aditi's mouth. Aditi was excited at the taste of Sohini, and began
lapping up Sohini's sweet pussy juices. After she caught her breath,
Aditi said to Sohini "We're going to have to do that more often."
Sohini nodded in agreement.

home since we
studied together for more than 15 years. He lives nearby my house
with his parents
brother, brother's wife and a sister. His brother's wife is 23 and
his sister is 19. His
sister left her studies and remain at home like any housewife. she is
very found of hindi
movies whenever I visited her I found her watching cable movies or
movies on video. I am
just like their family member she calls me deepu bhiya. she is not
very beautiful but ok
(agar de to koi maana nahin karega) she is slim, her boob are medium,
her hips are main
attraction little larger then her figure.

One day my friend phoned me that if I can give him ten thousand
rupees I said "ok I will
meet you in evening and give you the money" he told me that he has
some work in office
and will come late and if I can drop money at his home and while
talking to his he told
that his family has gone out will come after midnight only his sister
is at home.
I took money with me and left for his home. I pressed the bell. Meenu
his sister opened
the door she was glowing as she just took bath, her hair we wet she
was wearing cream
colour salwar kameej, and holding towel on her head to dry her hair.
I gave her money
asked for water and enter her brother's bedroom where she often watch
t.v. still she was
watching cable, after drinking water her telephone rang I gave her
money and left she
replied to the phone and asked the caller to hold and ran behind me
and pushed the door
it was my luck that when I enter the home I don't know why I unlock
the door. on the way
I thought I should tell her to ask his brother to phone me in the
night. I turn my
scooter to her home I was going to press the bell but the I just
touched the door it seem
to me unlock I pushed the door it was really open and I heard the
sound kissing I just
hide behind curtain and saw she was taking on telephone and massaging
her pussy I
realised that the caller is her boyfriend and he was asking her to do
so. she was trying
to stop him "bas karo naa" "dabaa too rahin hoo" "nahin please" and
she was really
faithfully to her boyfriend because I was the only witness who could
vouch for that
behind curtain I was getting hot my road was increasing from it's
normal size she was
rubbing her pussy, giving kiss to her boyfriend, pressing her tits
then I heard saying
her "tum paagal too nahein hoo gai keya main nahin outroongi" (are
you gona mad I won't
open) for me as she is telling to me. then suddenly she said "ok kal
10 baje ke baad
karna by by!" and kissed a long. she dropped the phone. I thought
someone disturbed her
boy friend that made him disconnect. as soon as she dropped phone
opened her sawar which
stumped me I was surprised to see as I thought everything was over
but it was the
starting she threw her salwar on sofa and start rubbing her thighs
her thighs were
beautiful I always saw her in salwar kameej this time she really
fascinated me beautiful
well shaped legs with no extra fat her legs were shinning then she
fully lay down on bed
put a side of piece of her kurta which was hanging on her pussy Oh my
god I saw her pussy
I was uttering in my heart "oh behanchood mainay isske choot deekh
lee" she inserted
finger in her vagina and start ups and downs.

A voice came from my heart "chootiya agar too ab bhi isko nahin chood
saka na too samaz
le toozhse bada ganndoo koe nahin hogaa" and I don't know where I got
strength I enter to the room from behind the curtains and said "meenu
yeah keya kaar
raahi hai"
meenu "whooo whooo deepu bhaiya aaaaap kkkahain see aaye yee whoo a
hain a
hain...." she covered her thighs with her kameej off her face from my
eye and start

I asked her who was on telephone she said it was her friend who use
to study with her in
school I asked this just to make her comfortable with me then I told
her that I am not
going to tell anyone what she was doing and I picked up her salwaar
and asked her to
wear(don't don't don't folks I am not so stupid)she took her salwaar
in her hands her
hands were shaking I said" laa main pehnaa doo" she did't said
anything I arranged her
salwaar and hold her foot and inserted into one leg of her salwaar
and then next and
pushed it upwards but she hold my hand and stood up and tied her nara
then she sat down
with me and requested me not to tell any she hold my hand and
said "muzahe itnee shaaram
aa rahi hai ke main tomhain bhiya bhe nahin kahe sakti hoo lekin
deepu please aaj ke baat
kise ko maat boolna"(I feel shame that I can't tell you brother but
please don't tell anyone what happened today) I kissed her hands and
told her I am not
going to tell anyone don't worry.

Then I start playing tricks like I use to play with my girlfriends. I
told her stop
weeping don't waste the pearls from your eyes, "just smile" I
pretended like everything
is ok nothing happened I said lay down I will collect your tears like
pearl she laid down
I asked her to smile because when you smile you look beautiful she
smiled, as she smiled
one tear dropped on her shoulder I said shall I take this she said
yes you can I replied
"but where shall I store it?" then I told her close your eyes while I
will store she did
so that was the chance, I just suck on her shoulder like I am
collecting her tear she
said anything except "oonnnn " that made me much hot. her then I
start kissing her neck
it was something like I was kissing silky hot bottle even today I
remembered each and
every word "oohhh deepu yeh kay kar rahay hooo please mat karoo" said
meenu I told her we
are like friends "please meenu karne do na kuch nahin kar raha hoon
main" then I hold
both hands with my left hand put behind her head and start kissing
each and every part of
her face neck and keep on saying her "I won't tell anyone and so that

And just to take her in confidence I told her after five minutes I am
going when I told
so I found her little bit relax I stared sucking her small boobs they
were getting harder
and harder then she pushed me back and start weeping and said "please
mat karo naa kesi
ko pata chal gaya to" me "please meenu siraf 10 minutes ke leya main
kooch nahin karooga
mezhe pata hai tom bhi kafi excite ho rahi ho please tomhain mere
kasam siraf kapron ke
uppar se tumhain payar karna chahata hoon 10 minutes ke bad main
khood he chala jaunga
bas" and jumped on her again start kissing her neck this time she was
cooprative when I
grab her she put her both hands on my back and said "meenu muzhe joor
se daba" she did so
now we start floating on bed from one corner to another then I just
came down from her
neck to her boobs I start sucking her boobs along with her kameej
this was the first when
I suck boobs from cloths this was real fucking experience of my life
I was really
enjoying then I took my hand on her buts put my hands in her ass as I
was rubbing my hand
on her ass she was also enjoying and was rubbing my back and
inserting her fingers in my
hair then I put my face in her pussy ohh my goodness it was like a
pad a nice erotic
smell urine and mix with lux soap my loora was fighting with my
underware to come out my
lips were sucking her vagina and by both hands were bussy pressing
her chooters she was
also enjoying "ooohh please.."
then she put both of her legs on my back and start rubbing then on my
back I was
wearing white shirt and I thought her feet will put stains on my
shirt so I was thinking
to take it off but on the same time I thought if I will leave this
position she may
change her position but even then I took her legs from my back and
put her both legs on
my thighs and threw my shirt on sofa now I was 100% sure she is
enjoying cause she didn't
change her posture nothing against just waiting for me to start then
I said "just smile
because you look beautiful" she smiled I said "ohh meenu" and start
kissing again on her
face this time I was rubbing my penis on her pussy it was getting hot
and hot from one
hand I was pressing her little boobs then I put my hand under her
kameej on her back I
was rubbing her back then the off her hock of bra while she was
playing with her legs on
my legs and I was also rubbing her vagina from my rock hard pole.

Then I took off her kameej and threw her bra now its her boobs in
front of me they were
really hard I have ever seen I start rubbing her tits this time she
was in the seventh
sky 'ohhh oooohh aaaoooochhhh.. shheeeee... mmaammaaaa......
oooooooooo ssssseeeeeee'
that sound killed me I opened her salwaar and then her penny and
start liking her wet
pussy I inserted my tung as long as I could she was just screaming
like anything "bus bus
bus karoo naaa please oooohhh yeeeeeahhhh" then without wasting my
time I pulled off my
underwear along with my pant and shoes all together now it was the
turn of my 6" road I
inserted my loora in her choot her cunt was quite tight but it was so
wet and my loora
has nice experience of fucking two girlfriends and so many ghasties
(pros.) in G.B. road,
some time from moolchand,AIIMS, southextention,munirka, iit
gate jmc colleage, etc... so I start my job just one two three
and...... "oooohhh thora
dheeree aahistaa se please daaraad hoo raahi hai" then I start
kissing her lips while my
loora was at hard work the she opened her mouth to say something I
put my tung in her
mouth that was more hot then her pussy now our tungs were in each
other's mouth that made
her more hot she start rubbing her hands on my back and start pushing
her ass upward now
I was at peek I start pushing her like anything.

I was out of my control now I was rubbing my rode like any thing in
her vagina and she
was also enjoying that moment "ohhhh aaaaaahhh seeeesss ohhhhcchhhhhh
yaaaaaaa aaaaaa"
and the I am sure she was out cause she said "ooooohhhhh seeeesss
yahhhhhhhh aaahhha" and
stopped rubbing my back now no sound just closed her eyes and kept
holding me now I
stopped pushing her but my looraa can't stop now one beat second beat
(like heart beats)
and in the third I split my strong semen in her vagina she took her
panty and cleaned my
seaman from her pussy so that nothing will fall on the bed sheet now
she seemed to be
fully satisfied I asked her to clean my penis also she cleaned it too
but I was not so
satisfied as my pole has still strength to erect I asked her to hold
it she hold and
start jerking it now my solder my again in attention position I asked
her to taste first
she hesitate the said I will only kiss it one kiss two kiss and now
it was in her mouth this time my penis was quite in flexible position
and was getting
forward and forward the she pulled it out and said " nahin main mooh
me nahin daalogi
kahin ander he zhar gaya too please neechee he karoo joo karna hai"
then I told her ok
just do it from your hand and I was just busy in sucking her boobs
while now she was
masturbating mine loora now I was sure in just two or three upsndowns
it will again blow
I asked her to suck its still too early to blow so she did as soon as
she inserted my
loora in her mouth it blowed like anything her mouth was full of my
semen she just jumped
from bed to the bathroom and start omitting.

Meanwhile I took on my cloths then she came and said "main tumhain
kaha thaa naa
moohh me mat daaloo" I said sorry then she took on her cloths also.
then I asked her can
we meet again like this she said no I was disappointed and said ok
by. next day her
mother telephoned in my office one of my friend picked and said that
some lady saying
meenu's mother I was shocked if she has told her mother but my
surprise her mother
requested me if I can fuck her girl again whhoo not in this way but
she said if I can
leave meenu to her aunts home as I have Saturday off so I took meenu
to one of my
colleagues home and enjoyed her again now whenever she got chance she
always telephone me
to fuck her now I don't remember who many times I fucked her.